If you use MEGA EVOLUTIONS you are a huge fucking retard

If you use MEGA EVOLUTIONS you are a huge fucking retard.

Just because they're in the game doesn't mean you should use them, they do nothing but increase the gap between unusable and usable Pokemon. Yes I realise some Megas are not considered to be good but that doesn't mean you should use them.

Game Freak 100% ruined competitive Pokemon, never before has there been so many useless Pokemon. Do your part. Stand against this shit.

Attached: super saiyan.jpg (1276x716, 168K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Megas are fine
UBs and z-moves are the problem

>Ruined Competitive Pokemon
This sounds like a good thing.


>2018 and people are still so mad at mega
Chill out.

>UBs are the problem

They're almost all weak as fuck

>ruined competitive Pokemon
And nothing of value was lost!

>never before has there been so many useless Pokemon
Gen 4 was super fucking narrow. Dragons and Steels until Garchomp and Salamence got banned. Scizor was on every fucking team and it started the whole U-Turn shit.
Competitive pokemon never had a lot of depth. But by gen 4 all of it was gone.

>Competitive pokemon
Do you compete vs other kids in the ballpit too?

Don't tell me how to play Pokemon. Fuck off.

>competitive Pokemon

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Fuck you, I want to use some of the megas because their designs are great. The rest I don't give a shit about because their designs are dog shit.

Aww, is someone mad that they got their shit wrecked by a Mega? Cry harder.

>competitive rock paper scissors


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i thought you could only have 1 mega per team

Megas aren't even broken scrub, if you're having trouble beating them you're the one with the problem

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That's the problem

They're too weak to be considered ubers and too strong for normal competitive play

>Just because they're in the game doesn't mean you should use them

Attached: [Boisterous Laughter].png (584x634, 431K)

Literally every pokemon can use a Z-move. The exclusive ones are rarely if ever used and generally not any stronger than standard Z-moves, completing dodging the problem mega evolution had. Ultra Beasts aren't even a new mechanic, they're just more pokemon. Some of them are strong, some of them are middling, and some of them are weak. Not even their ability is a new thing, it's just a spin on Moxie.

>there's an entire containment board that was created specifically because of this type of fucking autism
>it still leaks out onto Sup Forums anyway

go away

Attached: BtGnVpkIYAAortH.jpg (480x638, 285K)

That's right. OP's image is probably a Multi Battle or something (two players on a team against two other players) which isn't an "official" format in any sense.

What game is this? I played through ultra sun until I beat the league and never heard of this.

I don’t know why they couldn’t just make megas into straight evolutions

>competitive Pokemon

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I remember using Mega Kangaskhan back when XY released. Those damn gooks couldn't do a damn thing.

2 megas at once
How is this possible? I thought it was only one per pokemon and battle like z-moves?

Almost as bad as competitive smash

They're in USUM but are buried in postgame as they are an XY/ORAS gimmick.

This will be what I think you call a multi battle. Two teams of two players each versus each other.

Multi Battles, as in 2 vs 2 players, each player can use their own Mega so you get that.

>Pheremosa and Naganedel are literally in ubers
>too weak
>Everything else is OU or below
>too strong for normal play
>Naganedel and Celesteela are obnoxiously common in Battle Spot, with Nihelego and Pheremosa somewhat less so
>Kartana is one of the top mons for the current season of VGC

You know that you don't play pokemon and yet here you are running your mouth. Why? What possesses people to do this?

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>Will o wisping M-Khangas left and right
felt good, there will never be another VGC like 2014

Attached: Eizen.jpg (540x247, 25K)

The problem was shit like Megamom and megas for legendaries. Also comp pokemon is a fucking joke

Nah, the prankster nerf was what ruined competitive pokemon.

I call champ, give me 6 mons

is this loss?

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if you play pokeymans you are a huge fucking retard (and a redditor)

They shouldve done mega evolutions for all the essentially unusable pokemon, instead of on legendaries to 1 shot even other mega evolved legendaries.

I did my part by not playing nu pokemon at all
