Pay your respects to the greatest game off all time

pay your respects to the greatest game off all time

the first open world FPS

Attached: Shadow_of_Chernobyl_cover.jpg (266x374, 33K)

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just read roadside picnic and loved it. this game worth playing if I loved the atmosphere in that book but suck at shooters?

um, sweetie....

Attached: Boiling_Point_-_Road_to_Hell_Coverart.png (256x363, 177K)

Not the first, but certainly the best

Attached: slavshit vs gravity.webm (1280x720, 1.22M)

this is neither realistic nor fun

Didn't know they made mortars that shot bullets

There's an easy difficulty so why not?

Shame the game's aesthetic goes for the pessimistic slavishness of Roadside Picnic instead of the holistic depth of Tarkovsky. But then again, you need a Jap dev to have style, usually.

Yes it is, SP5 is a heavy subsonic round, it only has an effective range of 300m

>pay your respects to the greatest game off all time
I mean it is okay.......but greatest. Nah. For it's time when it came out. Then fine. But now days it has aged well. But you know it would get ruined if they did anything with it in todays world.

It's neither open world nor good.


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>There's an easy difficulty
There's a reason people say to play on Master difficulty, user: everything below that is broken. The only difference on lower difficulties is that ever bullet has a chance to miss, which slows down combat. So have fun running out of ammo and missing point-blank shots because LOL EASY MODE.

Attached: Giving the finger..jpg (1360x768, 128K)

>open world

>the greatest game off all time
lol did you even play it

>There's a reason people say to play on Master difficulty, user: everything below that is broken. The only difference on lower difficulties is that ever bullet has a chance to miss, which slows down combat. So have fun running out of ammo and missing point-blank shots because LOL EASY MODE.
That's a meme, easy mode works as intended. The enemy will miss you more often, but your accuracy is not affected.


STALKER are the only games that did freeroam right

Attached: d8.jpg (1680x1050, 709K)

Good. Every time an ignorant dweeb posts uneducated uninformed opinions on the net I can correct them through the power of empirical data!
get fucking good and stop telling others how the game works when you don't know shit

What happened to that company? They created stalker and I assumed it sold well enough because they created a sequel. What happened after that? Why don't we have a stalker 2 and who currently owns the IP?
>tldr the ceo shut it down for "personal reasons" and hoards the IP

I mean slap a new graphic engine on it and yeah I would say it has held up well compared to other shooters out there. Stalker should of been the game to bring open world shooters into the modern age but sadly they couldn't nail down the franchise.

meant to quote

The page you posted linked to the very thread I posted... I guess I was wrong about AI hitting you less at easier difficulty? I apologize, the point is, your shots don't miss more on Easy.

No I misquoted your post. He's 100% wrong. FatalFunnel and some of the boys from vg tested it live 3 years ago several times in all games.

why are we paying respects?

I see. I'm really tired of that meme, but it just refuses to die.

What the fuck, honestly the guy seems like a fucking prick.

the round wouldn't be lethal dipshit, it's lost all it's muzzle energy if it's falling straight down


He's waiting for non-existent investors to give a shit about his precious IP when noone's coming and noone is going to buy him out since the more years pass the less people give a shit about this game more than an afterthought besides modders and really old fucking neckbearders.

tl;dr we'll see stalker 2
maybe when he runs out of money and settles for the first offer he gets
so we'll never ever get a good sequel
move on

>wouldn't be lethal
>What is terminal velocity
Christ you're a retard

They're some of the only games that bothered to actually have things happening in the world instead of copying the Bethesda shallow themepark experience.

Stalker 2 with co-op and battle royale multiplayer

It's going to happen it's the perfect IP for it too. Just add some zombies, a few anomalies you can pick up for effects and some that murder you and it wouldn't be bad.

That sounds fucking awful is this bait

We thank you, oh Monolith, for revealing the cunning plans of your enemies to us.
May your light shine down on the souls of the brave soldiers who gave their lives in service to your will.
Onward warriors of the Monolith, avenge your fallen brothers, blessed as they are in their eternal union with the Monolith.
Bring death to those who spurned the holy power of the Monolith

Attached: Preacher.png (268x377, 60K)

yeah, I'm sure 17 grams of copper in free fall would totally end me, fuckwit

If a penny can kill a nigga falling from a building a heavier bullet sure as hell will too

There's a reason you don't throw loonies off the CN tower eh?

well good thing a penny falling at terminal velocity literally can't kill you unless you're some sort of soft skulled retard. jesus, just google this shit

Americans are killed by bullets falling from the sky, that's why you can't fire your gun indiscriminately in urban areas on the forth of July. Read the laws.

I want to see this. I want to see what damage a penny can do when thrown from the Empire State building or the Eiffel Tower.

>Play SoC
>The world design is varied and interesting
>Play CoP
>The world design is boring and uninspired

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They're killed by people shooting indiscriminately, not straight up. People were likely shooting upwards, but not vertically.

There is literally no physics to back up a bullet falling at terminal velocity can kill you. None of you assfucks have anything. I have pretty low standards for Sup Forums, but I figured at least one of you had finished high school physics.

I looked it up, so if the bullet was fired up at 90 degrees it wouldn't be able to reach terminal velocity because of the wind stopping it.

However most bullets are not and some angles can allow the bullet to stay at high speeds which could kill a person.

So yeah your probably right in that a bullet dropped from a tower couldn't kill someone but a bullet fired at a strange angle from a gun could a long distance away.

The bullet is literally built to minimize air resistance to a degree where it is pretty much non-existant, especially considering the really small attack surface for air, which makes the terminal velocity extremely high, because the bullet barely loses the kinetic energy it had when leaving the barrel before dropping on someones head.
Maybe you should fresh up your physics nigger.

Fuck now I want to actually throw a penny off the empire state building.

>not straight up. People were likely shooting upwards, but not vertically
So, like the webm.

>because the bullet barely loses the kinetic energy it had when leaving the barrel before dropping on someones head
Why would it be falling straight down if you fired it forward initially, and it hadn't lost any kinetic energy? God you're fucking dumb.

The bullet is falling straight down in the webm. Therefore it's lost all it's initial energy from being fired. So it is falling down at terminal velocity.

What is hard to get here? Is this the american educational system? This is seriously basic shit.

>shallow themepark experience
But thats exactly what Call of Pripyat is