Valve Can count to 3

idk why people say valve can't count to 3 they have made 3 counter strikes.

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there is literally nothing wrong with based shadman

>the man of shad

counter strike doesn't have a numerical title

doesn't matter it has 3 installments aka 3 new totally different games

>inb4 a plague of mice

If that's the case, then there's already Half life 3, and Left 4 Dead 3

Based Shadman. He can do no wrong.

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They didn't make one counterstrike.
They made half life and it was modded.
Half life 2 a mod of half life.
Half life 3 never because humans are half life.
And gabe is subhuman he's a fat bastard.
So give it a lifetime of dreams while he rapes little Asian boys he baits with dota2.

Michael Jackson had Neverland ranch, Gabe has steam. Nothing but young boys wanting to be stars in his eyes, easy FBI.

The only complaint I have about shadman is that all his faces look like Natalie Portman.

Shadman is alright, but Jlullaby is better.

what is this thread?
why does neo-v keep spawning shit like this

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Chadman. Ouch!

>says while frogposting

Neo-Sup Forumser here, let me talk for them.
Yeah, sorry for the trouble. Hopefully we stop being so inconvenient.

Based Shadposter

here's a hint: it's shad doing this. anyone who watches his streams knows this since he has Sup Forums tabs on

shadman is getting better every day, i wonder if he ever realizes how much he's improving

I don't care about your eceleb shit, stop
fuck off
it's called irony dumbass

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I am pretty sure most of you are samefags
t. someone who has been watching since the 8th post or so, and none of these posts had a different IP

What about all the little kids getting fucked that he draws?


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thats called dlc dip shit


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yeah okay you got me

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26 / 5 / 20 / 4 are u stupid?

Do you enjoy lying on the internet?

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don't make me wanna jerk off again


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just drawings

>half life 2 a mod of half life

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I came in here just so I could leave.

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Raita is godlike compared to Shadman

>the artist formerly known as S.H.A.D.

Unironically right > left because of dat ass

How did you make my posts (you)s

>_ _ _ _ _ _ _

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>weeb opinion

Hi Shad,please kill yourself.

really wish niggerish posters stopped coming here

don't ever reply to me again

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Japanese shadman is Houtengeki

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