Dragon's dogma

warrior or mystic knight?

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four fighters deep


Neither. Warrior just waits for sword to charge up as he shuffles his feet. Mystic Knight just stands there slapping balls and watching shit die in the distance. Go Assassin or Magick Archer, at least that involves some activity.

Sorcerer or Magick Archer are the only valid options

>Mystic Knight just stands there slapping balls
That's one skill and it's not even necessary to use

warrior for more of a challenge but still a fun time
MK if you want to absolutely wreck face

which will be best for bitter black?

Warrior is the worst vocation by far. Anything without daggers in general suffers significantly.

The choice is obvious.

Attached: Arc of Deliverance.webm (1067x600, 2.18M)

MA>MK>asassin>the others>power gap>warrior

Neither, MA

Attached: Dragon's Dogma Assassin Guide.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

warrior nigga, you have more skills than the big stand still and charge. I would also invest in getting the Eminence augment, it gives you 30% more strength when doing jump attacks, which you'll be doing plenty of as warrior. just level strider to rank 5


Mystic Knight is probably the most fun. You get the beat em up of melee but you get some of the strategy of magic.

>play sorc for 90% of the game just to have fun with MK or MA for one fight
no thanks

This, you get a bit of everything and abyssal anguish looks fucking rad.
Stone jungle is overpowered as fuck too.

>minmaxing in dragon's dogma

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>parroting Sup Forums memes
Not everyone is a min maxing faggot
You can play fighter to 10 then switch to MK for the rest of the game and be fine

hybrid classes are so OP in this game , there's no reason to play the vanilla ones

>tfw cant play as guts on pc

Sorry, but Strider is the second best class in the game.

Just play on PC you can literally mod it so you get Sorcerer lvl ups while playing MK/MA the whole game.

>Stuck in the arena with multiple multicasting ice dragons.

Are the encounters in this game randomized because this is the biggest pile of bullshit I've ever had to endure in a video game.

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>Can't play as Guts or Griffith in the HD remakes either.

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>go to BBI completly underleveled
>reach the point with the ogre, two huge skeletons and the tower of harpies
>walk down tower
>minotaur slaps my ass
>he easily kills two of my guys
>run away back up the tower
>about to get smacked to death
>my last pawn attacks him with all he's got
>minotaur charges at him
>they both fall down the ledge
Easily the best moment in the game. That and my first fight against the drake which took 45 minutes

probably the same dudes who claim BBI is too hard

New Game BBI runs are better than playing through the main story first. You'll encounter a lot of bullshit but the exploits you can pull off due to the games mechanics make it more exciting than trying to playing it like a typical RPG gridan.

I tried Mystic Knight on one of my first playthroughs, I don't know if it was because I didn't know how to play too well yet but I didn't find it that good. The slapping the ball thing for magic attack is ok but apart from that..

Now assassin on the other hand wrecks everything holy shit. The class kinda has no downsides, you can melee or climb and destroy everything but you also have a bow and ranged skills and can equip explosive arrows to annihilate anything from range.

Plus you also have that buff thing for sanic speed.

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advanced magic vocations are the strongest though
>MK is for setting up huge damage
>MA is for utility and general gameplay

Assassins has the downside that you rely on a strenght built to make it viable end game. Meaning you had to level up most of the time as an assassin. MK benefits from both strenght and magic so you can mix classes better during your playthrough.

Magic Knight takes a shit load of preparation before you get into fights but you can dish out a ton of damage.

>Echant your shield with magic and learn frame perfect blocks
>Cast Dark Anguish to increase your attach range and add shockwave damage
>Enchant your weapon for elemental damage preferably Holy magic and for the next step
>Cast Ruinous Sigil 3 times
>Cast Vortex Sigil to pull in enemies towards Ruinous sigil
>Cast Magic Cannon 3 times
>Use compass slash on the balls and cause the game crash because you just obliterated everything within a five mile radius with a storm of magic missiles

Also depending on the enchantment of your weapon will change the type of magic created by the cannon and sigil spells. Like I said it's really tedious to set it up for every encounter in the game but when you do you become unstoppable.

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wanted to start a new run and give another try to MA, what's the strongest combos it can do? Last time I tryed using MA it felt like I was shooting pretty fireworks instead of actually powerful magic arrows

can you guys please post qt female pawns

I love MK but you can wreck shit even faster with a Magic Archer, just cast a few times the level up magic sigil and start obliterating everything with the basic charge shot.

Even the gorecyclops dont stand more than a minute of barrages

I want to like MA but I can't find a good pair of daggers worth shit and MK is still effective against magic resistant enemies because of what Dark Anguish does to your weapon and being able to deflect damage with a shield.

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Quality assassin waifu

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Where my Danny Devito pawns at?

MA is a fast vocation, use your daggers and use ricochets to infinitely stun enemies in small rooms.
your main attack will be x-fold shots and the rest is optional, but i do like rivets and seeking arrows

I usually fell back on using Magick Rebalancer 3 times and unloading with Ninefold Bolt/Hunter Bolt. Used Sunflare for some fire damage and mobility on the side with Instant Reset, though I know a lot of people love to run Immolation and cling to shit.

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If you don't think Immolation is unironically the best skill in the game then you're a FAGGOT.

I mean you light yourself on fire in a game with cling mechanics, so I can only expect good things from it. I just never bothered with it.

i fucking loved it but i didn't have space for it
>cutting wind
>thousand kisses
>instant reset
i sometimes swapped out thousand kisses for it but ultimately the other two are unswappable and kiss is just better

Is this game good? I'm told you have to walk everywhere so that kinda annoying

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It's extremely annoying up until halfway through the game when you access to port crystals which let you create your own waypoints. I recommend not bother with any sidequests until you get at least two port crystals so you can access all of Gran Soren relatively quickly.

just don't expect too much from the game, it'll still reward you a lot from just playing it.
yes give it a go

I such bullshit how the game only limits you to 3 skills per weapon even when you're using classes that have no sub weapon like Warrior. They better fix this shit in the sequel.

that's the wrong way to play warrior. real warrior does 60% jumping light attacks, 30% jumping heavy attacks and then 10% arc of deliverance
or really just use any of the non charging skills plus lots of jumping attacks
you don't really have to back track much until you've started getting multiple port crystals. just be sure to pick up the eternal ferrystone from your inn storage once you make it to gran soren and then you can port to the two main cities at any time.
also if you're on pc get the input hooks mod from nexus. there's a setting to make it so you have infinite stamina outside of combat which makes traveling the world a lot more enjoyable if you'd rather not port everywhere

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The sequel...
Please user, it hurts...

oh my poor sweet summer child

make sure you bring a sorc your second time around


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I've gone from level 1 to level 70 in bbi by just abusing throwblasts, coin purses, explosive barrels, scrolls/cameos, and throwing enemies off ledges. Low level bbi runs really are a good way to learn how to flex some of the mechanics, like pinning enemies to significantly reduce their armor.
>tfw your pawn starts throwing explosive barrels at giant skeletons too

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How fun is a pure Fighter run?

My first run was a Sorcerer so im kinda off put by the Mystic Knight (or whatever the name is). Kinda want to do a non-magic run. That being said im drawing a blank with how a Fighter can approach fighting some things on the Bitterblack Isle. Specifically that ginormous Evil Eye thing or that chained up tortured Cyclops thing.

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>Specifically that ginormous Evil Eye thing
user you did use its own spells against it right? You didn't just blindly jump off the ledge and smack his eyeball did you?

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I've not done fighter, but I've had no problems with bitterblack as a warrior
the gazer is a bit difficult as melee I will admit. I've had to wait until it casts great cannon, then use them against it. I'm pretty sure I've had my sorcerer pawn cast gicel right through the cannon killing it instantly which was pretty cool
the chained gorecyclops is no problem though. you climb up his back, attack his neck to knock off the helmet, torpor him and then slice at his feet while a ranged pawn hits his eye

>I've had to wait until it casts great cannon

Did you try standing under when the large tentacles would shoot up from the ground?

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Run past them.

I honestly don't remember it having larger tentacles than a normal evil eye. looking at the wiki page I also don't think I ever saw it use poisonous gas either

It's possible lore-wise to bang you pawn?

>Start doing BBI at level one on hard mode
>Everything feels terrifying
>Anything can one shot you
>But it's still worth it to explore because the gear is amazing
>Have to be on your absolute toes and maximize environmental strategies
>Have to use random debris to stun enemies and throw them off cliffs
>Kite large groups of skeleton warriors into exploding barrels whilst dodging giant skeletons and elder ogres
>Using large mobs like the Cockatrice to your advantage to petrify the giant wolves

If only level 1 runs were actually viable unfortunately there's stat checks in the form of damage sponge bosses that make it impossible to make progress until you can output over a certain threshold of damage. There's so much potential in the gameplay alone that are better that its RPG mechanics if they had leaned more on the action elements it could've been better than the Souls games.

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Yes, in fact there's a whole DLC based around that notion.


That's the whole premise of Dark Arisen.

Warrior for fun, mystic knight for magic cannon rape


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>Assassins has the downside that you rely on a strenght built to make it viable end game
Pretty much every strength class gives enough strength for the Ass to be viable so you're really only cut out of caster classes so it's not a huge loss. Sort of like how MA is really only viable if you leveled to at least 100 as caster only.

The "sequel" is a F2P MMO that's only available in Japan.

There was some speculation that Deep Down was going to be a spiritual successor, but news about that has been scarce for a long time.

If you’re going assassin, it’s always wise to spend 40 levels on Sorc and get the m. damage boost augment, so you can rely less on stupid pawns.

Early on you get access to stones that you can place wherever you want and teleport around infinitely. I completely ignored it my first playthrough because I loved exploring, the world is really well built in my opinion and it made the hunt for big monsters extremely satisfying, but the ability to fast travel to wherever the fuck you want is pretty amazing and worth it once you know the map like the top of your dick.

well hideaki itsuno is working on something, so we can still hold out hope that it's a sequel, but we do have to also be realistic

>m. damage boost augment
>on assassin
Why? Enchanted weapons don't factor in your magic attack.

>rely on pawns

you can go get 1 or 2 of the port crystals pretty early on

Griffin did nothing wrong

I felt bad for Griffins in DD, they actively try to avoid conflict and just fly around looking to eat while some fucking dragon slaying superman is constantly hunting them down for their feathers and shit. Poor things are terrified of the Arisen.