Attached: gax.png (960x657, 75K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Golden Axe 3 is the best in the series.

Always the dwarf. This is golden AXE after all.
how emberassing

Crutch character for shitters. See my titty whore with full magic and see what comes about.

have fun with your weak attacks when you're out of magic.

>Weak attacks
>Implying her run into jumping downward attack doesn't kill shit just as fast as everyone else
If you just wander along chopping at enemies like they're blocks of wood, sure she's at a disadvantage. Make use of the more advanced moves and she's the clear best option.

when my only tool is an axe, all problems are blocks of wood.

Attached: thinker.jpg (550x413, 60K)

i still remember playing this years ago on DOS


>implying Conan's aoe swipe isn't OP as fuck

Attached: 30 shoes.jpg (525x384, 41K)

>Year of our Lord 1993
>Not playing as Blaze
In before Maxfags

Attached: streets-of-rage-2-character-selectscreen.jpg (1024x1002, 369K)

Dwarf was unironically best character even though I always picked the chick.

Did anyone EVER play as Guy?

Attached: final-fight-character-select-screen-shot-BX0TXK.jpg (1300x1023, 224K)

>not based Zane

>Gold Axe 3
>Dwarf is on a crutch due to injury

>Can't pick up items
>Playing as anyone but Shiva in 3

Attached: SHIVA.gif (200x200, 15K)

I played Skate because I was like 7yo when I played SoR2 and I related to a kid with rollerblades.

Lightning tho

Thanks OP for reminding me this exists.

>Golden Axe: Revenge of Death Adder like all other games of the series has mounts both enemies and player characters can ride
>one of the playable characters is a centaur girl
>when she mounts a mount she transforms her lower half into a human one
Such a bizzare idea.

Tyris is the best though, the dwarf is her right hand man and Axe Battler is forever alone.

Attached: golden-axe_sega_gerald_parel_1029x1600_marked.jpg (1029x1600, 646K)

Tyris will always be my first pick, but Gilius is best. Ax sucks bad enough to not even get a proper name.

>mfw this is also an enemy in Altered Beast
The deepest lore.

Attached: ChLeg.jpg (250x154, 17K)

>Christmas 1992, I fire up Golden Axe
>reach character select screen
>pick the guy wearing the tight blue underpants
>eldest brother laughs at me and calls me 'gay'
>reset the game and pick the dwarf
Thanks to my brother, I grew up heterosexual.

Max is the strongest, toughest and fastest (when abusing his slide).
The choice is obvious

Attached: goldenAxeIIAd.jpg (1159x765, 237K)

>Thanks to my brother, I grew up heterosexual.
Things that never happened

What each of these stats even do? Like what was stamina and technique for?

That's amazing artwork. Any more like it?

Cant believe they didnt bring adam back in the sequels as playable. He was my guy

How did we go from this To this?

Attached: tyris-beastrider.jpg (715x402, 87K)

If I do have any more than either it's not in the folder I am searching through or it doesn't start with Golden Axe. This one is nice, though.

Attached: goldenaxe3vallejo.jpg (605x841, 184K)

>White man
>Jump B
What did they mean by this?

Attached: sor select.jpg (640x480, 118K)

Same. Why SEGA gotta be racist?

They couldn't cater to 80s anymore

Ants beware.

She is still a bit cute, though doesn't look like Tyris.

Attached: golden_axe_8490.png (296x287, 198K)

>rollerblades were a thing

Come back 90's.

Attached: istock_000006397959small.jpg (640x360, 212K)

Post hot pics of Tyris Flare

white people can't rap

All I got.

Attached: tyris.jpg (700x800, 56K)

they are still pretty popular among younger people here in Serbiastan.

She's a cute new character, but she's not Tyris.

This, and there literally everyone tries to pick the panther dude first.

>Golden Axe track in Sega Racing Transformed
>Best music in the entire game

Attached: tyris2.jpg (1366x768, 98K)

Thta's a fucking god tier poster.

Whichever one had the flying kick.

Why are the Golden Axe girls so hot?

Dude and Dwarf is playing with a friend.
Always Bikini Babe if playing alone or with a girl.

double embarrassment

That's both hilarious and exactly what I would expect from Serbia.

Attached: adidas-the-gopnik-king-of-serbia-12781290.png (500x729, 175K)

It's the first time I noticed the kanjis are drawed with a sword, an axe and a hammer

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 9K)

are you saying girls can't be friends?

You're in the club and this guy slaps your gf's ass. What do you do?

Attached: death adder.png (753x1090, 2.02M)

Yup. Always played Dwarf if friends were over. Bikni girl if alone.

Same with Mortal Kombat - always Sub-Zero or Scorpion with friends, Sonya alone.

WHO DO YOU PICK, Sup Forums?
If you pick Tarma you're mein negger

that guy is a russonphile poser, we don't have Gopniks here. We have our own brand of white trash. They come in two flavors, shabans and dizels. There is some overlap with gopniks, but it's not the same subculture.

No you dumbo, it's just that girls don't make fun of you for picking the girl character.

You forgot your pic, but always Tarma. If he's not available, then the glasses chick.

>Not picking Donny
It's like you don't like having the best reach in the game. I bet you pick characters other than Marge in The Simpsons too.

Attached: select.jpg (580x326, 35K)

Forgot my pic

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I like the dorf because his attacks felt like they had a wider arc

They don't? Since when?

You can revenge-cuck Cody if you beat the game with him.

Not in front of you


Fio because glasses fetish. I almost feel ashamed, but that's honestly the reason.

>Not based Clark

Attached: ralf clark ms.png (406x462, 125K)

Tyris Flare and Ax Battler > the universe.

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1987x6119, 3.7M)

Fio and Eri are legit hot as heck though, a shame there's little porn of them.
Tarma and Marco are top-tier for playing with your bros though

I pick Mike because I liked him the most in the show.

Yeah, I know, me and almost every other kid who didn't pick Leo liked Mike the best.
>tfw no one cared about Raphael.


Attached: big.jpg (1200x848, 173K)

Slap him with these.

Attached: Gunchucks.jpg (500x366, 38K)

I stopped jerking off to rule 34 like 12 years ago.

>always thought that Death Adder was called that because he was adding death
>then learn that in my country they call him the same name as a poisonous snake for some reason
>then learn the definition of adder
Golden Axe is educational.

Attached: golden_axe_by_shroomarts-d6q90tl.jpg (900x1150, 369K)

What do you use now?

I remember when I was a kid I had them then I wiped out big time. My mom then demanded I wear protective gear and I didn't want to so I just quit using them.

Attached: GENESIS--Mega Bomberman_Jul23 23_48_30.png (640x480, 64K)

>always thought that Death Adder was called that because he was adding death

Attached: mj.gif (220x165, 977K)

3dpd of girls with bobcuts.

>Picking anything but Mecha Bomber or Cop Bomber
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

Axel. When this game came out, roller blades were hot shit.

I used to pic the Fat or the Punk

>Someone fighting with Obrez Nunchucks
>They shoot and reload at the same time they're whipping around the guns with perfect smoothness.

I want to see this.

the first time I tried to use my rollerblades, my overly scared grandmother insisted she held me by the hand as I tried to ride them. I still feel embarrassed thinking about all the other kids teasing me.

Hold her hand when she’s in a wheel chair for subtle revenge and love.

>tfw had an autistic rage argument at a bowling alley birthday party over whether Marge had the same reach tier as Donny

There were literal suggestions of going to an arcade the next weekend with rulers, and then arguments about how even if the length was literally different, the programmers would have made it the same effectively.

she's been dead since last year.

Mike was the most popular, no one gave a shit about Raphael and hated his weapons, but Donny was always everyone's top choice in the arcade game because of the reach - even though it was never established if his reach actually was greater.

>tfw you broke your arm skating and your mother asked if you we were wearing your helmet and you didn't have the heart to tell her you swapped the expensive helmet with a retarded kid for a slurpee

I always thought Raph did more damage due to the shorter range as a kid. Nope. Just nerfed the best turtle for no reason.

Oh. I hope the pawn shop wheelchair money gave you a modicum of peace.

I wanna take all Zuburoka amazons and put them in my magical prison for aiding Death Adder in his nefarious plans.

Attached: Golden Axe PCEAmazones.png (280x444, 101K)

Even the one in this picture will have to be imprisoned.

Attached: Golden Axe 3e1f656e970bb014741435729ad3be68--character-sheet-game-character.jpg (736x1168, 122K)

she's definitely lacking in the quality fanart.

Attached: tyris_flare_by_ctrlgon-db6i07i.png (526x829, 267K)


I am asking nonstop at the vidya draw threads for her but none cares

Look at this off-topic.

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>no Tyris x Ax Battler porn
I am sad.

Gillius x Ax Battler, more like

>"Now I know how you got the name 'Thunderhead'."

I actually like this deviant-art tapestry.

Attached: goldenaxe_ccg_mat_3b_by_stridersyd-d4pspsq.jpg (900x519, 248K)

I only have one other on hand that isn't nu-Tyris.

Attached: tyris_flare_by_yuriai_da-dbrh97s.jpg (1358x1920, 363K)