why did this game fail?
I thought sex sells?
Why did this game fail?
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dunno but reminder that the russians devs literally did shill the shit out of it here
It sold a decent amount for what it is. Some random indie game with barely any coverage isn't gonna sell much no matter what it's about.
I thought I heard it did alright for what it was though.
>every post is a shill
you fucking shill
no they LITERALLY were shilling it here and blogging about it
The ass was fat
"Sex sells" is a meme.
it's called hype for a reason. if it had lasting appeal it wouldn't need to use sex to sell.
Fat robots don't sell games, cute girls do.
Black man here godamn that woman is THICK
>why didn't this shitty Sup Forums shilled game which the few autismos pirated sell
It's an exaggeration. Even Nier Atomato had to have actual substance to back that ass up
Yeah, but it can't be the main focus.
It says a lot that of all the exposure I've seen of this game, I have no idea what you actually do in it beyond watch a curvy robot strut around.
What game?
lurk more literal new retard they were blogging about their game and the devs friends cat torture issues here
This guy gets it. Pic related is the original poster child and the most consistently popular character in the most consistently popular game of the last decade.
It's a metroidvania/resident evil type of thing where you crawl around the labyrinth and solve puzzles. It's a pretty difficult game too.
Sex does sell and the game did a lot better than it would have if the robot didn't have a sexy ass.
The issue here is that the game would not have done well in the first place so "a lot better than it would have otherwise" still isn't very much.
The face is an important part of sexual attraction
go back to resetera
>aprox. 100000 copies bought
Besides, it was made by Russians, so they got like 25 times more profit than a western developer would got.
get the fuck out of here dobson
>take generic game template
>slap on some shitty tits and ass model on it
>wonder why only autists flock to it
>I thought sex sells?
You have to be subtle about it.
that's how you provide proof user
And so it does. If this game didn't have a fat robot chick as the protag it never would have been noticed by anyone.
THICC faggots are cancer and hopefully they'll be one of the first purged on the day of the rope.
Same reason why Franxx anime is flopping despite making up half of Sup Forums's catalog
hourglass-shape thickness is fine, fatness being mis-named as thikk never was, is or will be fine.
Almost zero resources were put in the game and they just dropped that shit on steam and made some easy money because of people buying with their dicks
100K Copies sold according to steam spy.
For a niche indie game, that's an unmitigated success.
With an average selling price over $10, and considering Gaben's cut, the devs took home close to $700,000USD.
But it didn't fail though? I know this is just bait but it did well for what it was, and probably thanks to thicc.
this user gets it
thicc was all about big hips, not whatever these lardasses have turned it into
Because butt worshipping niggers don't buy videogames?
It is a success, so much so that they are making a sequel.
shills are the jews of Sup Forums
>they are making a sequel
It sold over 100 thousand copies for a pretty shallow and annoying puzzle game user.
Wat game?
Looks edgy
Developer talked about it on the steam forums.
That's cute by western art standards. She's 10/10 in the asian art though, which keeps slowly replacing the western ones on all clients. Except this skin, because it's good by any standard.
>he doesn't know about dota anime clone for casuals
>slap on some shitty tits and ass model on it
The only thing they did right in this game are the tits and ass, moron.
>thinking you can call LoL casual when Gaben's shitfest has copied FUCKING HOTS multiple times over the last year
Also I'll take bright, colorful and varied art over everyone being dark and boring.
>LoL is not casual because Gabe fucked up DotA
How about you gap close out of this thread, kid.
i was just trying to bait as many replies as possible by pissing (You) off. I also played lol in the past but i stopped when trolling people didn't get me off anymore
Sex does sell, but it only sells really well when there's some decent name behind it and some gameplay that has some semblance of originality. Haydee failed in this regard because it looked like a cheaper Portal with a giant ass as the highlight from a literally who dev. The dev got lucky that this got any recognition at all, some games are even lucky to get any sales at all on Steam these days thanks to the bloat.
I payed for their game so it's something
I'm not triggered at all, if anything I just wanted to vent about what a piece of shit DotA2 has become. It used to be my main game because I'm good at strategy but my reaction time is shit so I can only be mediocre at league of 50 blinks on every fucking hero.
>Internet was bad and hard to get
>Every pornsite had a virus and or membership
>internet is common
>Millions of pictures,stories,and videos for free
flash really is an unbalanced thing. You can only counter flash with flash , so there's little strategy when you have to pick one option 100% of the time.
If everyone had one flash on a 5 minute cooldown that'd be one thing. What bothers me is how every popular champion now has multiple dashes/blinks/jumps in their kit, often times on a low cooldown. The only "good" heroes who don't have them are either pure tanks or can hit you from 2 screens away.
Games with sex appeal sell. Games that are only made for virgins to jack off too will only be bought by said virgins.
This guy gets it. If i'm going to stare my character for the next 30-50 hours i rather be able to customize it or it being something cute or sexy.
If the whole point of the game is to jack off , without a good gameplay underneath its going to bomb anyway.
Neptunia gameplay is stale , but the girls make up for it
Visual are not about gameplay so they get a pass.
Damn right they do. I wouldn't buy this game if not for the mods.
we are not like you Flanders
how did it fail
it sold over 100k and probably had a budget of about 20 bux
>that bellybutton
>those proportions
why don't people look at references
Did it fail?
100K copies seems decent for a small studio.
Game limitations probably.
I was surprised by how good of a game this was.
With Jill Valentine mod, it became sexy resident evil game.
lmfao that elin looks like absolute garbage
Can't be helped. That's probably sfm models.
the game failed because there weren't any lolis.
Clearly she isn't big enough
why can't people learn to make decent models using xnalara rips
99% of Haydee custom models were made by a single person. He deleted all of them from Workshop.
gameplay sucks anyway
most of them are still fine and dandy, just not on the SWS anymore.
>the game is popular, see? being a degenerate pedo is totally normal
If the only thing you have is sex appeal covering an extremely shallow game, then it deserves to be ignored by the mainstream. Haydee is one of those games.
post dotabuff
You've never actually played dota, have you?
sex does sell, look at all the shit-ass games on steam with the "sexual content" tag.
plus, senran kagura's going pretty strong and onechanbara has like 8 games in the series. you just probably won't break into mainstream CoD territory when marketing your low-budget game with ass.
>I thought sex sells?
Maybe people don't want to buy big, fat, brown asses.
but haydee also got the robot milktanks too
and besides, the big fat brown part is just pantyhose, which makes it even better tbf
>Fat robots
>Cute girls
Why not fat girls?
>I thought sex sells?
Recent studies show that it doesn't.
whomst is this woman
The game was actually pretty fun for a little indie game, sex appeal aside.
it's probably Anri okita
Anri's rack isn't that big. It's Hitomi Tanaka.
You're welcome.
Show her tongue for comparison to be sure. I'm not convinced
what gave you the impression that it failed?
it was made by literal who devs and got attention only because of it's sex- appeal while having zero marketing
That's already a lot in a very competitive and harsh environment
Damn it. I hoped it would be somebody else.
Teemo was a poster-child?
because the game was shit
Stop right there, troglogdyte. Haydee is a well-thought-out, beautifully designed masterpiece that is simply beyond your feeble comprehension.
kill yourself
that's a fucking garbage character model too
get back to work ivanov