You still play vidya with your friends and/or significant other(s), right Sup Forums?

You still play vidya with your friends and/or significant other(s), right Sup Forums?

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my what

no, I have depression and wanna kill myself.

I play vidya with others far less now because I would much rather save my vidya time for when I'm alone. Multiplayer games bore me, and playing with casuals is awful because they provide no competition and are a handicap if they're helping you.

Yesterday I was playing Dark Souls II and Demon's Souls while drunk as fuck while 8 other friends were watching me. And before that we were playing tag kombat in Mortal Kombat 9.

Damn that was awesome feeling.

>play something
>most friends dont even feel like playing but will do it for an hour if i ask
>then we are too drunk
>watch youtube

Yeah, currently checking out ESO with my girlfriend. It's pretty okay even though neither one of us is a big TES fan. Sorry, Todd.

I have two imaginary friends and one imaginary girlfriend, unfortunately given their condition they can't play with me. However we still talk when I'm playing and have fun nevertheless. Eva can be needy sometimes but everything ends up working out, she just wants to talk while she does her knitting.

op pic is from reddit gaming, go back you peasant.

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>significant other

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>Image search
>First result is reddit

Yes but not in a room the size of my toilet with a shitty projector overblown image 20 centremetres from my face.

What? you silly! Video games are supposed to replace human relationships. along with movies, porn, drinking, And anything else that holds the vague promise of escape.


>having friends

I play a lot of overwatch and steam games with friends over discord. Rarely I'll be at a friends house drinking and we'll watch someone play a game they just got.

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I have a friend
He sucks and gets bored easily. We're moving in together next year and I will force him to learn fighting games. He's just too broke to get a console and practice on his own, so I hope him having access to all of mine changes his tone and he actually starts playing. Fuck friends.

Actually we will have a small Mario Kart 64 party tonight.

Me,my wife, my brother,my brothers girlfriend my friend and his wife.

Everyone is bringing food and alcohol.

sometimes life is awesome.

Contrary to Sup Forums's insane ramblings, I joined a discord channel for gamers in my city, ended up meeting them in real life, and now have actual friends.

>Im unhappy with my friend
>Let me change him into someone i like

You are worse the girls, fucking homosexual traps dude.

I hope you and your partner have fun playing vidya. Love trumps hate!

>my wife
>My wifes son
>my wifes sons dad
>my wifes sons dads girlfriend
>my brother
>my brothers wife
>my brothers wifes son
>my brothers wifes sons dad
>my brothers wifes sons dads girlfriend
>My brothers wifes sons dads girlfriends adopted son


Wtf how did you find the discord? I miss having friends.

I went to the subreddit for my city.

>significant other

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>playin most recent FPS with best friend
>he spends the whole time exiting games and trying to find a match where the other team is the worst
>if we're doing bad he'll say ay why dont we watch a movie or play something offline.
His brothers a piece of shit too he team killed me cus i was doin bad and rage quit.

Im not the best FPS player but damn i just want to relax and have fun but he just stresses the fuck out over it.

My boyfriend doesn't like playing games with me and won't tell me why. He won't even admit he doesn't like to. He'll even suggest it sometimes and I say "yeah I'd love to" then he'll just go and play it without me having gotten "bored" or "tired" by the time I join him. This happens every time.

Did you honeslty think you'd bait someone with this

Its one out of 2 things
>Your clingy and trash
>Your clingy and way better then him

He sounds insecure about his video game abillity, what a loser

>beamer in such a small room
for what fucking purpose
why would you even buy a beamer when you live in a fucking shoebox

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My current roommate was the reason I got into video games in the first place. We knew each other when we were 0-4 but his parents got divorced and I never saw him through primary school. In elementary I was a book nerd who didn't talk to anyone. I made the mistake of telling people my parents version of grounding was no books because I never went outside and I got teased a lot for that. My only friends were kids whose parents knew my mom.

In middle school we had class together and he sat next to me and offered me a piece of paper when I forgot my binder for the class. A week in we remembered we knew each other and he invited me to his house to play xbox. Him and my buddy who's in the military now were probably the only reasons I went to school and didn't end up shooting up the place. Memories of going to their houses after school to play star wars risk, watch south park, drink mountain dew and scream at each other over CoD still make me smile today, and ended up making me a lot closer with other friends too.

9 months ago he said he was looking for an apartment in the city to go to college and wanted me as a roomate, so I finally made the leap and applied for a "real" job that wasn't just seasonal/ setup for concerts and got it. Today I'm making enough money to buy a washer dryer for our second apartment, a house, looking at buying a car, waiting for tuesday to play FC5 together. I'm working 65+ hour weeks sometimes, dealing with a bunch of health conditions and constantly trying to stave off my suicidal depression, but id be worse off without him.

I owe him a lot, and I'm a depressive lonely fucking loser but he keeps treating me like a friend so I need to remind myself every so often how much I owe him. We play at least once a week even though we enjoy completely different genres, now that I'm writing this out I need to make the effort to play with him considering everything.

Video games are probably the only reason I have friends.

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So true

Or he doesn’t want to share his hobby, my gf would get pissed when I tried to get into any book she was reading, but it’s also cause she reads the most cringe shit.

I mostly play singleplayer games so that wouldn't happen.

If he just said he wanted to play alone I'd get it. I know the feeling of just wanting alone time with a game. But he fucking invites me every time then I guess changes his mind later. Like every goddamn time. It sucks. I started saying "uh huh, okay." And he'll say "No really let's play this together," then it never happens.

Yeah not sure what you're talking about OP

Yeah I miss Halo 1 LAN parties too

Go back

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My girlfriend plays Fortnite and she's better than me

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>go to subreddit for nearest city
>it's in scandinavia, barely anybody uses reddit here
>it all tourism related questions
Fuck it, I don't need IRL friends, I've got internet and a crippling depression.

>your friends and/or significant other(s)
Its been over a decade since i had a friend or even any kind of relationship in my life.

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>going to stay over at my friend's place in two days while his flat mate is away on holiday
>two other friends coming over to hang out
>plan to just eat pizza, play vidya and watch stupid shit for three days straight

I can't wait to get out of this lonely apartment

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