First Far Cry 5 review

>Far Cry 5 is the best in the series, as expected. I can practically taste the Montana air as I explore the mountainous region, performing a more diverse set of actions than I’m used to. The story and villains are top notch and the gunplay is as satisfying as ever. This is easily the peak of the franchise and something one can enjoy for at least thirty hours. Having Far Cry Arcade to fall back on is just the cherry on top. Meaningfully being able to make your own missions can be a game changer in an open-world shooter and I’m hoping it works out for Ubisoft. If only those damn microtransactions weren’t in my face every time I opened a shop.

Who here /hyped/?

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Fucking pre-ordering now

is the villain good like in 4?


no thanks.

number 14
burger king foot lettuce

Are you alright, bro?

Blatantly paid shill.

>I’m happy to report that the cinematography and level design in this game are amazing... Not only that, but the imagery and camera shots bring every cutscene to life
When someone is this impressed with run-of-the-mill cutscenes, I'm a bit hesitant.

>everyone who likes a game I don't like must be a shill

If you think that review isn't a paid shill then you are delusional as fuck.

yes and you can beat the game in 5 mins by standing still just like 4.

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far cry is boring as fuck, how is it still selling?

It isn't. Sales of all ubishit games have dipped. Just look at how much shilling is on Sup Forums righ tnow for this heap of shit or just look in this thread right now

It's fucking hilarious

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Please buy our game Sup Forums or I won't get paid.

Sounds like a moderately fun game that i’ll buy on sale at 50% off sometime down the road.

>being so paranoid you think people are paid shills here

They shouldn't let mentally ill people on here

I agree, lets start with you first shill.

Don't forget to buy the Season Pass so you can play Dead Living Zombies™, Hours of Darkness™ and Lost on Mars™!

Gee thanks for the advice fellow gamers

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Uh I think you misunderstand.


w-what is that thing?

This game is being shilled mercilessly. Watch it fall off the face of the Earth 2 days after release.

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I haven't seen a game shilled so hard on Sup Forums before, it's funny that I actually had doubts companies paid people to post on here before this.

>still thinks putting Tm makes it social commentary

Hey there 2001

this. there's like 5 farcry threads. and they're all like:
>look, you can pet your dog! PREORDERING NOW!
>it's actually a good pc port! PREORDERING NOW!
>first review. PREORDERING NOW!
they are not even trying to hide it anymore

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Far Cry 5 is the mario odyssey of open world fps games


I did it for a free copy in 2012

Yeah who else would talk about video games on a video game board, besides paid people...

>Watch some gameplay on youtube.
>It is basically like every far cry game shooty shooty weird story thing.
>This time with crazy burger cultists.
>/pol gets assmad.

I don't know, I like shooty games but the üolbutthurt is unreal.

I’m waiting for Mack to review this game before I buy it. His rants can be annoying but he’s honest.

nice tactics, shill. it's always the same answer. fuck off.

All they have in life is Muh whiteness, so any game where white guys are bad makes them sperg out. Very sad.

is this really how life is in america? no wonder you people are all crazy as fuck

Yeah weird how people would use basic logic

This is how Canadians wish America was.

>people discuss game that isn't waifuu fuck simulator 3088 with a positive angle

Sup Forums, everyone

Nice? Yeah. Too bad most of america is boring :(

Yah then why are you here fag?


>Far Cry 5 is the best in the series, as expected. I can practically taste the Montana air as I explore the mountainous region
Nobody but marketing firms talks like this.

>Sales of all ubishit games have dipped.
yes that only natural that not all of your games break sales records like Watch Dogs and The Division

>another shill thread

They're going all out

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Far Cry Primal:

Primal has to be the lowest point in Ubishits history of boring turds...

>24 hours to get 100%, but not more then 2-3 hours worth of story related missions.
>get forced into reading subtitles for the slowest speaking language you could possibly come up with
>no artificial Lightning (because of time period) makes the day/night circle and especially the cave exploring the most frustrating and unfun mechanic imaginable.
>you spend the whole game pressing the button for your much needed 15 seconds of batman vision (without it it's impossible to navigate the copy + paste scenery)
>you get the exact same enemies from 3,4 with new textures
>every inch of progress is behind a massive amount of grinding for resources
>not only do you get nothing for hunting down all the collectibles...they even have the audacity to cap the XP gain at around 90%.
>this game eclipses the sheer amount of animal slaughtering from all the other games. Always pushing for unnecessary violence while keeping the auto generated loot stashes as unprofitable as possible. And then the very last cutscene shows us a child becoming friends with an sincere of you ubishit.
>all the weapons are flimsy trash and even the best upgraded bow is more shitty then the starting bow of the other games.
>the map is overcrowded as fuck with nonsensically spawning enemies that will annoy the shit out of you, and an unbearable amount of utterly useless side-content that gives you no sense of accomplishment.
>the more skills you unlock the more the map becomes filled with irritating crap that never goes away.
>while the map is massive you get no memorable locations at all out of it.
>they have Borderlands 2 like raid bosses in the game that have so much fucking health that you have to fight them for ages.
>the problem of not respawning outposts is still a thing, but this time they're also entirely boring to do (since no real strongholds are to be found in that time period)

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Sick burn. I mean you were pretty slow since someone else beat you to it, but good effort.

Or simply people who know how to write better than a fifth grader.


>Watch Dogs
>The Division


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Those graphics, that scenery, my god bros I won't make it..

It's an another "le CUHRAYZEE psychopath" that they've done for the past 2 far crys.

I wish I could just freeze myself until Tuesday.

I don't accept compliments from nigger faggots

>being this mad
you know who
games that people buy not like your weebshit HAHAHAHA

I wish I could kill myself until next present.

You also gotta be 18 to post here. Only 5 more years for you!

racist much? please get out

They're making funof you and it's working

i hope you get to fight mecha-trump

>merely pretending to be retarded
thats not how it works

The same faggots thought FC4 was an improvement over FC3, and FC3 an improvement over FC2.

Don't believe the lies. FC2 still stands as the best game in the series.

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Oh I'm not pretending you're retarded.

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>Meaningfully being able to make your own missions can be a game changer in an open-world shooter

Can anyone elaborate on this? Is it like Forge or Timesplitters or what?

>It's another "wasn't posting here when Borderlands was coming out" newfag.

6 mb masterrace reporting in. I shall join you soon.

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How the fuck would you grade FC2 as better than any other FC game? Was FC3 not repetitive enough for you?

So they're shilling for free, ironically?

>If only those damn microtransactions weren’t in my face every time I opened a shop
uh oh

Why is Ubisoft stealing story ideas from here?

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Why the fuck would you spend 60 dollerinos on this shit???

People might find these games fun. I know, shocking right?

because they're idiots with awful taste in bland open world video games that got tricked by the most dishonest publisher in the industry

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I'll probably get it for some low effort/mindless co-op, beat it, and never touch it again.

They have shockingly bad taste, I agree.

But this is not fun. Playing FC5 is like eathing shit.

how can i get a job to shill on an anime imageboard?

I'm honestly not sure if this shit's worth pirating from what I've seen of it.

I know one of the symptoms in being autistic is not being able to see things from other's p.o.v but come on...

>30 hours
Fuck me I got more out of MG Survive.


Only because FC2 released at a time we still adequately complained about video games. Same as the original Assassin's Creed.

Since then, garbage has become the standard, and the yearly AC and FC games are hailed as the second coming. FC2 and AC1 were some of the worst games of the years they were released, but none of their sequels managed to outperform them still.

Not that user but that's as close to a sarc mark as we get in this day and age. Drink more ovaltine.

this game has more NPCs than Montana residents
this ruins the immersion

>He wasn't here when Konami went nuclear during Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
You missed some serious shit, newfag.

why this game makes pol chimp out?

what are they scared off?

Don't reply to me or my posts again if you're not gonna answer my question, brainlet.

Because Sup Forums is retarded holy fuck how new are you

They're still shilling for a globalist in the name of nationalism

>Sup Forums is one person
nice fallacy nerd

Funny thing is that Sup Forums had more civilized discussion about this game than Sup Forums. This thread is just Sup Forums being Sup Forums.

>Sup Forums is more than one person
nice try m8

Actually the regressives are super buttmad that they DARE put conservatives in a good light.
You dont go around killing white men like in some leftists soyboy's wet dream.

I'm gonna answer your question then.

FC2 was repetitive, but released at a time repetitiveness was frowned upon. FC3 was even more repetitive, but released at a time casual garbage was universally praised. What really happened is games of both series got worse with each game, and so did your standards.

Having white people as an enemy is racist

Is this Todd posting 2.0?

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not an argument