Vermintide 2 thread

This thread is for lumberfoots who want to discuss Vermintide 2

Did you pay tribute to your goddess Kerillian yet?

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I love Kerillian

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Why are Saltz players so bad?

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>4 replies
>2 IPs

Now 3

Two handed double flail for Zealot when
Dual Crossbows for Witch Hunter when
Minicrossbow and Sword for Shade when
Spear and Shield for Merc when

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>Teammates at low hp
>I'm maxed out and have tome
>Ping it 5 times
>Everyone runs right past it


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>"I can't self heal"

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>follow a sackrat into an enemy patrol

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>do some shitty mine map
>5 minutes in a chaos spawn throws me outside of the map
>Guess it's time to die, then

>Literally next map I queue for
>get stuck on top of a chair
>rat ogre rapes half the party till they drag it to me then kills me because I can't fucking move

am I just unlucky or is this game buggy as shit

I once bombed a rat ogre off a cliff and in doing so damaged myself to death but at the same instant killed some rats and got temp hp and became a ghost that couldn't do damage

I think it's endearing

What game is this!?

>cosmetics have a 0% drop rate from Emperor's Vaults
>people getting red items from champion's general chests
What the fuck is the point then


So I’m relatively new sitting at 150 or so power level. Every quick match I’ve joined (recruit), the players are significantly worse than Bots.
>people take 3k damage on recruit. Literally how?

Should I keep solo with bots until I’m good enough to do quickmatch with veterans? Or should I assume veteran players are a lot better, so I’ll start queueing for vet quickmatch?

Any good? I vaguely remember hearing about it. Is it like crpg?

Recruit is cancer but you should be able to carry it if you're half decent. It doesn't get any better in Veteran, except now the shitters you met in Recruit have a superiority complex because they're in the next tier.
Champion is a mixed bag because it has a lot of shitters in it who don't understand how Hero Power works and sperg out at anyone below their arbitrary character level requirement for the difficulty. These same people who think character level is everything run off by themselves trying to speedrun and die to an assassin 10 times out of 10.

What I am trying to say is, play with friends.

So basically once I feel good enough, I should skip recruit, because it’s actually “harder” than the next difficulty up due to shit players? That makes sense

2 weeks in and ded. repes

>Play my main (elf)
>Never ever wipe on my current difficulty
>Start leveling Kruber for my 2nd
>Jump into Veteran starting at level 5
>Wipe 50% of my games
>Always take the least damage and always the last one alive

I understand why non elf players are so salty now. If your team isn't good there's literally NOTHING you can do on most classes. It's frustrating. Meanwhile elf can carry a whole fucking team no matter how bad they are.

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Ibfucknghate evles

I fucking LOVE Kerillian