>tfw fell for the VR meme
600$ down the fucking drain.
Tfw fell for the VR meme
Surely the porn is worthwhile at least?
it hard to make it as well, a lot of the actors are complaining
and there is barely any money it for them
it will dry up soon.
There is no argument like there is for high end sports cars in that 'not everyone buys a Ferrari and yet they're still in business'
well, there are still roads everywhere...
Why would you save such a pasta?
You don’t know where you cum
I still want to get a playstation VR just to play some of the games, but the VR units are still expensive. I figured I could pick up a cheap used one, but nope.
>strapping a camera to my face is VR you guys
Let me know when they have holodecks.
>its expensive
>it has its downsides
>its fun
its a niche im willing to pay for, even tho i have shitty PSVR im having more fun playing paintball in REC room than in any other modern 2d fps game. Im planning to buy vive pro with my next PC upgrade and ascent to the world of fun.
And thats me saying, an 30yo burned out gammer.
>it hard to make it as well, a lot of the actors are complaining
>actually watching 3DPD porn in year of our lord 2k18
>not watching animated hentai or playing VR hentai games instead
>2d fps
mobile poster spotted
The word you're looking for is "display".
its 2d because there is no depth perception since you are looking at a 2d screen.
it's a niche, you should've known that going in, and you should've checked software/compatible-software lists before even thinking about purchasing it
Is this just a meme like soy at this point? Everyone who says something you dislike is a mobile poster?
>its 2d because there is no depth perception since you are looking at a 2d screen
>Let me know when they have holodecks.
I don't even want that, give me the matrix plugs
>>Let me know when they have holodecks.
>I don't even want that, give me the matrix plugs
Screw that, just wanna upload my mind already.
How do you distinguish between side-scrollers and 3D shooters if that's your definition of 3D in video games?
like this
true 2D is when a game is not projecting 3D objects on a flat screen but a 2d sprites
2.5D is when a game is projecting 3D objects on a flat screen
3D is when there are 2 screens with slightly different render of the same scene that both project 3d objects to those screens and create a true illusion of 3d image (like in VR googles).
Friendly reminder that if you have not tried Superhot VR your opinion literally doesn't matter.
It's like reviewing the NES without having tried Super Mario Bros.
It already exists, and it's called lucid dreaming.
It requires effort to learn though, so you fags will never experience it.
>mfw Oculus Rift costs $1000 where I live
>mfw average monthly salary in my country is less than $450
I thought that it would at least have a 3d effect like the 3DS does but it's literally just strapping a 2d screen do your face. How could anyone call that "Virtual Reality"?
>not taking 1000ug of acid and having an even better experience
Get on my level
what game is the guy in the white shirt playing?
Because people are desperate and want to pretend that Star Trek-tier technology is a real thing.
Once they actually add a 3d effect to the headsets it will be closer to actual Virtual Reality but even then it's no different to holding a 3ds up to your face.
What in the God's name...?
>playing video games
Why aren't you just imagining something awesome, you un-creative faggot?
there is actual depth though, not just a cheap trick like the 3ds. If you think you're just strapping a screen to your face then you've never tried proper vr.
But I didn't say anything about video games.
Trouble with that is, 2.5D already has a meaning in video game circles. It applies to side scrollers that have some depth to their world. The industry standard terms might not be completely accurate but you refusing to accept them will just lead to confusion and you won't look as smart as you think you look.
I have though. I spent $600 dollars on this shit and just like the OP I regret it massively.
I can get basically the same effect by moving my head up to the monitor right now. Does that count as "Sup Forums in VR!"?
>it's no different to holding a 3ds up to your face.
Yeah, nothing different at all, just like that.
Same exact experience.
i dont care
You must have had a broken VR set, my man. News flash: each one of your eyes only gets a 2D image when looking at the real world. Two 2D displays is all it takes to simulate 3D vision.
Yeah, saying that is an insult towards the 3DS. At least the 3DS manages to have SOME 3D depth.
>can't even plug it into your nervous system
cya in 50 years lads
>each one of your eyes only gets a 2D image when looking at the real world.
The real world is 3d though. That doesn't make sense.
>I can get basically the same effect by moving my head up to the monitor right now.
You literally can't and if you've actually used proper vr (vive or rift) you'd know that. You're just a falseflagging poorfag who's mad he can't afford VR.
Kill yourself. Do not EVER call me a poorfag again you elitist piece of fucking shit.
I am not poor, and I DO own a VR headset. That's how I know it's fucking TRASH.
Well it's always on my stomach anyways so why should I care?
Video game worlds are also 3D. What's your point?
No they're not. They don't have depth, it's just an illusion to make you think it's 3d despite being an entirely 2d image.
Are you a fucking retard or something? Do you think the game characters and worlds actually exist within your TV and you're looking through at them?
Not very hygienic, shower more often.
send me a picture of you with your VR headset, timestamped of course, unless you're a poorfag, then just continue to ree at me about something you know nothing about.
>are ya winning, son?
Here's a picture I took the other day of me holding it. Get fucked and don't ever call me poor again.
> it's just an illusion to make you think it's 3d despite being an entirely 2d image.
Much like your own eyes?
3D means the space (real or simulated) has X, Y and Z coordinates you fucking retard. In the real world, the only thing allowing you to see that the world is 3D is having two eyes. Close one eye and you have no depth perception at all. Playing games on a normal display is the equivalent of looking at the game world with one eye. Playing with a VR headset is the equivalent of looking at it with 2 eyes, thus giving you 3D vision.
So you're saying the world is actually 2d and our eyes just trick us into thinking it's 3d? That's the most retarded thing I've ever heard on here.
>no timestamp
get the fuck out poorfag
I don't have anything nearby to write with but here's another picture of it.
No, the world is 3d. You have 2 eyes both capable of viewing in 2d. When you put these two 2d images together you gain depth perception, and the perception of being able to see in 3d.
>Close one eye and you have no depth perception at all.
I just did it. The world is still 3d and I can move around in it perfectly.
Do you think that people with one eye just can't move around in the world without banging into everything?
>I don't have anything nearby to write with but here's another picture of it.
yeah sure
and i guess you deleted notepad from your computer
get out poorfag
>I don't have anything to write with
>here's a picture of it on a different desk by a mac
You're really trying too hard dude.
>A fucking dev kit
What did I just fucking tell you about that word? I know people who are poor and it's NOT something to be used lightly as an insult on Sup Forums.
who takes 2 pictures without a timestamp?
I think you're sincerely the biggest retard on Sup Forums
Where did I say the world would stop being 3D when you close one eye you complete fucking imbecile? I just said you would have no depth perception, which happens to be a fact. Jesus you're literally a retard.
true depth perception comes from being able to look at things from two eyes, a squared + b squared = c squared motherfucker
when you close one eye you lose that perception, you may have some of it left but only because you are still in the same frame of reference youve been before and you know the size ratios of things around you and also because you can move your head around and proble the distances from different angles, but if you remove yourself and insert into any other unknown frame of reference you lose the ability to see in 3d with just one eye.
Except I clearly DO still have depth perception or else I wouldn't be able to tell when I'm about to hit my head off something. The world would still be 3d but without depth perception I would only be able to SEE it in 2d.
Is there a cheap headset just to watch VR porn? I don't have a good enough smartphone.
you have some of 3d perception left but its imparied and much worse than if you had two eyes open because of this
Explain people born with only one working eye then. They can still move around the 3d world without any problems.
t. Poorfag
they dont get blind, they just arent as good at reading distance as people with two eyes you dumb fuck.
Who is this supposed to be aimed at? I didn't see anyone do that in this thread.
How do people allow themselves to be scammed like this?
If i were unable to pirate games or buy them for 2 dollars on sales i'd just drop videogames completely.
I have a Vive as well. I got it hoping that it would be better than the shit Oculus but nope, it's still just a shitty 2d screen strapped to my face.
>Tfw superhot vr will never get expansion map packs
>Or dynamic rooms with different mob spawn locations
Man that gameplay is definitively best for VR, but the glamour fades once you know where the enemies spawn
>fell for the meme
>not blasted away but still quite happy with it
it's good enough for shooty shooty games and space faggotry, the more you use it the more you wish for a batter version of it, like increased FOV, resolution and comfortableness
the whole thing should be cheaper of course, an okay price for me would be that of a high-end flightstick right now, and also like with flightsticks, options for cheaper/lower tier, but still serviceable devices would be great
porn is uncomfortable and awkward as fuck, both mentally and physically
I'm beginning to think you fundamentally don't like "VR", which is more like mixed reality right now. What you want is Computer Brain Interface VR, and don't dillude yourself into thinking that's going to exist on a consumer level anytime soon.
If you're so rich then give some money to your buds instead of blowing it on expensive toys, man.
you mean 350 during the sale?
This. Philanthropy is better than your VR escapism.
so you've dropped all pretenses of actually being believable? Let me guess, in a few posts you're going to say you're an ebin troll and laugh at us cos we all fell for you acting like a complete retard, when in reality you're a retarded poorfag?
Word is that on their anniversary they'll sell Rift with $50 credit, along with discounted games on their store.
>malfunctioning every other session
>putting the whole crew in jeopardy just because some spergo in your crew like barclay wants to fug his waifu while being anal-vore'd by the ship counselor
I never understood why they carried that dangerous shit aboard
>Except I clearly DO still have depth perception
You have the same depth perception as when playing Doom. You can tell you're moving closer to a wall but that's not depth perception. Weren't you the one saying how 3D in games is an illusion just a couple of posts ago? So how do you know you're about to hit a wall in a video game, you fucking mongoloid?
what game is this, negro
is it released or early access thing
I paid $200 for a WMR and at that price I'm satisfied with it. It doesn't create that real sense of presence I was expecting, but it's not a "2d screen strapped to my face" either. It lies somewhere in between, and the truth is when certain things just click you do feel like you're somewhere else. It's probably the missing details, like being able to focus at different depths and such.
It's a pretty good meme desu. The porn alone was worth the 200 dollars.
>the successful should give others their money, no matter how hard they worked for it because it's "morally better"
t. Buttblasted poor commiefag
Low IQ person detected, opinions discarded.
btw depth perception has to do with visual cognition. It's not about simply having an awareness of the space around you and your place in it.
>I never understood why they carried that dangerous shit aboard
For the same reason it malfunctioned. Plot.
Except most people didn't work hard for it, at all.
Lol fuck no, you seem to dislike Vr so much that you could be doing anything else with "your" money, which could include making someone else happy instead of tiding over your jaded ass and curiosity for another week
Sir I'm afraid your going to have to tell me the name of that game before I can let you go.
>tfw fell for the VR meme
$350 well spent
>A fucking dev kit.....
did that one even have positional tracking?
>on a mac
not even supported anymore.
what a retard, no wonder you're salty
>white woman
Uncomfortable and inconvenient, but it's quite awesome.
I use my PSVR mainly for that nowadays.
Why are you disappointed?