Childhood is idolizing Skyrim.
Adolescence is praising Morrowind.
Adulthood is knowing Oblivion makes the most sense.
Childhood is idolizing Skyrim
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I like Oblivion and I think you're a fucking faggot.
I hated the level scaling when I tried it.
Does the game still function okay if you mod scaling out?
Oh god I've had this weird urge to replay Oblivion lately and I don't know why.
>contrarianism is thinking Oblivion makes the most sense.
Oblivion is good. I like how traditionally fantasy its setting is compared to the other two games, its familiar & fun.
This. It's just beautiful.
oblivion is objectively the second best tes game ever made, after teso
It's comfy.
Adulthood is being there when Oblivion was released and seeing the very death of vidya gaming through the release of Horse Armor 'Downloadable Content'
Adulthood is realizing that Todd's games suck.
>DLC is ba-
generic level scaled piece of dog shit
Oblivion is literally the worst one. The scaling ruins the ludo-narrative, the world is boring and ugly (Skyrim's is just boring, Morrowind is just ugly), it has both loads of redundant/useless/superfluous stats like Morrowind and accessibility concessions that make the gameplay more trite like Skyrim. It's basically garbage compared to the other two, worst of both worlds, too many dinosaur extras from Morrowind in the gameplay and too much dumbing down for general audiences in the world-building and integration of lore in exploration from Skyrim. Not as fun, flashy, and fast paced as Skyrim, not as interesting, intricate, or fulfilling as Morrowind.
Been playing Oblivion all day, just about to start a new character and work my way through the masterful introl dungeon again.
I never tired of escaping the sewers and being hit with that sight. Making my way to Weynon Priory, making a bade there and journeying back and forth to Chorrol to get prepped for the journey to Kvatch.
Pure perfection.
Is there a list of necessary mods for a modern Oblivion replay?
Oblivion and Fallout 3 both pulled off leaving the tutorial zone really well
Both leaving the sewer and the Vault amazed me back in the day
Losing Martin on the road back to Weynon Priory. As he storms through some dense forest to fight a wolf, then an ogre, then a group of bandits, and before we know it he's ok the outskirts of Leyawiin.
Godhood is playing Gothic 2
Come to think of it, Martin is by far the gayest and least appropriate name for a video game hero ever.
Just imagine an Emperor Martin...
is it that time again?
I liked the level scaling
Unironically this.
ive been running a character with hromir's ice staff, just roaming around gathering\stealing all the artifacts in the game at my house im roleplaying as sly cooper
level scaling sucked because it took forever to see any of the interesting enemies or get any of the good armor.
adulthood is realizing wrpg suck.
This user speaks the truth
brain dead weeb detected
>its another posting a wimin next to my words makes them seem smarter episode
just dont level at all, items become more relevant and everyone is at their base stats save for some enemies nobody scales cuz their is nothing to scale against
Which one
Illusion and Conjuration
>Morrowind is just ugly
delete this
skyrim is unironically the best elder scrolls, oblivion was good for it's time but claiming it's still the best is just letting yourself be blinded by nostalgia the whole world is just so big but empty and dead feeling
Skyrim's poor quest offerings hinder it.
nice case but can u knock over a vase?
ur game has its place but it's a static disgrace
I can't play Skyrim for more than 2 hours without getting bored and not touching it again for a year after forgetting how boring it was. no amount of mods has ever fixed this either
If you rank them ANY differently you are OBJECTIVELY GAY
I'd also like to know this. Been years since I played it through, and that was on console.
Skyrim sequel when?
Ascension is not letting another person's opinion affect your enjoyment of a game.
Alteration seems like it SHOULD be fucking amazing, but the games seem to tame it down so hard.
The Ordinator Perks and Apoc Spells mod for Skyrim brings much closer to some of the cool shit it should be able to do.
>blocks your path
while i like oblivion the most im in love with all three, and when i go tomorrowind/oblivion from skyrim i find myself always craving the unique item properties in skyrim, the spider-throwing, staff-spamming, build stacking u can make some really crazy concepts even in vanilla.
ALL three have great features, i dont get too salty about any rival ES fans anymore, we all love the same feel in the end
No worse than any other TES
I replay the series every now and then, and Oblivion is usually the most fun to build random characters and roleplay with.
Replaying now as an Orc Shaman woman
Oblivion is like GTA 4 while Skyrim is like GTA V.
Techinally speaking the latter has better "graphics" and more favorable gameplay to the majority but when you get down to the details that make up the interacitons youll be having Oblivion is better. All skyrim added was static logging and sometimes thalmor are patrolling with a slave or some shit. The world design had more interesting little POI but the actual towns are bigger locations are a bit too video gamey in scale and function compared to the more realistic approach 4 has.
Morrowind and Oblivion have way better quests.
Destruction and conjugation are #1. Everything else is irrelevant you fucking HOMO
ok it was an awesome game when it came out but its aged so terribly how can you still play it or talk about it fuck
They really dont. All 3 amount to 90% stupid quests like talk to X person or gather such and such ingredients. Sometimes ppickpocketing or using magics depending on the faction/guild. The other 10% are intersting in all 3 games, skyrim being more bombastic and action filled and oblivion being a lot more mystical feeling almost. They are both filled with a ton of bloat though because thats how a province in a land would be, tons of nobodies and a few interesting characters. DLC notwithstanding
I hate how shitty Conjuration actually is
>can only summon one creature at a time
lame as fuck unless you summon a creature that summons other creatures. If I remember correctly you can only conjure one piece of equipment at a time too
I dont think we played the same games.
That’s true but it was still fun to summon a giant lizard man to sodimize your enemies
Alteration would've been good if NPC's could actually be Burdened
lorewise alteration is super exciting to me but in gameplay if i ever use magic its just staves, skyrim's wabbajack is so good
good oblivion mods?
im a vanilla guy myself, but OOO is pretty well made, i like the 1st person visible body mod alot, morrowind needs one too.
if u have a semi high cheesyness tolerance try out the oblivion crossbow mod, not perfect but might get u a good playthrough
>t. jewish reptilian cuck
good taste
Well I'm playing Oblivion right now, and finished a 300+ hours character on morrowind last month. Havent played an ES title in a while. Skyrim has fewest interesting quests besides maybe morrowind but the interesting ones that are there are comparable to oblivions best and usually more visually stunning because thats really all the games good for. Oblivions painting world and trying to get that heavy ass ring easily are more interesting but thats not nearly the standard.
Reminder that if you think Oblivion is a good game, you're mentally retarded
>Childhood is idolizing Morrowind
>Adolescence is praising Daggerfall
>Adulthood is knowing TES are garbage games
fixed it for you
i made this one level 1 locked high elf who had no combat skills and relied solely on a summon shambles spell, watching it fling fucks around was 10/10
>Chameleon 100% for 60 seconds
>Summon Clannfear for 120 seconds
*clears your room without raising my weapons*
Heh, nothin' personnel, kid
>these are the same autists who think fallout new vegas is art crafted from god.
Oblivion is the Phantom Menace of video games
>play morrowind as anything but a dunmer
>game doesn't feel immersive
how do I stop doing this damn it.
oblivion has some interesting sidequests, but honestly going back and playing it now its comically bad at times
>implying Fallout is not complete garbage after the second one
Anything made under bethesda is garbage
yeh its made to be safe and inviting rather than interesting and alien.
because its a generic setting
>i like the 1st person visible body mod alot
I couldnt stand it during certain animations, really love the idea but it needed more work on custom animations for certain things.
daily reminder level scaling is fucking retarded and ruins everything it touches
if their was boers in africa and portueguese in asia im pretty sure a breton can be a burglar in vvardenfell
vanilla: Morrowind>Oblivion>>>>>Skyrim
modded: Oblivion>Morrowind>>>>>Skyrim
I've never played Skyrim but read enough about it on Sup Forums to know its casual simplified shit that not even mods can fix
Oblivion is really fucking cool but I think the whole oblivion gate shit is really annoying. Games not bad I love how everything looks especially the greenery.
oblivion only got DB and thieves guild, everything else is meh and level scaling is dog shit
what did todd mean by this?
this review is actually top tier
he goes through almost every single aspect of the game and fair judges it, he doesnt go either way of OBLIVION IS ACTUALLY A HIDDEN GEM or OBLIVION IS DUMBED DOWN GARBAGE, he deconstructs almost the whole game fairly and names all the good stuff the game has and the negative pieces too.
just because your standards and love of reading games is so fucked up doesnt mean this rich ass prestigus company is "garbage" i suggest you go read a book master fun
>he actually takes things on here seriously
Is easy to cherry pick, I can do it as well :D
Oblivion has better quest and story than skyrim, it is less casual as well.
I looks better than morrowind and it's gameplay considerably less broken and way more fluid.
But why? The entire time the game is yelling at you that youre an outlander, and the games lore even dictates that nerevar would be reincarnated under any race so I cant see why you would feel that way.
If anything I always wished I could actually play as a native born dunmer on the island so they would all stop fucking calling me n'wah.
God tier
>Destruction- pure damage dealing skill, very useful
>Conjuration- Summoned creatures are fantastic for caster types, greater variety would be nice. Armor summon is kind of meh, weapon summoning is kind of weak but I guess It's good for roleplaying purposes.
Great tier
>Alteration- feather skills are great, unlock skills are ok, shield spells are pretty good. Kinda boring but decent utility. Has paralysis ability but it's very costly for the effect. Burden is useless.
Good tier
>Restoration- great for self healing or healing ally, but buff skills are generally too much magic cost to be useful
Meh tier
>Mysticism- pretty much only good for soul trap
I haven't really used illusion much
which one had better player enslavement mods?
>I've never played [GAME] but read enough about it on Sup Forums
>u can make some really crazy concepts even in vanilla.
let's not get too ahead of ourselves
You're treated like an outsider by everyone, how can you find it hard to get into that mind set?
>Oh boy, another journey through a brown-shaded valley!
Mfw I realise most of the mods i want are already in one packed executable or mod
How the hell is this so accurate about me a morrowfag and my friend whos an oblivifag.
>I've never played Skyrim but read enough about it on Sup Forums to know its casual simplified shit that not even mods can fix
thats just memes theres a skyrim mod for anything you can think of even combat and quest overhauls
I have the urge every now and then to just explore the wilderness and find abandoned chapels and shit. wasn't there a dlc where you go looking for all the old pilgrim sites in the wild?
I can't remember any interesting quest in Morrowind besides the main ones.
Because it's correct.