What went wrong, Sup Forums?
What went wrong, Sup Forums?
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Not a good "game".
It's fun for some time but then it loses it's charm because there's just not much to it.
Broken tech demo built on unfulfilled promises made by incompetent San Francisco yuppies. Nintendo wanted Ingress with Pokémon and that's literally what they got.
patched out that one feature
they desperately try to keep their numbskull playerbase playing by releasing a new shiny every month instead of adding actual features liek trading, free fighting other trainers, training your pokemon in battle etc
oh and still no usefull tracker, enjoy walking 20 meters past a snorlax in a park because your tracker only shows weedles and pidgeys
This is the creator of Pokemon Go and soon, Harry Potter Go!
Say something nice to him!
You can only get people to go outside to catch the same shitty Pokemon for so long
Nothing. It did exactly what it was supposed to do, and once it did it, the app died.
It is a game made for normalfags, secondaries and genwunners. If you wanted a real Pokemon game youd be playing mainline or even Ranger and Mystery Dungeon.
It was the very definitions of a meme game and it diead in a few weeks just like every other internet meme
The game is still popular, it's just not the global phenomenon it was when it launched. Perfectly normal for hype to die down.
>they desperately try to keep their numbskull playerbase playing by releasing a new shiny every month instead of adding actual features liek trading, free fighting other trainers, training your pokemon in battle etc
>oh and still no usefull tracker, enjoy walking 20 meters past a snorlax in a park because your tracker only shows weedles and pidgeys
Agree and disagree. Niantic should have spent more time fixing bugs than adding features. A lot of fundamental Pokemon elements don't quite work for this type of game, either, such as trainer battling.
The biggest pain in the ass is getting specific candy. Makes the game very dull when you want to train your starter but you can only find pidgey and shit like that.
never played it but I was told the mechanics were an insane grind and basically gacha
>The biggest pain in the ass is getting specific candy. Makes the game very dull when you want to train your starter but you can only find pidgey and shit like that.
they did events back then, like havign the starters spawn EVERYWHERE for a couple days
also raids give you candy that can be used on any pokemon
Niantic and Hanke are known in the valley as one of the worst "game" developers on the planet. Users of their first game tried to warn Pokémon fans about them but no one listened.
They don't know how to program
Hanke didn't even develop the map gps system, it was a couple of pajeets fron Google and he was their project manager
They don't care about Pokémon or know anything about it beyond profits
They intentionally fucked up the spawn system despite users giving them feedback
They refused refunds and had a scuffle with Apple for refusing to refund people
They literally rigged the pokeball making it harder to catch Pokémon so the can make more money which was proven by a couple of mathematicians and reverse engineers on Reddit
They managed to piss off the entire region of Japan since the third month of its release to the point where there are users giving it downvotes every fucking day, which caused Niantic to outshore a click farm to give it good ratings in Vietnam (spoiled, it didn't work)
Said Japanese Pokémon fans also made a crusade by catching Japanese news attention telling them Pokémon Go is bad for society and succeeded; also banned in schools
Niantic changed their business model from relying on users and organic growth to relying on whales (rich minority of autistic users) to milk the app until they get tired of it
Pretty much it, also these
It was a bad game that was only fun because you got to participate in a cultural phenomanon. Like, that shit’s gonna be in history books. After the first few months everyone started to realize that it wasn’t a very good game in the first place.
>people in major cities at a huge advantage
>only a handful of pokemon viable for taking/holding gyms
>best way to play was to repeatedly catch pidgeys and caterpies and evolve them for quick leveling
>no trading
>only gen 1 for a long time (wouldn’t have been hard to have more but they wanted to cash in on genwunners)
>battling is boring and not pokemon-like at all
>team choice meant very little
>bugs, glitches, and server instability for months and month after launch
It was a shit game. Eventually everyone figured it out once the hype died. I only played for a week or two before realizing how stupid the game itself was.
When I first saw the game and watched others play it, I first thought of this;
Imagine that the game had no AR and no compass, so you could just play by using a joystick and lying in your bed. Has the game been fundamentally changed in any way, is there any change to the depth and content in the game by doing this?
The answer is no, absolutely nothing about the games mechanics, progression or literally anything other than what is on the screen has changed. You realise that the AR function of it is a gimmick, the game could exist perfectly fine without it.
In which case, the entire purpose of the game is therefore shot down. The game has shit depth, shit progression, shit battling mechanics, shit everything except AR. If you wanted that, that already exists with pokedex 3D on the 3DS and its free with far less effort.
>they did events back then, like havign the starters spawn EVERYWHERE for a couple days
There's an event today for Bulbasaur.
>also raids give you candy that can be used on any pokemon
oh shit, didn't know that. I actually recently started playing again since my new office is nestled in-between two side-by-side pokestops.
>Harry Potter Go
I'm sorry, what?
>Removed Tracking
>No trading
>No real PvP
Their upcoming game this year
They're planning to phase out PGO and hop on hardy potter since the game is dying with whales and no organic growth
imagine being so autistic that you can't understand the novelty and value added by real world traversal
That's a good point. The game was very clearly developed by people who had no interest in Pokémon whatsoever, going as far as to actually restrict the game to the first generation only when it first came out. Not just a focus, but really leaving out alternate evolutions and other popular favorites.
No, I mean, how is that going to even fucking work?
I wanted to play it, but I'm not allowed because I rooted my phone. A move they did in order to stop cheating players, which never actually stopped them.
Not to mention their idiotic game design where you get millions of pokemon in the city, but you only get the usual 1 every 5 minutes when you're going on a walk or something. Fucking braindead.
Fuck Niantic.
It had about 2 meaningful updates in close to 2 years and one of them is universally known to be shit.
Bitching about needing to leave your house, then insulting everything about the game. Geez, really makes you wonder.
Nice job literally proving my point.
The game had a lot of shitty mechanics and aspects, the only thing it had going for it was a novelty. It didn't take much brainpower to realise that once that novelty wore off, what would be left over was an incredibly bad game.
It's free tho
I bet people shitting on it haven't played in awhile. And nothing went wrong. People still play all the time, it's just that initial explosion died down
Ingrese players are their own kind of autism
Not him, but people who bought in game items ended up not working and people wanted refunds
I don't know the reality of the dynamic between Niantic, the Pokemon Company, Nintendo and whoever else, but I will never not be blown away by how spectacularly they failed to capitalize on the initial impact and hype. This was a game that was making national news, and even in the smallest little podunk towns you'd see groups of people walking around to play it. Why on earth was nobody saying all hands on fucking deck, let's actually churn out some content and gameplay improvements to milk this motherfucker.
There were so many simply elements they could have improved, added or focused on and instead opted to do almost literally nothing. It's fucking bizarre.
>I bet people shitting on it haven't played in awhile. And nothing went wrong. People still play all the time, it's just that initial explosion died down
>t. Niantic
They were gimped pretty hard by Nintendo demanding that they don't use the combat system but that doesn't excuse them making all the other shotty decisions.
1) everything unbalanced as fuck
2) no trading
3) pokemon spawns are server side and maps are incomplete so shitloads of people literally can't play and expensive servers are always struggling to keep up with demand
4) radar was a fucking joke
5) gym battles were a fucking joke
6) combat consists of tapping the fucjing screen
trash tier gameplay
overall autism (just like the entire franchise)
They did worse than nothing, they removed tracking because huhhbloo muh servers.
They literally only made the game worse in the months after launch.
>t butthurt
Best post itt, thread should've ended here.
Pokemon GO with dinosaurs
>6) combat consists of tapping the fucjing screen
It's a cell phone game, genius.
>They literally rigged the pokeball making it harder to catch Pokémon so the can make more money which was proven by a couple of mathematicians and reverse engineers on Reddit
>They refused refunds and had a scuffle with Apple for refusing to refund people
I still remember these fiascos, they literally didn't give a fuck and caused a massive migration of users deleting their accounts. A couple even sued and won for not being able to get a refund.
Amazes me how TPC still is working with them.
All of these grievances and they're working on Harry Potter's Go version. How these shitheads get work is beyond me. I don't understand how Nintendo of all people agreed to only getting crumbs from the profits while Niantic gets like 95%. Holy shit
>They managed to piss off the entire region of Japan since the third month of its release to the point where there are users giving it downvotes every fucking day, which caused Niantic to outshore a click farm to give it good ratings in Vietnam (spoiled, it didn't work)
The comment section on the one star reviews is fucking gold.
>I'd rather get cancer than play this game
>Americans cannot get anything done right
>this game is shit
It's like I'm in 2ch
The fun part of pokemon is pokemon battles against other players. Which it still doesn't fucking have.
>What went wrong
Nothing, it's still top 10 in mobile game revenue which is a fuckmassive market.
They won.
They really just didn't give a shit. The game feels so low effort.
It was just an ad for sun and moon you fucking fool
it did what it's purpose was
>The same few pokemon everywhere unless you live in the city
>Even in New York City you’re still running into the same few pokemon but at least they’re not Pidgey and Ratata
>Pokemon more likely to flee or break the ball as you level up
>The player’s only way of countering this is with Berries and Great/Ultra Balls, which are (from my experience) pretty rare spawns from Pokestops
>For a while defeated pokemon came back with 1hp, making revives useless
>A string of updates that actively made the game worse, removing features such as ruffling grass and fucking tracking
>The new tracker is worse than the old one, only showing if a Pokemon is near a Pokestop
>It’s nearly impossible to hold a gym for any significant amount of time
>Raid battles don’t work since nobody plays the game anymore
>If you somehow do get a group to defeat a raid boss, you still have to catch it with reskinned Pokeballs
>You have a 3% of catching a legendary
>“Trading will be next!” Niantic says for the 5,000th time
>Balancing issues gimped Pokemon with high Speed
>Releasing a new wave of Pokemon only available through hatching eggs in December
And most importantly:
>Squandering any potential by not keeping the game fresh when everyone was playing it.
>The player’s only way of countering this is with Berries and Great/Ultra Balls, which are (from my experience) pretty rare spawns from Pokestops
literally what the fuck are you talking about
I have to delete berries because I have too much
It was a cartoony model superimposed on a camera screen, it looked laughable.
The pokemon Go fest fiasco gave me many laughs tho. So something good came out of it at least.
Failed festivals are so fun to watch, like that Tumblr one or the Furry one.
Fyre was pretty much the GOAT one due to how much the attendees suffered.
Go Fest was up there with how much people suffered in the heat.
>Pokémon Go is shit
>Pokémon Duel is shit
>Pokémon Trozei mobile is shit
>Some indie dev created a simple Magikarp game that is better than any Pokémon mobile game created
The absolute state of mobile game """companies"""
Go away city liver
my city's only spot with multiple pokestops together is the city square which only has 5 stops et al
>The player’s only way of countering this is with Berries and Great/Ultra Balls which are (from my experience) pretty rare spawns from Pokestops
Did you only play on release? I literally can't hold onto all my non pokeballs balls.
Work fine, get m social media and people make real groups to go so these literally every other day or so
Some random autist's wrong opinion doesn't out weight how popular the game is and was. If all they need to do is slap a new coat of paint on, there's no reason they won't. That's how we got PoGo in the first place.
Literally every phone game ever.
Maybe it’s just me, but I usually get more potions than anything else at stops. When I redownloaded the app, I saw I had four pokeballs, 20 great balls, 10 ultra balls and six Razz berries, but almost 80 hyper potions alone.
>You have a 3% of catching a legendary
Per straight, non-boosted throw, with no badges, with no berry.
It's a 12-14% if you're not retarded
And you get 8-14 throws depending on how trash your team is.
>Content designed around dragging out players to stay
>Why isn't my catch rate 90? :((
Imagine pokemon go, but instead of catching pokemons and tapping gyms you fight some magical critters and tap some magical bullshit. Don't forget to visit shop, goy.
>pokemon go defense force
there's nothing more pathetic
Oh yeah, the game is shit and everyone who plays it will tell you the same thing. And I mean everyone.
Just don't be fucking retarded about it posting false information. There's already enough actually true shit to rip the game on.
It was never intended to be a good game. You don't make shit off mobile games. Nintendo makes 500 million off each handheld game from software sales alone. Include the anime, merchandise, cards, etc. and they're easily clearing a billion from each gen. A mobile game will NEVER make them anywhere near that much money. They published this game purely as an advertisement for their real products, so quality was not a big concern. It was a great advertisement and will definitely boost pokemon sales in the future.
>Pokémon Go has made an estimated $600 million in revenue for its developer, Niantic Labs, in the three months since it launched
Honestly watching no one mention this game because it's too normie, then getting to watch ingress level autistics attack it is way, way better. Some how this game never fails to trigger the fuck out of them.
>for its developer, Niantic Labs
How much of that do you think Nintendo saw?
They made more than 1.2 billions off it already.
Mobile cashcows are no joke.
The creaters are absolute morons who diddnt expect the game to get popular and barley worked on it, which made it exploitable and unfun
200 million apparently
not bad
When you think about it, Niantic and Pokemon Corp/Gamefreak are a match made in heaven. Neither can code for shit. Both need years to implement or remove features. I'm surprised Niantic isn't officially nintendo second party by now, they would fit right in.
They blocked rooted phones from being able to play. That's all that went wrong for me.
Most big companies don't understand what makes mobile games fun because they're too concerned with what makes mobile games profitable
>Hear PGO is coming out.
>Live near a park 5x the size of Central Park and a park 20x the size of Central Park.
>Expecting all sorts of nice spawns
>Virtually nothing spawns except rattatas because Niantic decided their bestiary game where everything gets stronger the further into the wild you go in the mainline games has to appeal to cityfags to an insanely unbalanced degree.
>Then they ban spoofing
2 weeks and never reinstalled.
It's just like Minecraft. It was a massive success.
Sure it had wasted potential or whatever, but if you genuinely tell me you never had a lot of fun playing it, well... either you're lying just to shitpost, or you missed out big time.
The key to minecraft's success was being lenient/welcoming modders, building a lot of hype while being free, and changing to a one-time purchase model when they did finally finish it with lifetime free updates and all resources unlocked on purchase. Pokemon Go is worse in nearly every aspect of execution and only made as much money as it did because for some reason people still spend money on mobile game microtransactions.
Niantic had an excuse for their incompetence.
A year passed. And they no longer had an excuse, but kept being incompetent.
>That time ball catch rate was lowered a shit ton
>Noticeably so on an individual level
>People even made high effort jokes about it
>They fucking denied it
No real gameplay. If it was stadium with catching that would be fine but.
>2 moves not 4
>swiping instead of choosing
>Sp.atk+atk merged and sp.def+def making some pokemon have more same stats
>no NPC or pratice battle
>no exp/leveling up like the games