It's no masterpiece

It's no masterpiece

Attached: header[1].jpg (460x215, 42K)

Other urls found in this thread:

You're right, it surpasses masterpiece






Also haven't played in years, what mods are used now to update it?

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absolutely btfo



all me

OP seems upset.


Attached: nope.jpg (223x88, 9K)

>first stage of grief - denial


Going from F3 to NV is like going into another dimension.

Attached: nice man nice..gif (500x500, 993K)

right answer here

New Vegas is the videogame's videogame for the gamer's gamer.

Attached: 1518960444308.gif (1920x1080, 199K)

Go home Joseph Anderson, you're drunk.

bless you

It's alright

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now everyone lets get out this shitty thread

How will OP ever recover?


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>"We shall see how brave you are when nailed to the walls of Hoover Dam, your body facing West so you may watch your world die."

Chris Avellone is my hero

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So is this the new new vegas thread then?
Give me some underrated mods for NV.

He won't. He is doom to the back burner of Sup Forums history forever.

>NV bounties
>NV treasure hunter
Someguys mods are 10/10.


Attached: 1514870674723.png (250x418, 121K)

Not him but that is the name of the mod.

not him but youre retarded

>36 replies
>26 posters


>Someguys mods
I love his mods but they're the opposite of underrated.

but it's a damn good game


Op is still seething. Plus he made the new NV thread.

>picture of any game
>"It's no masterpiece" in the OP
Why are there so many threads like this lately? Another reddit raid?

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>implying we're not constantly under reddit raids
Take a look around pal.

Isn't this the game where people whine that Obsidian could have done so much better had Bethesda given them the time to actually finish and flesh out the parts that get criticized about it?

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unironically this

all me

Mass repliers should be banned.

Samefags should be banned

Read the posts / poster count next time bud.

>being this much in denial

Really makes u thonk

Attached: (738x406, 53K)

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>Point out pertinent info to people spamming the same thing over and over

You can do it without tagging every post for attention.

It isn't, it's a really good game that could have used more development time, running on a really shitty, buggy, gross, half-assed engine.

Unironically this. New Vegas pretty much sets a new standard for action RPGs when it comes to roleplaying depth that is yet to be beat.

That's what happens with Obsidian every time they make a game. They still come out better than most other WRPG studios though.

>55 replies
>35 posters
The worst part about obidiandrone is they do it for free and I am convinced they actively search for NV threads always ready to spout their same tired rhretoric, blaming everyone but obsidian themselve for the game being a garbage dumspterfire.

New vegas is the definition of style over substance, of quantity over quality. There is so much to do in the world and so many different quests, so many different choices,but ultimately everything feels so shallow and hollow.

>same fagging your own thread
why are new vegas fags so petty?

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You mean all.

I could but then the people who really need to see it won't look at it because there's no (You) attached to it. It also highlights the problem of people spamming something that's already been brought up before.

>liking one (1) obsidian game makes you an obsidiandrone

So this... is the power of Nu obsidian

Attached: obsidian.jpg (3516x1360, 773K)

damn, (you) got me

Attached: (you).png (1920x1080, 298K)

Arguably the most glitchy game I've ever played so I'd agree.

No fuck you fpbp

>anti-nvfags seething this hard

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First post based post

Funny how you took the time to make that picture and complain about numales without saying a thing about the game in question. Game devs are nerds and fatasses, always have been, get over it.

>2nd Guy Down
is he amish?
are we at the point where amish game devs exist?

Oh and reminder that Jsweyer was fired for wrongthink and not being a cuck

>feargus urquhart
are you actually retarded? hes been a game dev for decades

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Jesus do you have OCD user? Because it looks like OCD.

The sad part is that you think your pic is actually insulting Obsidian fans instead of making you look like a child.

With its fucking trash engine, yeah no, it's really not.

I didnt make this pic newfag, its as old as the tyranny release threads.

>getting this upset
Numale detected
Let me guess, this isn't insulting obsidian fans because the average fan is an overweight neckbeard?

At least you admit you are doing it for attention. Unfortunately you are the one spamming. None of the posts even were direct replies to anything you linked. 2 were pure shitposts one was just a musing on the thread in general. I understand you are likely new here. But please lurk before you post. And in future only link to posts when relevant or necessary for the post

>he plays RPGs for the combat

Attached: 1495546638562.png (350x350, 88K)

Yes, I do. Now discuss what I talked about instead of bringing up things that aren't at all pertinent to the thread.

>walking simulator: the game

yeah no

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Point still stands.
Game was released in 2016.

So basically you can't refute what I said? Thanks for letting me know.

yes, not very long ago. The fact you werent here for that makes you NEW AS FUCK.

>Make my reply apply towards multiple posts
>I'm the one spamming
lol ok breh

I said engine. New Vegas' combat is alright.

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It's already been confirmed by the devs that QA was bethesda's responsibility in their contract. So it was bethesda's fault New Vegas was buggy.

I was, I don't know what you're going on about. It also sounds like you didn't play the game.

>Stutter Remover crashes the game

Attached: 1507164218932.png (390x492, 72K)

>New Vegas' combat is alright.

Is your OCD forcing you to reply?

yes. Which post was yours.
Unecessarily linking posts is inherently spam. Please consider this when posting in future. But you are doing it for (you)s so you know that already and dont care.


>when you unironically think nv has good combat
Its as shitty as 3's. The only upgrade is having iron sights which a mod fixed anyways.

No one bothers complaining about bugs in a 3D Fallout, they're par for course at this point.

No, and if you don't actually address any points pertinent to this thread I'll assume you can't refute anything I've said and be content with that.

>if you don't actually address any points pertinent to this thread

Nobody has to. Everybody loves new vegas and you cant argue that :^)