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We're all doomed.
Did anyone play the arenas EE brought along? I thought they were okay to fuck around in abit and see how hard you can break the game
I played alot of the first black pits
I always romance viconia too
is there a cheese for kangaxx im lazy and want the ring only level 9
Damn I want to nail that pixie tits.
>realised she is a new EE character written by beamdog
she is lesbian or trans, isn't she
no shes straight but just an awful personality
Worse, she is reddit
Worse, shes a wild mage
Just get the cloak from the sewers and turn into a mustard jelly
pretty sure even reddit hates beamdog
She's annoying as all fuck. Also she kinda cheats on you. Kisses you at the end of BG1, promises good times and fun, next time you meet her she tells you she got it on with some mage she met between games and then abandoned him because she's afraid of compromise.
It's hard not to hate them I guess. Most of the new party members had such awful dialogue from the start I did not even think about recruiting them.
Seriously? Do you get to call her out on that?
No idea, I haven't actually played through her romance, someone just posted screenshots of several parts of it and I read online opinions on the new npcs and people commented on it, and the earliest "conflict" you have with her in BG2 is her telling you about her boytoy (who is also the form the wraith takes in ToB because obviously a couple weeks long fling is the most important relationship she's ever had in her life).
A Scroll of Protection from Magic'll do it. Just make sure you have a +4 Weapon or better to damage him with. If you're still early in the game and don't have one, the Adventurer's Mart has the Staff of Rhynn +4 for sale. It'll get the job done.
thats it? why is he treated like one of the hardest bosses in the game then?
>"hey, maybe I should install some of these mods that restore lost content when I replay this game"
>get to Spellhold
>everyone fucked up, decide to rest
>suddenly Bodhi appears with vampire rape gang surrounding mage charname instantly
>928397271 levels drained
You know, maybe some things are cut for a reason.
Because you need to have experience in D&D to understand that some basic things completely break the system like Scroll of Protection from Magic/Undead. Like you didn't assume such a common thing cuts off kangaxx's balls and it's otherwise not used often if at all.
Nope, she's just annoying as hell, just like all the other new npcs. Fuck beamdog, seriously.
Basically what this guy said: Almost every difficult fight in the game has some way of completely cheesing through the difficulty. Most people don't really even feel bad about it with Kangaxx since it's not like he outplays you, he just spams Imprison spells like a faggot.
After 20 years of modding the game six ways from Sunday, the only way I play at all these days is vanilla. The base storyline is about as maximum comfy-tier as any game gets for me.
damn thats some great art
fucking hell this sounds bad, good thing i never ever played BG with restored contents
Wasn't that one of those difficulty mod?
Some of the added stuff is neat, but then there's bullshit like this. It would be fine if you had time to prepare at least, but not so much when you have vampires raping your backline before you can cast a spell.
I'm trying to go through the entire thing without resting now, having a Ring of Regeneration on Korgan helps but it's still gonna take ages.
Eh, maybe? I installed a bunch of stuff along with BG trilogy, so it's hard to tell what causes what. If I'm getting fucked in Spellhold, I fear for my sanity for what lies ahead. I'm not very good at this game.
Kangaxx is one those broken encounters that are pretty much impossible unless you cheese it. Either you cheese him, or he cheeses you. He's stupidly hard to hit with only a handful of weapons in the game, and has passive health regeneration you can't outdamage unless you have the right characters with skillpoints in those weapons. You can leave anyone without such weapons or a protection from magic scroll at the entrance, because they'd be either 100% useless, or cannon fodder, possibly both.
ok faggots lets settle this once and for all
Viconia Redemption Romance > Jaheira > Aerie > Viconia Normal Romance
What is the ultimate party combination of hilariously broken characters if you want to do a playthrough and make all the characters yourself? I'm also talking about going into BG2 and ToB
>make all the characters yourself?
Why would you want to do this?
What are the best and worst mage specialisation?
conjurer,necromancer and illusionist
everything else is shiet
Best is probably Invoker. You only really give up Sleep, Greater Malison and Friends (which I've only ever seen myself pushing on these forums).
Worst is easily Transmuter, since you lose all the super important Abjuration spells like Breach, Spell Turning, Spell Trap, Lower Resistance, Dispel Magic, Protection from X, etc etc.
Why is it all the romances are elves?
Hell even the new wild mage chick is an elf.
Guess people just like ramming elf pussy.
>No Mirror Image, no Mislead, no Project Image, no Simulacrum
Pass. Illusionist dropping Skull Trap, Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting and Animate Dead is rough, but doable.
Conjuration's fine too and probably runner up for Invoker as second best spec. There are only like 8 Divination spells, but they are really useful ones like Identify, True Sight, Clairvoyance (like Friends, criminally underappreciated), etc.
And a Kensai->Mage buffbitch to provide the glorious Berserkers with Improved Haste, Breach and True Sight.
personally i would just go sorcerer since they're the most fun class but whatever
Mazzy should've been the romance option for shorty races and Nalia might've made a fine human warrior-only romance option where you end up as the permanent lord of De'Arnise Keep.
Personally, I wouldn't be an ultrafaggot that plays the Enhanced Edition to acquire their bullshit kits, but whatever.
>Imagine being this autistic over a class that's been in the game since before you were born
sorcerer exists in baldur's gate 2 you brainlet subhuman
I don't know why, but I read it as Dragon Disciple instead of Sorcerer. Got no real excuse, turns out that I was the ultrafaggot all along.
I want to try playing BG1 as a cleric. Any tips?
Vanilla? Pure cleric? Plan to import in bg2?
That dog is like a sped up version of my turtle.
Also, google Ashideena and aim for it soon as you step out of Candlekeep.
Yes, and I guess unless there's a fun dual-spec to try out and yes.
Yes. That and they're all healers too.
Can you imagine how being in a love triangle with fucking Korgan would turn out for a PC romancing Mazzy? I doubt you'd get the same kind of prancing faggotry you get from Haer'Dalis over Aerie.
The only new character I genuinely liked is Baeloth because of his backstory in the Black Pits.
A lot of it depends on the type of cleric you want to be. You looking to be a caster cleric, a melee cleric, a tanky cleric?
Max str, dex, wis and get con to 15
this desu, plus based shepard voicing him
what exactly happens in the dream sequence where irenicus drains you? you pay a stat to know your inner self? bhaal (or his essence in you) is talking to you and you confront him with imoen but she wasnt even there apparently? you get a new slayer power despite being drained? I'm confused, is this explained later?
Tanky cleric sounds fun, let's go with that.
In the fifth dream? It's about sacrificing from yourself for a greater understanding of the Bhaalspawn essence. Candlekeep represents knowledge, the lost attribute the sacrifice, and when Imoen (your inner self) stands with you to defeat Bhaal (the Bhaalspawn essence) it shows your mastery over the essence.
You stack hardiness, armor of faith and defender of east haven for really high physical resistance, needs to be fighter or ranger multi
What's the strongest party for BG1 so I can complete Durlag's Tower without getting my ass kicked to hell and back (Fighter PC)?
I feel like half of BG1's NPCs are shitty thieves, the other half comes only in pairs of 2 with one being undesirable. The only good ones I remember are Kivan and Coran (fucking bows, man) and Kagain (he had regenerating health before it was popular).
Bonus points for powerleveling cheese strats (Basilisks, Sirens maybe?).
>joins you on BG1
>joins you on SoD
>doesn't join you on BG2 and ToB the most significant parts of the BG saga
>lol have this shitty bear instead
it's ok user we all make mistakes
Why did it need to show imoen if it was about my mastery? thanks for response
Durlag is a high level dungeon.
You shouldn't really bother unless level 6-8
Protection from Fire and Lightning lets you cheese the traps, but some still stay even after being triggered so it's best to disarm them with a thief.
Honestly the enemies in Durlag aren't exactly hard for a character with post BG gear
Also, arrows of detonation and dispelling are your friends.
>strongest party
Coran, Kivan, Kagain, Monty, Edwin, Baeloth
>Bonus points for powerleveling cheese strats
Basilisks are utterly easy, best friend Koraxx can tank most of them for you otherwise all you need is a prot from petrification scroll (from nashkel carnival merchant), a pot of mirrored eyes from high hedge, or the level 1 spell from wizards.
Sirines are also easy on EE, most of them aren't immune to Sleep, and there's an amulet on Ulgoth's Beard that makes you immune to charm.
There is no reason not to be all of them at the same time though with a fighter dual.
Especially since with 21+ WIS you'll be swimming in cleric spells.
It's a dream so they use a lot of imagery. Every time you see Imoen, it represents you. Irenicus is the Bhaalspawn essence all the way until the fifth dream when the essence unmasks itself as Bhaal moves to take control of you and you have to master/defeat it.
Not everyone wants to be a Fighter dual though. And Fighter dual isn't necessarily the best option for a Cleric. You could get a ton of mileage out of Thief [esp. Swashbuckler] / Cleric, or Cleric / Mage, for example.
+ HP and +APR with added berserk bonus> whatever
Cleric/Mage is shitty for most of the sagaunless gnome cleric/illusionist
lmao that guy's a faggot and Bohdi hunting you in Spellhold (like she says she will) is great. Pussy.
Beamdog really managed to surpass themself in Siege of Dragonspear. They made Neera even more repulsive and unbearable than in the other two games.
>Get to impregnate Aerie
>Get purification with Viconia
The fact that there's no evil Thief makes the Thief/Cleric a good choice for an evil playthrough. It's not about objectively what build shits out the most damage at the end of Throne of Bhaal, despite what entry level babby powergamers think. And Cleric/Mage is viable the whole way through. You get full Cleric through BG1 which is pretty damn useful, and you can dual almost immediately out of Irenicus's dungeon with scrolls bringing you up close enough to the level break that even if you don't get all your Cleric powers back immediately, you're still a high enough Mage to be useful to your party. And Cleric 11 / Mage 12 happens WAY earlier than Berserker 13 / Mage 14.
ahhhhh I gotcha thanks, people give this games writing alot of flack but I think its pretty good, not PST tier sure but fuckloads better than one and most RPGs these days
Didn't Meer voice someone else?
Is that a new Kassadin skin?
He voices like half the new EE characters. Outside Mass Effect the guy's a nobody.
He voiced the monk nobody cares about because LG, straight and >monk in BG1
>evil thief
Literally who cares, Jan is there for you
>Cleric 11 / Mage 12 happens WAY earlier than Berserker 13 / Mage 14.
Sweetie, only maximum retards dual at 13
How did they get away with this? Today would have create a shitstorm.
>literally who cares
A lot of people. That's why the fags at Beamdog added Hexxat. People have been bitching for an evil Thief since the game came out. Shows how much you know about it.
>only retards dual fighters at 13
smuganimegirls.jpg Literally the patrician dualing-tier. What retarded break-point do you use? 7?
>Kagain tank
>Shar-teel (use shadowkeeper to give her pips in two-handed swords and use spider's bane)
>(You) fighter/thief archer/backstabber
>Imoen (dual-classed to mage)
>that absolutely retarded ending for romancing a redeemed Viconia
No, fuck you, Lolth, I'm going to burn down your whole fucking realm and bathe in your blood.
Imoen from Imoen Romance Mod. Any other answer is objectively wrong.
The new fog was such a great idea. Man, what a company.
I didnt include that answer because I knew all you faggots would vote for it
Pure clerics are weak. You want to multi or dual into it. On the other hand, it's a good class for the protagonist because you get 3 wisdom tomes which boost your spells.
You wanna be a pure caster? Multi with mage. Any multi is going to get higher level spells later, but the sheer amount of spells will be high, and you can use mage tricks like sequencers on your cleric spells. Plus you get to wear Shields, Helmets, have ok THACO progression, etc.
Fighter mixes are if you want to beat on things. Dual if you want the grandmastery damage bonus and a good kit (berserker) at the expense of weapon flexibility. Best is probably 7>8 from a gameplay perspective. Multi fighter lets you pick a better race (dwarf for shorty bonuses, orc for 19 str, both get 19>20 con after Buckley's or a tome you get early). You'll also get access to fighter HLAs. You can't get a +atk offhand and FOA eventually blocks haste, so GW is nice. Also, hardiness stacks with Armor and Defender of Easthaven.
One thing to note is that even though Crom is a cleric weapon class, you don't really need it as a cleric because of DUHM.
Cleric/Ranger best.
6 sorcs
Cleric/Ranger is shit unless you're abusing the Druid spell list glitch. And if you're going to cheat, why not console command every fight, then any class is best.
>Druid spell list glitch
Working as intended. Otherwise why didn't ever patch it out? :^)
The EE's did patch it out and a bunch of the mods that came out after the game lost support do too. A glitch finding its way into the final product does not mean "working as intended."
stop using my gnome fighter/illusionist portrait.
just use fighter/cleric then
Best in my opinion is Wild Mage as you can just use all your level 1 spells as ANY level spell
If you're going for a no reload forget it though
That wasn't his point when responding to him
what the heck am I looking at?
Ignoring the glitch, it does give a couple spells and two free pips in 2weapon fighting in exchange for slightly slower leveling, which isn't a bad trade.
For me though, the half-orc and dwarf racial advantages outweigh that.
But a dual-class Fighter / Cleric is objectively better than a multiclass or dual-class Ranger / Cleric.
Best Boy