No remasters, no remakes
As they were released
No remasters, no remakes
As they were released
F-Zero GX
Viewtiful Joe
Metroid Prime
the bar is slowly getting lowered with each coming year. at this point Jak 3 could pass for current year. a few others
>Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction
>Need for Speed Underground 2
>Paper Mario and the 1000 year door
idk what you mean by compete, like from a business standpoint ?
Like if you have to choose a game to play, games from that gen can win the election
Battle For Bikini Bottom, obviously
A whole bunch because this is the last gen before most games became homogenized waypoint ridden to-do lists.
Literally nothing on Game Cube.
San Andreas
Guitar Hero
Beyond Good & Evil
If you NEED a Game Cube game...
>Harvest Moon
>Animal Crossing
>Monkey Ball
>Literally nothing on Game Cube.
battlefront 2
Timesplitters Future Perfect
All of them. Modern games are trash.
>Literally nothing on Game Cube.
>lists RE4
There are tons of games that still stand up to modern releases, many that don't even need the nostalgia bump.
Jet Set Radio Future
Persona 3/4
SMT Nocturne
Killer 7
Resident Evil 4
Katamari Damacy
Soul Calibur 2
Dead or Alive 3
Devil May Cry 1/3
Zone of the Enders 2
Then you're really just asking how old people are because that's going to make all the difference.
Pretty much all of the heavy hitters
2004 alone had more games than the entirety of 8th gen
/v2k/ board when?
Soon I hope.
if i had to choose between RE4 alone and this whole current generation i'd get RE4 and not even look back
Literally nothing on PS2 or Cube.
>Ninja Gaiden Black
>Halo 2
>Panzer Dragon Orta
>Jade Empire
>Crimson Skies
>Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
Thousand year door blows away most AAA games in creativity alone.
>don’t list the ones that fill up most of this current gens library! They don’t count!
Okay the Fatal Frame/Project Zero series, Persona 4, Oni, Capcom Vs SNK 2, Onimusha series, SSB meele, Double Dash, SM Sunshine, Eternal Darkness and many others.
God Hand
Armored Core series
Super Mario Sunshine
Ace Combat series
Probably most of the "better" games from that time. Controls in 3d games are a bit clunkier than in modern games, but that might just be that not everything was so automated, if that makes any sense. Like there's more space for error in control inputs. But I guess the real difference is just graphics. people like shinier stuff.