Confirmed Sup Forums user

Confirmed Sup Forums user

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King of Sup Forums

Steve-O is a Sup Forums user?

I didn't know that ...

he's probably more competent than most of Sup Forumsentoomens here though

his thinkpad rants are always on point

I can't watch any of his videos. They're all five times longer than they need to be.

>friends with linus the tech shill
>king of Sup Forums

kill yourself

He has said multiple times in older videos that he used to shitpost on Sup Forums and Sup Forums.
You are just new.


He's used ThinkPads for years.
Fuck off.

sure thing bud

Why would he waste his time with this shithole? He's a productive member of society

Rossman is boss man. Guy knows his shit.

His cat fucks up most of video and never edit it out.

He sure loves his lenovo products!

With that keyboard? nope,

>Sees thinkpad
>Confirms Sup Forums user
kek you are kidding me

Literally, who?

Okay, here's to people who don't know who Louis Rossman is:

>LinusShillTips makes a video of fixing components by putting them in the over and letting the solder melt and reconnect (don't give me shit for this, continue reading)
>He actually manages to get a dead GTX 780 working again but fails to repair an Intel SSD
>Video gets popular as always
>Louis sees video, makes 10 minute rant response about how putting things in the oven won't fix them (ironic because he's a jew), the GPU will maybe work for 30 days before shitting out again/totally
>Basically calls Linus a dumbass and how he doesn't know jack shit about shit (like Sup Forums has been saying since forever), goes on about how to really fix shit and typically fills the 7 minutes left with repetitive rambling
>Out of the blue Linus goes to NYC to visit Rossman filming the whole thing
>Rossman lets Linux fix a GPU the proper way but it didn't work because they were too focused on filming, basically left too little attention to the repair attempt (Rossman later revealed this, Linus left it out)
>Sup Forums finds out about Rossman who uses a lot of Sup Forums approved stuff and has generally a higher knowledge of electronics, especially fixing them (which is his business)

I actually found him a week before that video.

I didn't make it past the first 5 minutes, but I do love his rants.

rossman > stallman

I've seen a lot of rossman videos linked here on Sup Forums long before he did that video with linus. He's done a lot of thinkpad repair videos that get linked in /tpg/ now and then.

>>friends with linus the tech shill
Are you really this socially inept that you couldn't see on Rossman's face how he was ridiculing Linus and seeing him as a retarded asshat when they met in NY?

He made a follow-up video, watch it/

>>He actually manages to get a dead GTX 780 working again
Not for long sonny.
The 50% chance of the oven treatment working usually fucks up a week or month after seemingly successful operation.
This is on account of other components that don't have the same thermic properties as the traces, getting fucked over time due to that instance.

Literally who?
What does he contribute to the advancement of our civilization?

I'm sorry, I don't frequent Sup Forums.

>>Rossman lets Linux fix a GPU the proper way but it didn't work because they were too focused on filming, basically left too little attention to the repair attempt (Rossman later revealed this, Linus left it out)
It should be noted, at Rosso says in Linus' video, that they didn't even know for sure that the chip they were putting on the board was good to begin with.

Still they fucked up the profile but whether the fucked up profile was the cause of it not working or it was bad in the first place no one will ever know.

Also, you have to throw out the oven afterwards, so it's definitely not "free". No way you should be eating any food cooked in that thing after nuking a GPU in it.

Taking money from macfags. Talking shit about apple.

>What does he contribute to the advancement of our civilization?
He does component level repair on laptops, specializing in Apple products.

I feel bad for using old parents oven now

I wouldn't think he'd go here. Maybe on other imageboards that he could discuss tech, or maybe the forum he has.

Been watching his videos for a while.

My parents*

>What does he contribute to the advancement of our civilization?
He repairs motherboards and computers, mainly from Apple, and he is successful at it. The fixing he does in turn re-enables the productivity of his customers who had to do without their hardware for a time,
which translates into productive economic output from those people, which translates to the advancement of ours society.
Oh, and he shits on Apple at the same time.

Meanwhile, you are doing nothing productive for society.

I asked rossman to fix my receiver
he said it cannot be fixed.

almost fell for the b8

You are the one who wanted to be semantic. Stay butthurt.

Didn't that nigger talk about currents and voltages and shit once while being completely wrong?

He wasn't completely wrong, since if he was he wouldn't be repairing motherboards to actually function now would he?
He was only wrong by the standards of collegefags studying electro-technics. However collegefags are always up and about over various theories in an attempt to look pseudo-intellectual and never know how to apply their knowledge, so meh.

Linus is the true king of Sup Forums and you know it

He is my favorite youtuber, but I'm glad we don't live in the same country. I'm worried I'll be disappointed if I ever meet him, his videos have me holding him in the highest standard

is that way

I watched one of his videos literally months ago on [spoiler]artisan videos[/spoilers] of him fixing a Macbook and bitching about Apple the whole time. o wuz i laffin

Don't know who this fuck is but his smug look and faggot vibe tells me he is a youtuber or something so I'm gonna go ahead and call you OP a normie faggot and ask you to leave muh Sup Forums inmediately.


He is Sup Forums incarnate. His job is fixing hardware, and all he does is bitch about manufacturers fucking everyone over while he does it.

Yes he even posted timestamps a couple of times. Cool guy. Check out his video on why he uses a T520 (like me :3) instead of all the newer crap, its interesting to see how people find uses for things probably not intended for that use.

Let me guess. You're a skinny white kid that plays vidya and watches let's plays and has a facebook account and thinks because you made LE EPIC PC BUILD (Running Windows 10 of course) you are somehow Sup Forums worthy and have all right to call others retards.

You browse Sup Forums using some gay app on a phone too I'm sure.

Please fuck off back to le reddit inmediately

>shit TN panel

More like aquicantances

Kill yourself.

Touched a nerve there faggot?

Kill yourself.

hey look I hacked your facebook

he's new rms that we need

Go back to the hobokitchen Stallinman.

I would pay for more videos of him smashing the shit out of broken laptops.

back to your iphone homosex

>not posting the webm


>11 seconds
Doesn't even get to the best part.

You take that back

Get out.

>he hasnt used the FHD panel version
Still a TN though but a very good one.

Go away Louis

Thats because Apple is the bread and butter of all electronics repairs, they would practically not exist if people didn't buy Apple. Since their products are so expensive people are more willing to pay over $100 to have them repaired. Meanwhile with a laptop that costs $500 when you're asked to pay over 1/3 of total price of purchase a year later you say nope and buy a new one specially since it does not retain the resale value that apple products have...

This shit is on Sup Forums every god damn day its almost as if our user base literally does not want to understand the world they live in by choice a willful ignorance that is autistic in nature, these topics have been discussed to death already can we please move on to other things.

Rossman talks like people in those motivational speeches and the faglords you find at TEDtalks



I doubt it. Louis is too busy working and running a business to come here.

>ironic because he's a jew
He's not jewish though. His family is italian.

The absolute madman

That's really the only correct answer as to why so many repairshops focus heavily on Apple. All machines break down, and I'd argue that Apple users are more likely to practice poor maintenance, but all computers/hardware/etc. breaks down at some point. It comes down to whether or not you believe it's worth repairing, and most Apple users are *definitely* going to spend the money to fix their $2300 laptop.

There's also the fact that Apple users are less likely to know how to fix their machine, let alone the fact that Apple makes it purposefully difficult to replace components.

literally confirmed

> Apple makes it purposefully difficult to replace components.

omg that shit just keeps being regurgitated. listen, when you make a product weather it is a toaster or a phone you cant just design it to be everything to all people you have to make design decisions and those decisions are due to manufacturing technologies. there are things that simply can not be made automaticly by machine manufacturing.

when you make your battery backdoor removable for example, you add another step in manufacturing and another step is just another way to fuck things up on the manufacturing side adding to your costs and cutting on your production efficiency, it also adds problems with costumers fucking the product up because they can mess with it.

i highly doubt that there is a group of designers at apple meeting going
> "how can we introduce more obsolescence into this product?"
its more along the lines of
> "how can we consolidate our parts and designs so that it costs less to manufacture it"
proof of that is the iphone se, making it hard to repair isnt even on their minds, repairing is not on their minds period, theyre not trying to make it difficult, they simply dont even consider repairing as a option. no sane product developer/manufacturer considers repair as a option weather it is for your $30 smartphone or your $1000 smartphone, they're in the business of selling phones not making them repairable.

making things repairable requires a level of design and thickness you can't even imagine and all that for what? less than 1% of the market?


>shit quality
T-thanks moot.

>> "how can we consolidate our parts and designs so that it costs less to manufacture it"
And that sure is reflected in the price. Oh wait.
I can get that sodered on sealed up everything trend in shitty $200 netbooks. $2000 laptops? Uh, no.

>repairing is not on their minds period
>they're in the business of selling phones not making them repairable

This is the problem with modern tech. There is no interest in creating anything sustainable, people only want the newest cool gadget every year. Apple got rich off of exploiting this but it won't last.


>e-celeb worshipping
Holy shit/ Sup Forums is the new Sup Forums
After endless stupid consumerist generals I wonder how far this board is gonna fall.

All they had to do was keep creating products idiots would buy. But their latest stuff is so crap that even Apple fans don't want it.

>Successful independent repair technician that knows his shit, makes helpful videos as well as rants
>Doesn't even have sponsors

See how retards like Linus get shit on and Rossman doesn't? See the difference, dumbass? Just fuck off.


Stopped reading there.

that's a cute stallman

Dude, I can't hear you with all those youtuber's cocks you're choking on.

Tell me what's wrong with:
>being skinny
>being white
>playing vidya
>having a facebook account
>running windows 10
>browsing Sup Forums using some gay app on a phone

And why do you think someone has to be "worthy" to be on Sup Forums. There's no requisites.

Just because you are a failure in life doesn't mean everybody else is

Louis detected

Kill yourself.

What does one study to do what he does?

I don't want waste my time watching a dude wearing tight tees and a retarded call-center headset spouting gayboi opinions for gaybois like you to watch and jerk off.
Also, implying muh louis trash talking muh linus isn't e-celeb faggotry

Same here, although I have been watching his videos ever since, and it has reinvigorated my wanting to learn how to work on electronics again. He also seems like a very genuine guy.

I like his videos. I only know basic shit about electronics and rarely understand what he's doing but it's still fun to watch.

Especially the one where he repairs a macbook while drunken

Companies are in business to make profits.

If people are willing to pay for a product that has high profit margins what is wrong with that? You can't blame the company for reaping in as much money as it can if they can get away with it, blame the consumer for being uninformed/unwilling to buy something else.

In the end the consumer has spoken, you may disagree with the consumer but they drive the market, not you.

Apple is suffering from its own success, it is all a matter of supply and demand, if people just want a foothold into the ecosystem they can go on ebay and buy a outdated hardware/updated software iphone 4s for $50, a 5c for $120 and bam they're in the ecosystem.

You can't do that with a android phone because muh fragmentation and no updates

> implying the point is not valid

he's autistic

Underage retard
Thinkpads are universal

>talking blueprints
>talking repair diagnosis of what went wrong and how to get to finding out, and how to fix it
>talking about how to run a business from the position of someone who actually owns one

>gayboi opinions
Nah m8. You are giving gayboi opinions.
That man however is talking more technical stuff in 20 minutes of a vid than you have ever talked in 10 years straight.