Any vidya moms?

Any vidya moms?

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Is it fun making the same jokes over and over again?

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We know what age group does think it's funny.

And that's all you and I need to know.

Nice "subliminal" messages Coca-Cola®

My mom is currently playing through BotW right now and is enjoying it a whole bunch. She usually just plays stealth games so it's nice to see her play something a little different.


that ad campaign is over 2 years old, all of the cokes you buy in a multi-pack say "share a coke with x"

I fucked your mom haha

This is a coke ad, isn't it

post pics of your mom plz


My mom plays a lot of puzzle games on an old DS

And I fucked you in that fat hairy ass of yours faggot. Suck a niggers dick

wtf i love the sugary liquid now

No, they promote straight femboys that get dominated by tomboys and incest.

So quick question before the thread dies.
Is shota pedophillia?

Aren't you the faggot for doing that? At least he's straight

Of course it is. Textbook fucking definition.


How much of this ad is real, and how much is shopped?


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No, pedophilia requires an attraction to real children.

>I can't pause it

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>t. a pedo

By that logic, anyone who's killed anyone in a video game is a murderer.


But I'm not into the shota, just the girl.

The greeks believed the gayest thing was to take a dick up the ass, and the most hetero thing was to be dominant to even other males.

>I eat hamburger
>but I'm not into the burger, just the bun
>I am vegan

Is there a child being sexualized? Yes there is. You're a pedo.

love is love
it's 2018

Are you saying you like shotacon without any shotas in it? that means you like milfs.

>be dominant to even other males
literally the opposite

They were in denial and made that shit up because they didn't want to feel gay.


I bought Ace Attorney for my mom a week ago, she already finished it and has ordered literally every other game in the franchise. I think I turned her into a monster.

> a child being sexualized
Where? I just see a drawing.
Again, unless there's a special line between fake people used for violence and fake people used for sexual stuff. One is video games, and definitely not murder. The other is shota, and obviously pedophilia.

pedo is pedo, any year.

But I like the fact that they're milking the kid, but I'm not attracted to the kid but the idea. Like if someone had the mind of a kid and was treated like a kid by some milf that would be hot too.

that's not very progressive of you user, you are quite problematic

Whatever helps you sleep at night, pedo.

>eat tofu burger
>I don't like eating meat cause it's wrong, just the taste

You enjoy watching sex acts involving pedophilia, that makes you a pedophile. It doesn't make you a gay pedo, I guess.

It's commercial spam.
Report it so mods/Jans see it and hopefully they'll ban the IP range it came from.

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...hang on, back the shitposting up. You don't like the taste?

Hold on, so if someone is treated like a child it's still pedophillia?

No user, the meat is murder but id kill for the taste. So you eat tofu burgers.

> murder in video games is fictionalized to the point where it is an appealing, visceral experience
> it is intended to be close enough to the real thing to set off the brain's ability to tell it is unusual
> but not close enough to create an attachment to the real thing, since the creators would be liable
therefore not murder, says Sup Forums

> shota in hentai is fictionalized to the point where it is an appealing, taboo kink
> it is intended to be close enough to the real thing to set off the brain's ability to tell it is unusual
> but not close enough to scare off people who don't like to see real children sexualized, since the creators would lose 90% of their audience
you can tell that making shota or loli too close to reality is seen as crossing a line by the infamy of artists like >Shadman
So kindly tell me how these aren't equivalent instead of just calling me a pedo.

My mom can barely work a tv remote.

>it's a young boy
>but your not gay, just a pedo

Hold the fucking phone, how can I be not gay but also a pedo?

That's age play. Could be a slippery slope deal.

I realize you're too young to know this but Coke has always wanted their carbonated sugar drink to be synonymous with love, happiness, acceptance, and world peace

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>it's just a picture of a naked child! it's not like i'm having sex with a REAL child

oh gotcha. Was going to say, I've never heard of someone pure not liking the taste of meat.

nah, not playing these false equivalency games. You're a pedo. Have fun with that.

People that are into straight shota identify as the shota you fucking idiot, they want to fuck the older woman.

> it's just a picture of something that doesn't resemble a real child in any way but the most superficial!
> i still have no attraction to real children even after having this fetish for years
> false equivalency
> provides no proof or argument other than calling me a pedo
Ad hominem attack, strawman argument, and burden of proof all in one. Good work.


>have a coke and a smile
nah, you're insane. this is the tagline of a madman.

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Post more of DAT mom

It's the special flavor of crazy unique to capitalism. All the big guys do it, Coke just goes a little further

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The only winning move is not to play, pedo.

>join thread expecting a ton of mommy pics
>it's just shitposting

Fuck you, Sup Forums.

>watch porn of a fat guy ramming a hot chick
>watch porn of an old guy ramming a hot chick
>watch porn of a buff guy ramming a hot chick
all of these you're attracted to the girl obviously

>shota rams a hot milf
>somehow attracted to the shota?

fixed that for you

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Are you going to end every sentence you refer to me in with ", pedo." now?
There's no way you're not fucking with me. Good to know at least someone's sane on this specific circle of hell.

goga gola :DDDD

what is it about moms being unable to understand that

Change the girl to a boy and give the mom bigger milkers.

The worst part is how disgustingly relatable this is.

when did Sup Forums become infested with pedos?

>shota rams a hot milf
That's not what happens though
>milf exploits a shota

No, it's just the act of statutory rape exciting sick fucks.
>heh, that kid is getting sexually abused by a pedophile. time to give myself an orgasm

I wanna fuck that mommy

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How long has Sup Forums been a board exactly?
About 5 minutes less than that long.

>hot girl exploits a buff man
>hot girl exploits a fat guy

Are you attracted to buff dude?

So rape fantasies are evil now?
Nu-Sup Forums is really disappointing.
I couldn't really say, for all I know there could be a pedo in the thread right now! Hard to tell, though.

Not in every single instance, more often the kid just bones an older woman.Theres plenty of porn where fat/old/buff guys get exploited by the chick.

>enjoy seeing pedophiles going to prison
>yeah, you take it sicko... YEAH TAKE IT IN THE MOUTH!

am I a pedophile now?

>playing runescape
>wow user all those characters are other people playing the game with you?
>15 minutes later
>wow user all those characters are other people playing the game with you?

More like Sup Forums, now their trying to shame me for jerking it to /ss/? Fuck off.

Rape fantasies (however disagreeable they are) are not evil. Sex between an adult and a child who is often implied to barely be old enough to even have an erection is evil. Keep putting words in my mouth and I'll put a fist in yours

What's the joke here? That same mathematical formula meme gets posted here all the fucking time.


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>rape Is fine
>but pedophilia is bad

Hold up

Rape fantasies are not evil because they are fantasies
Shota is not evil because it is a fantasy
Check and mate.

pepsi is better

>rape fantasies are fine
>statutory rape fantasies are bad

one rape good
one rape bad

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I returned my PS4 and Destiny 2 in order to get a PS4 pro for free. Pretty good deal, and it runs most games at 60fps no drop. Not a big deal for PC players, though, I’d rather solid 60fps with friends, then playing on PC and pretending anons met online are “friends”. I’ve been here for 8 years, and have remained a normie.

How pathetic you all must be for complaining about video games all day. Like, seriously, do you not have anything more productive in your day to do?

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