My daughter

My daughter...

Attached: 476506-in_game_harry_super.jpg (600x450, 23K)

Muh wife

Attached: sh2.jpg (1920x1080, 369K)

>My wife's daughter
What did he mean by this

Not even that, just some random baby he found on the side of the road

>Sup Forums unironically likes Soylent Hill

>Muh revenge

Attached: Silent_Hill_3_storeroom.jpg (480x269, 16K)

>Muh room

Attached: Silent Hill 4 - Fridge.webm (1920x1080, 948K)

>muh... truck?
Seriously, what was his thing?

Attached: travis.png (1280x715, 916K)

Is there ever something you can do with the knife?

It's good for speedruns, since you can kill most bosses in one or two hits with it.

Kill shit. Yeah, it's pretty cumbersome and slow, but so are most of the SH2's monsters, so it works out.

>muh nurses

Attached: super nut.jpg (300x297, 50K)

>Muh parents

>Best non Silent Hill Silent Hill game


>Best Silent Hill Game


>Best Waifu even today


Attached: Silent Hill Downpour.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

Oh yeah. That was such a non sequitur.
>the protagonists needs a traumatic past, I guess
>okay, will we tie it in with the plot in any way?

is a magical girl

Attached: Princess-Heart.jpg (91x215, 4K)

Best weapon for taking out the Pyramid Head bros.


Maria had a hard fucking life. Imagine being a self aware spawn of some asshole's subconscious with no free will, someone else's scattered memories, and a tendency to get brutally murdered.

Attached: cameron diaz.jpg (800x559, 15K)

>Have you seen my daughter?
>Short, black hair?
>Have you seen my daughter?
>Short black hair?


Muh room

Attached: 0B32593B-A8DE-4CA2-9175-73A90423E5F5.jpg (699x503, 81K)

>Is there ever something you can do with the knife?
Spooky away enemies without killing them, as they'll think you're the PH if you turn off your flashlight.

More like
>muh mom