Dead Series thread

This is a thread for dead series, sort of like a graveyard. Please come and pay your respects for the departed.

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Rest in peace. You deserved a worthy sequel.

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is that Section 8: Prejudice?

Dota :(

Supreme Commander. First GPG died and almost killed the original community, then SE butchered the sequel, then RTS died.

still alive and kicking. not much to improve, except make it multithreaded

Died after 1 good game.

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if we're lucky it will stay dead.

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The series is dead though. Have another one that died long ago and deserve a revival.

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What? Mass effect 2 was great too. 3rd one killed everything.

>a game count out a year ago
>dead series

Man that corpse is still fucking warm.

>All you could do was watch it happen and be powerless to stop it

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At least Kane was proven to be the good guy all along.

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Gone, not with a bang, but a whimper

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What game?

Mass effect series.

>Half Life ended with a few paragraphs
You can’t name anyhing worse than this. They literally became too talented for their own good

Fucked up my face

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>Mass effect 2 was great too

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Loved this series. Just got a friend into it. It would be nice to have a PS4 upgrade!

man dead space 1 and 2 were so fucking good

Excuse me sir, this is a graveyard. You're going to have to take your shitposting somewhere else. Please stop disrespecting this hollowed ground.

>It was not
The game came out before you. Maybe try playing it first.

I liked the co-op missions in Dead Space 3 for the spoops...

Died in the womb, publisher still in denial.

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ME2 gutted the RPG gameplay and the story fucked off to some mostly unrelated shit.

still angry about dark dawn

It was still okay/good. Remember than me3 came out and the ending was shown or talis face? That was really what killed this series.