50 million copied sold

>50 million copied sold

why did you buy it Sup Forums? you knew it's shit.

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it cost me 5 euros so whatever

I got it at launch, it was good at the time.

Now people just buy it for fuck mods.

This. I bought it almost 7 years ago. I have no idea why people still talk about it.

>why did you buy it Sup Forums?
becuz da epin traylor!!! fus ro daa!!!

Only ever bought it twice, once on 360 and beat it, later on PC for other reasons...

because it's a good game

Bought it three times. Once on the PS3, once on the PS4 and again on the Switch. Never regretted any of the purchases.

>you knew it's shit
No I didn't. I wasn't a cynical shit back then. I actually liked Oblivion once.

When I got my PC together this game and all of its DLC was $5. That means I got all of that, and the enhanced edition when it dropped for $5. Only played it for about 30-50 hours though because the engine doesn't like variable frame rates above sixty.

Anyone going to play Skyrim VR?


He made me do it.

this was the last time I ever listened to critics, still have no idea how this piece of trash got those 10s on release, there were no mods back then to save it
I'm looking to pirate skyrim 6 thought, not expecting anything good just to enjoy trainwreck it will surely be

Fuck you Todd!

Show me on the doll where the Bethesda touched you.

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>skyrim 6
By the time such a game were released, drm would probably be virtually uncrackable.

I've never buy it, not even play it.

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i bought majoras mask almost 18 years ago. why do we still talk about it?

I bought it on every conceivable platform.

I'm somewhat of a video games connoisseur

What gimmicks/features, graphics gameplay or otherwise does Sup Forums think VI would feature to rake in the big money?

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not sure what would rake in the big money (more than the TES brand already brings) but if I had to guess what they could do to further worsen it I would wager on them adding cutscenes/'cinematic gameplay ' portions.
Also with Adam gone the direction is even more uncertain.

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Those concept artists have no god damn idea what the fuck they are doing. How could they make that and think "Yeah, our game engine is capable of doing that." or "Yeah, that's the scale of our game."

It's absolutely worthless.

You sound slightly dumb

I pirated it.

Multiplayer, I guess. It would be pretty fun playing on LAN I guess, where ping isn't a real concern. But I don't think bethesda will do it. I can only see it being worse, not better.

>why did you buy it Sup Forums?

to fap

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Still feel cheated.

Really depends how that upcoming Skyrim Together mod does. I wouldn't be surprised if they are keeping an eye on it.

I mean, you're trolling but whatever.

I know what I'm talking about because hey, I'm a concept artist and AD.

Bought it at launch, first big vidya disappointment of my life. How was I gonna know just how shallow and Boring it would be? You could barely even roleplay.

Radical thought
maybe they didn't 'think "Yeah, our game engine is capable of doing that." or "Yeah, that's the scale of our game." '

>JRPG waifu shit
>Skin drenched in a gigaton of oil

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Tried playing it the other day and got a huge headhache. The FP camera is a mess, I wish games stopped doing that

Then they wasted their time.

Are you retarded or what?

>Are you retarded or what?
are you? concept art almost never looks like the finished product. why do you think it's called concept art?

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>most never looks like the finished product.
ok you're retarded.

No, and I disagree on wasting time
You seem like a stuck pretty stuck up person butthurt due to people not seeing things how you do or acting differently from you
Seek help

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When it drops in price, sure. Not paying fucking $80 for a VR version of a one and a half year old re-released version of a six year old game.

Also need to see if it's as fucked as FO4 VR or not.

i bought it on 360, i beat it im sure of it, at least a hundred hours i spent in it but thinking back i dont know what i did. the entire game is a blur. i am convinced if i replayed it i wouldn't have fun, to be so unmemorable means i just had no standards then whereas i do now