ITT: "Fuck you I like it" games

ITT: "Fuck you I like it" games

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fuck you too

Quest 64
Cool Spot
Katamari Forever

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jesus christ

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>quest 64
what was the deal with that game?


all of the games I like are objectively good so I cannot participate in this thread.


Battlefield 1

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I'm with you, OP, it was one of the only SH titles that made combat actually not feel like a clunky mess. Also had some fantastic creature designs, especially the schism.


The only good thing about Homecoming was that it kept Double Helix in business long enough to actually make two actually good games. Too bad Amazon bought them only to basically kill them.

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Fallout 4

It was never finished. It was supposed to be a 3D RPG with multiple characters like all those JRPGs on the PS1. Instead we got 1 character, completely random difficulty curves, and game breaking magic.

>fantastic creature designs

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>Katamari Forever
There's something wrong with people who can't find at least some enjoyment out of the Katamari games.

Lot's of people liked that game tho
even here

I thought everyone here loved siam siam.

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despite it not being a good Silent Hill game it had decent gameplay, level design, music and nice looking bosses. The ending is a nice twist if you haven't played Sh2

Like it for the gunplay, customization. ability to drop in drop out, and the meh world.

It's not worthy of carrying the Fallout name tho, even releasing it as a spin off would be too much.

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Downpour had no memorable monsters. They could have done a lot more with the prisoner themed monsters.

-fear of rape
-fear of being beaten down by big thugs
-fear of abuse of power
-fear of dying old in prison
-fear of lethal injection/electric chair gone wrong
-punishment by SHU

Fallout 4
Super Paper Mario
SSB Brawl

I liked the nightmared sequences, but I can see why they would be a turn off for others. There are subtle clues of where to go, but the one you can really get loss in is the big black room where you have to keep shining your flashlight in the dark waiting for it flicker.

These are fine. Haven't played the other western SH games, though.

The only good thing about it is the soundtrack

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outside of the malaria stuff the game was pretty okay.

The gameplay is much better than the first game.

Does this emulate okay on dolphin?

I don't hate this design but it's basically a mashup between a Closer and Fukuro Lady. While I do appreciate that they made something that Masahiro Ito would do in his spare time, I don't think something this overtly sexual would fit as a Silent Hill enemy.

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>80% the game
>only thing left to do is get all blueprints, S rank every mission, and do all the challenge tasks
>too lazy

why did he even have such sexual bosses? It made since for Heather since she's a woman, but why would Alex have various sexual themed monsters?

It just has some annoying little things. Like the complete inability to move stealthily while upright due to the absence of a walk button. It almost makes you think that the game was developed by Bethesda, you know "press Ctrl to go into stealth mode". You can only walk with a gamepad analog controls.
Also there is no control buffer for unholstering your weapons. If your weapons are holstered and you press fire, you instantly fire. In the original game the first click brings up your weapons and the second one uses them.
And some of the level design is just anti-stealth. Like Jindosh' office. Not one but two robots with eyes literally in the back of their heads. And you're supposed to abduct a guy standing next to them without being detected.

Homecoming is fucking GOAT because it's such a piece of shit.
>Open a specific door with your flashlight turned on
>Alex becomes invisible for the rest of the game
>Aim at a wall
>Get pulled through wall to the other side
Genuinely one of the most fun games I've ever spent time on.

This game was god tier, only FC3 casuals dislike it.

I don't understand why so many people seem to have a bigger problem with the malaria in the game than with the fact that the game has a nation where two different armies have united against a dozen foreign mercenaries even though they're actually supposed to have a civil war where they fight each other. All they really do is shoot the player characters. No one else.


fuck off with this shit taste

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I like Scarlet and the nightmare sequences but it's pretty bad overall.

Fuck downpour.

>only monsters are literally just zombies
>not-pyramid head is just a man in a rain coat and gas mask
>abandoned Murphy having a fear of water which would trigger the other world transformations because devs thought he’d look too much like a pussy, despite him being the only SH protagonist to scream like a faggot constantly if he sees something weird or gets hit
>completely forgettable soundtrack
>hideous performance and visuals
>town has “rules” and a humanoid personification
>plot changes depending on how you play but was written so poorly that it can easily make no sense

All of the things you posted would have been GOAT ideas for a prisoner protagonist in a proper SH game

>completely forgettable soundtrack
The sad thing is, the soundtrack release is actually legit, but none of the songs on it play in game from what I remember.

>completely forgettable soundtrack

This is the only point I disagree on. I like Intro Perp Walk, Bus to Nowhere and The Downpour,

James had them cause he’s a pervert
Heather had them because the whole pregnancy themes in the game

Alex had them cause the devs played 2 and just copy+pasted it

he was injured in the "war" and had a giant boner for the nurses who would wear low cut tops

that's actually it

>James had them cause he’s a pervert
You're an idiot, James' only "sexual" enemies were nurses and door men.
Nurses weren't his nightmare due to anything sexual, they were his nightmare because they were the reason his wife survived so long when all he wanted was for her to die so he could move on, it's obvious as shit I don't understand how people can't see this.
Doormen were spawned by Angela because it's literally meant to be her father raping her, so they're actually sexual.

You're forgetting mannequins, flesh lips, pyramid head's rape scene, maria trying to seduce james, etc.

You're silly if you don't think that James' sexual frustration isn't part of the reason that the monsters manifest the way they do.

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What about the things that are two sets of female legs?

What about the no armed things that have high heeled feet, thicc asses, a vaginal looking opening that attack you with a blast of “semen”?

What about pyramid head raping things constantly?

What about Maria being a slutty version of Mary?

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Mannequins may be sexual, but Pyramid Head doesn't expressly rape anything that's on you, the player, for interpretation, all he expressly does is murder things, reminiscent of how James murdered his wife. Maria is spawned as being what James wanted Mary to be in her last days, someone that's fun that he actually wants to be around, but there's nothing specifically perverted about her either, she's just a fun person to be around for James.
Lying Figures are more like men in straightjackets than sexualized females.
The point is, it has nothing to do with James being a pervert, frustration over a woman you're losing yet still tied to isn't the same as just being a horny teenager, and it's really lame when you write off a lot of intelligent design and themes as "Lol he's just a sexually frustrated pervert" when the vast majority of enemy design and the themes is meant to show you James hated Mary for living for as long as she had, and was frustrated with himself because his morals stopped him from just leaving her as she was dying.

wasn't that the one that had nothing but completely recycled stages and music from past games?

It isn't about him being perverted or a horny teenager. It's about a desire for intimacy with someone who is no longer willing or capable of supplying it.

You're completely right about him hating Mary and himself as well. He's not a 2d character with a single motivation. You're just denying a part of James' character for no real reason.

The original point I replied to said "James had them cause he's a pervert" I am saying frustration over a lack of intimacy isn't the same as being a pervert and it's a shame that this is, genuinely, the prevailing mindset of the overall fanbase.
There are legitimately people that argue the themes of sexual frustration and perversion are the driving force behind the nightmare in every game, even Silent Hill 1 with the puppet nurses, when that couldn't possibly be further from the truth.
It's a shame because people like this ended up in charge of the series with 0ranges onward and they ruined it with their delusions about what the games are about.

I completely agree with everything you just said.

I get it, you only liked the first chapter/demo.

But honestly, i had so much fun with the game.

David Cage will never make something decent again thou, Heavy Rain is the closest thing to a good game he will ever make in his career.

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me and my twin sister played through the original when we were younger
>mfw the sex scene hit

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Literally just replayed it a couple weeks ago. If you treat it as just another entry in the series and not the ultimate conclusion that needed to wrap up every single lingering plot thread in VLR, then it's fine. Has a lot of great ideas and moments. The biggest issue is just how rushed it is. It was shoved out the door on a shoestring budget and it shows.

Frankly if Telltale came out with a game like this then everyone would be calling it a masterpiece.

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