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Technology #544
Save Firefox
Desktop ricing: Does seeing this as overwhelming mean I'm dumb?
How much programming experience should I have before going into computer science?
On Monday I bought myself a computer with 13TB of space and a raid card for an extramly good price...
Update Cyanogenmod
/csg/ Chink Shit General
I was testing different flavors of Linux (using windows as my main OS) and the last time I forgot to make it overwrite...
Why don't you use vlc?
Convince me to not buy an Acer Chromebook
Lulz why aren't u waiting for Vega? it's 0.2% more powerful!
Is 1920x1200 really so much better than 1920x1080?
OOP was a mistake
Where do you put your brackets Sup Forums?
Tfw fell for CS meme
ITT: we do things that wincucks/macucks can't do
Fuck, I missed the humble book bundle. It had some pretty good books…
Arch Hate General
WTF is PHP so fucking hard
Decide to finally upgrade to Windows 10
File manager for Android
When is Elon Musk going to build the Iron Man suit?
Sup Forumsuts, /guts/
Python is the best programming language in the world
How do you want your icon?
Post desk no wash
What does Sup Forums use for a torrent client?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Is there a better Android keyboard than Google's?
Is this GNOME?
Microsoft BTFO
Owners of mechanical keyboards - would you recommend them?
What OS are you using and why?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Tfw you modify free software
Home screen thread
/mlds/ - Machine Learning and Data Science
Guys I need help
The CEO of Peachy Printer, an organization Kickstarted to make a $100 3D printer...
You have 10 seconds to post your OS
Laptop stickers
Any idea on how to bypass an iCloud lock on iPad?
Is it true that STEM majors tend to be more conservative in their political beliefs?
/wt/ watch thread
What is it like to work in IT?
Why don't you use OS X?
Foobar mobile has been released for android
HP announces ultrathin 13.3-inch Chromebook
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Find a flaw
/sqt/ - Stupid Question Thread
I just attempted to build my first computer, and failed completely
How do you pronounce "Pajeet" Sup Forums?
What os do you use and why?
Ayyo Hol Up pham you be finna tellin me theres no Maki on da front page namsayin?
ITT Things That Piss You Off About Your OS That You're Too Stupid To Fix
Get to work
Email providers
Feds must hand over NIT source code or dismiss child porn charges, lawyer says
Looks like Firefox just got an official implementation of Vertical Tabs
What's the purpose of a +2000USD PC?
Opinions on adaway?
Keep the premium price
Tech related prank thread
This ancient laptop is the only key to fixing a McLaren F1
Why do some people hate windows 10?
What's the most private distro?
WDG - Pajeet Edition
- 7-Zip now can extract multivolume ZIP archives (z01, z02, ... , zip)
Show Your Computer
Tech Buzzwords
WhatsApp launches native application for Windows and Mac
Gentoo Linux
Screen viewing
Looking for new word filter replacement words
Sandisk USB
If you are so smart, answer this question!
Why is gtk3 such a mess?
No file explorer
Where did the
Why do web browsers have tabs? Isn't that a window manager responsibility?
Post your shutdown screens
What's wrong with systemd?
Why does android pretend to be linux based when its entirely proprietary based per phone and every version purposely...
Artificial Intelligence General - BACK WITH A VENGEANCE
Why do you need a more powerful CPU than i3?
Is it a good idea to buy a skylake CPU now...
Raspbery pie
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Where does Bitcoin get its value?
Excuse me Sir...
Hey, I'm trying to set up on Linux through wine. I have no problem installing the app, but I can't log in...
Why is skeuomorphism bad?
What adblocking software does Sup Forums use? Be it on Windows, Android or Gentoo?
Why aren't you using Fedora?
Mac = FAGS
It's a nice night. What direct Unix descendent are you using lately?
Is it good? It's made by a girl
It's official, stock GTX1080's outperform Fury X in DX12
Vaporizer General
Best ba/g/ for all your gear?
Confessions thread
Sup Forums, do you use IRC with or without a bouncer?
So Sup Forums, today I accidentally spilled a whole bottle of iced coffee on my retina macbook...
My seeding ratio is 0.04
So my girlfriend's a cam model and one of her regular's is offering to upgrade her computer...
B-b-b-b-b--b-but CAT'S CAN'T CODE
Building a pc but I don't have a "computer desk" with ports to run cables for a mouse and keyboard
About to buy this for 400$. Try and stop me faggots
Hey fa/g/s...
Do iPhones really feel better to use or is it placebo?
/mlds/ machine learning and data science
This changes everything. Again
So this happened without my input
Well, /g?/
DOS outlived every gaming platform to ever exist, despite PCs not having a single piece of hardware dedicated to gaming
Best android browser? Using pic related
So uhh Windows users on Sup Forums
Functional Programming General
Will mostly likely end up taking "C/C++ Programming in a UNIX enviorment" next semester
Sup Forums-chan, daisuki~
Should white men give up on white "women" and go for the brown ones?
Mfw this is mac
Clipboards are technology. No cleanup, post your clipboard NOW
/bst/ - Battlestations
Does anybody here use Netscape Navigator anymore?
Do you share your mouse, keyboard or touchpad to others knowing that you touched your penis while using them?
/mouth fedora general/
I'm looking to buy a new (non-iPod) MP3 player, but man.... seems these are dying out...
Serious question Sup Forums
I think it's time to put the High end desktop, low end laptop combo meme to an end
Post desktops
2-in-1 laptops. Are they actually useful or are they trash? Thinking about getting a Lenovo 900 or MS surface...
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Job Application
Are you getting a GTX 1070/1080? If so, when?
What can you tell about someone from their wallpaper?
/mkg/ - mechanical keyboards general
Wtf is my facebook doing?
Dubs decide which distribution I should install on my laptop. Currently running debian stable and wants some change
/ccg/ Comfy Computing General:
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
When I write the LISP how I keep the track of the parenthesis?
What OS do you use, Sup Forums?
Just got this beta release of win 2000 up and running
Is signal processing comfy?
Guys this really pisses me off
How does Sup Forums feel about Xubuntu?
Baby's First Video Card
Hey Sup Forums how should I call my home wireless network?
How long till it's possible to upload ourselves and exist forever?
Cloud Gaming = Next Level Vidya Graphics?
TFW drooling over rare thinkpad
Nice, ES File Explorer speeds up my charging now. Take that other file explorers!
What DE do you use, Sup Forums and why isn't it OS X?
Try to explain why node...
Sup Forums Lifestyle
Desktop Thread
/mpv/ - user shaders
Budget gaming processor
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
What are the best solar power banks? It's a fucking jungle out there, please help Sup Forums
Pajeets everywhere
Images created by a neural net
Sup Forums humor thread
I bought some cheap LED lights from aliexpress. They came without a wall plug...
How can I make this say "oy vey shut it down" instead?
They did it again
Capitalism has hijacked the technological revolution
Linux on a XPS 13
That moment when you finally go back to Windows after years of using Linsucks and everything just works
Why is it so hard for an "international community of hundreds of avid volunteer programmers" to make something as good...
Building a budget gaming computer for my girlfriend. Don't need anything crazy, just enough for her to play games...
I challenge you to name a bigger piece of shit than Unetbootin
Speccy/Screenfetch thread!
Can someone please explain how Linux is used in the professional world? Im not asking about desktop ricers etc...
Ate fresh at Subway
What's wrong with Linux mint?
Who /fedora24beta/ here?
Why won't Pajeets just abandon Java even after realizing OOP is obsolete?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/gcg/ - Graphics Cards and Display General
Explain to me how barley managing 120fps is impressive?
Nexus phones
I ordered a Pocket C.H.I.P. , GPD Win, and DragonBox Pyra. How much of a cuck am I? Who hype for UMPC's?
Post the commit message of your most recent commit
Using any Linux distro other than Ubuntu
Languages you use at work
Be me 16 in school leaning the wonders of computers
Is Arch Better Than Debian/Ubuntu?
I found a phone in the garbage at work...
The Great Debate
Anyone heard anything about the Razer Core...
Almost everything i've ever seen wrapped in .rar was bullshit. either some form of malware or some shit
Ever since the latest cumulative Windows 10 update, the start menu takes like 2 seconds to open up...
Home Screen Thread
/guts/, Sup Forumsuts
/sqt/ - Stupid Question Thread
/csg/ Chink Shit General
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
My micro usb cables break all the time, where can i find one thats durable and fast charging?
I have an i7-6700k, will I ever need to upgrade?
BSD General
Case that decides if API can be copyrighted
Post iamages of your screen
How many of you faggots had Soylent? How did it taste? Were you able to get more work done?
Does windows have support for containers?
Slowpoke here
GPU sag
Why don't you see these any more?
New Linux Logo
Want to learn how to program
Why does every single beginner level/minimal-hardware-knowledge person think more RAM = better performance?
A fucking business cat meme on the Firefox homepage
Where were you when Ubuntu killed this QT's future?
Without botnet meme Sup Forums what is your opinion on google vs oracle court about google using Java apis?
Did the robot run on Gentoo?
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
How would you rate these three logos?
We have an idiot engineer here at work who doesn't escape/sanitize filenames in the bash scripts he writes...
Are chromebooks any good? I want to install Linux on one...
Post your filters
You'll never need more than 8GB
Discussion thread for features, troubleshooting, dank settings, etc etc
Setup thread
Eletronic engineering Vs. Computer Science
Its been 17 years and c99 isnt fully implemented in gcc yet LMAO
Why aren't you using the master race OS yet, Sup Forums?
Modern web """"programming""""
Are dual monitors a meme ?
Is apple dead already?
So, MBP's will have AMD gpus again?
Android Hard Reset
How does one connect their PS4/Xbox to a DisplayPort monitor?
How was your first time working at a software company? Did you fuck up a lot of shit?
Sup Forums humor thread
How do YOU prevent or deal with condensation in your tech?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Where were you when HP won?
Does the fact that Linux is unarguably better than Windows in almost every single way (muh gaymes being the only...
PSA: Windows 10 FREE Upgrade Deadline Approaching Quickly
How do i prevent people from stealing my software?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
GTX 960 has betrayed and abandoned me
It was going to be C and C++ killer they said
Why do Amerifat Poo in Loos like Barnacles get upset because Indians took their jobs?
Need to write 9 mysql queries that are moderate in difficulty by tomorrow or I fail my class
Which OS is GOAT?
Look at changelog
This changes everything
What's a good torrent client? /jp/ told me I shouldn't use qBittorrent
Prove you're not a pajeet or a code monkey
How fast can you download Sup Forums?
Give me 5 compelling reasons not to install Windows 10
Just got home from college, and I have 2 weeks before I leave again to start my internship. what should I do until then...
Are virtual reality goggles really the next wave of gaming, or is this gimicky bullshit like 3d tvs?
Summer days are coming
Give me one reason why ubuntu isn't literally the best linux distro available
B...but GIRLS can't CODE
College Thread
Holy shit Apple actual took me idea lol...
Is there really no other use to your computers heat than to let it warm your room?
/wt/ watch thread
Hello Sup Forums please show me what your linux looks like desktop
Be 2012
Let's talk refrigerators
Lets make a program one line at a time, given this start
What's something better/ more worth the investment...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Is avira still the best free option?
Post your
Anti-Ad blockers
/mkg/ - mechanical keyboards general
Post your GPU
Is windows 10 really as good as they say it is?
IQ thread
If Linux is so good, why is every Linux DE a clone of Windows or OSX?
Powerline Adapters
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Is it just a (baseless) meme?
Mouse thread
If I'm thinking of setting up a Xonotic server for everyone at Sup Forums to come play on and want to get Richard...
According to a sheriff’s report...
Someone's stealing money from my hollowed out book...
Why does it whip the llama's ass?
Career Thread
You bought your copy of winrar, right Sup Forums?
Ripping Blu rays like a BOSS
Screen Display Thread
How safe are my passwords if they are in a .txt file i renamed to .png?
I have a day off of work tomorrow
Virus removal
Post your shitstation
Android or iOS?
CIS Major
Why do you hate java?
Find me 5 people on here who agree on the same thing
I need to download all postings of a large forum. It has around 800k members. All content and links are public...
Be using linux
Is THIS really gonna be amazing?
Installing Linux distros is no longer giving me the high I desire...
Europe here
Desktop enviroments holy war
User installs os x
Using java for desktop applications
What's wrong with CVS?
Now that Vivaldi is outperforming all the other browsers, why haven't you made the switch?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
What is the best messaging app?
First instoo gental
Is SHA-512 safe? It was developed by the NSA...
ITT: Still can't believe people fell for it
Now that Chrome and Firefox are dead, what does Sup Forums use? Vivaldi?
Does anyone know how to make a blank post without an extra line left over?
If there was a small payment of say $30 dollars a month that you could pay and download anything you wanted, legally...
Does Sup Forums know how to properly pirate windows? Currently typing from the windows machine...
Is Kali Linux any good?
GTX 1080
STOP! No cleaning. Post a screenshot
Pocket C.H.I.P & Microcomputers/Microcontrollers general
Do you use pic related?
Microsoft make DX12 Windows 10 only
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Is Brave Browser any good for privacy and security?
Best quality/most reliable component manufacturers
Why doesn't Microsoft just kill off Windows Phone already? It's not going anywhere
It's happening
Maybe it was a bandsaw
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
/wdg/ - Web Development General
BURN THEM ALL: In The Digital Age, Connecticut State Police K-9 Unit Trains Edogs
Does anti-virus really protect us? and why?
Hold your breaths. Literal Sup Forums phone will be out
What's the best/most consistent theme Linux has to offer?
Sup Forums is full of amazing coders, fluent in multiple programming languages
That kid who never emptied his recycling bin
Doing the starter program in the sticky. It tells me to do deadlifts, but I don't own a barbell...
Does capitalism delay technological development, Sup Forums?
WM Thread
Functional Programming & Math: General
Windows 10 is installed on 18% of PCs, according to statcounter
Tfw you drop every table in the database by mistake
Adblock Plus available for Microsoft Edge NOW!!!!
I'm looking for a good (free) cloud storage solution
Hi Sup Forums since lots of you probably do SE/cs/etc I wonder if any of you tried dating...
Mouse thread
Opera has released a free unlimited VPN service for iOS called Opera VPN
Processing power used to double like every year
He doesn't own a desktop
You believed in AMD
Built a $1500 strong pc
No mods on g again?
Use mac os x
5 facts about Nozomi
Explain EVGA to me
Code quality
Post rare stallmans
F-Droid Appreciation Thread
/csg/ - chink shit general
/fpg/ Functional programming general
What is the official motherboard manufacturer of /gee/?
What is the android equivalent to the iphone6? best display and performance
Tesla is selling a car with an "upgradable" battery...
Is there any reason to own a laptop if you don't leave the house?
BSD Is Freedom
Reminder that by disabling telemetry in Windows 10...
Is Linus a cuck?
Windows 10 isn't spyware
There's a phrase that's on the tip of my tongue that I can't remember for the life of me
Finally upgrade Nexus 5 from lollipop to marshmallow
Where do the different frames/datagrams "born"?
Dear Sup Forums
Whats the actual reason why games dont run on linux? is it just drivers or the actual kernel?
Is there a real reason for using linux?
What ebook readers are you using Sup Forums?
Is it possible to have a gaming pc only with passive cooling?
/gcg/ - Graphics Cards and Display General: #054
LOL! Stop! No cleaning up. Post a picture of your music player
Company looking for candidate with 7 years AngularJS experience
Post software you hate
I think a certain amount of DRM is tolerable. Debate me, Sup Forums
Is this a good deal?
What kind of bed do Sup Forumsentlemen here use?
Deep web security
Switch from iOS to Android
Homescreen thread
Why the fuck do we keep moving toward fucktarded resolutions?
What does Sup Forums listen to while coding?
/tpg/ - Thinkpad General
Icloud unlock for 6S?
Show your active torrents
Aged well purchases
/bst/ Battlestation
Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong?
/CPG/ Comfy Portable General
If a website has video streaming like youtube...
Why aren't wireless headphones more of a thing? I've never seen anyone use them; its always wired
So how will AMD respond to Pascal? NVIDIA is pricing the 1080/70 competitively so it will be tough for AMD
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Classic Mac/PowerBook Thread
So is it gonna be hard for them to update the drivers or is AMD gonna ball out on these niggas?
Anyone have a higher-resolution version of this image?
Programming is basically a meme industry
This may sound stupid but I've searched everywhere
I don't want to use a smartphone until there exists a truly free device (and there isn't)...
Spoon feeding a kid how to download stuff via torrents. It's like these kids know nothing but apps
Is this thing really magic? It really feels like you're pressing down
VLC appreaction thread
What's the browser to use in 2016?
There are ppl on Sup Forums who overpaid for SSD's because the OS they used was optimized and was slow as fuck or...
Share Your Desktop Cases
This changes everything
Move all files to My Documents
Hey guys, I know you have to deal with a lot of retarded people on here, and I'm just another one of those people...
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
I'm trying to get pictures off my broken iphone. It wont enter DFU mode...
E-reader discussion
Mfw waiting to become Sup Forums's new janitor
The nvidia pascal bait and switch
I too worry about my GPU being detected by radar
What's the biggest Sup Forums-related mistake you've ever made?
Screen Display Thread
Search on clover
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Tfw I download yify BD rips
You have exactly 15 minutes to explain why you're using GNU/Linux instead of the superior alternative, FreeBSD
Disc Rot
Should i get a 4k tv?
Linux Search
He fell for the cell phone meme
Speed test thread
How to get to CS masters with shit grades, non major
Gorshills on suicide watch
Am I the only one who enjoys 4:3 ratio? I feel way more focused
Post bios pictures
Is a single programming language career possible?
SQT - Stupid Question Thread
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/wt/ watch thread
Am I wrong in thinking these sound great?
/mkg/ mechanical keyboards general
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
What pets does Sup Forums have?
Is a Hackintosh worth it?
If im running my cpu without overclocking it, do i really need an aftermarket cpu cooler? or is the stock just fine...
Sup tech support I got another issue
I did it lads
Best debian-based distro?
Tor on Crouton
Is this the most stupid tech related post you've ever seen?
Positive info about new amd product
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Can we get one for Linux distros?
Name my company, Sup Forums. I do Linux System Engineering / Consulting, DevOps and a bit of Programmming
What is the best IDE for
What went wrong?
Sup Forums
OS/WM Thread
Is this the end of "DOWNLOAD" ads?
How come are they even still on the market if their products are so ridiculously overpriced?
Speccy thread
Just fuck my shit up
Foobar2000 mobile released
Can you really hear the difference between 128kbps and 320kbps in a blind test?
Do you leave your computer off, or on standby/hibernate when not in use?
Which of these 3 companies do you autists hate the most?
Macbooks are overpriced
Computer Engineering
Arch crapped out on me
Did you know that 16-year-old Indian-Origin Kid built a search engine that is 47% more accurate than Google?
Post your screenfetch
Screenshot thread
Best e-mail service?
Nvidiots on suicide watch
What Linux are you running?
Want to get computer to do thing to other thing
Buying more than 8gb of RAM
Falling for the water cooler meme
Misanthropic campaign in Kio Networks Mexico
Celeron vs. Atom
Sup Forums Humor Thread
Is it possible to destroy the internet by bombing a couple of places?
How is it that no other Office suite is as good as Microsoft Office?
What's the best long-term data backup solution?
Recently come into lots of money
Anyone here using Elian script or other alternative artificial alphabets so others can't read your screen?
Seriously why couldn't AMD have revealed their cards first?
With CPU performance stagnation. would you be able to get a cheap 4790k in say 2020?
Is it possible to have a Mac thread on here without it degenerating into shitposting?
Tech A E S T H E T I C S Thread
Why haven't you installed custom firmware on your router yet, user?
Mfw going to buy GTX 1080 on launch
Guess what time it is
What distro ships and has the most stable and optimized KDE 5 ?
Mp3 players
Who gives a fuck how flimsy you can make a phone look...
KAT users having their site scrubbed faster and harder than ever seen before
How do I get this?
What the fuck, Microsoft?
BSD License Linux?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Microsoft, Google, Adobe, etc. all have Indian CEOs
Why do you hate him?
Login to friends Linux pc
GOLANG thread
My iphone started doing this today... can anyone help me?
Where do I find friends?
Are you?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Why haven't you removed yourself from Google's search results, Sup Forums?
Why is it so expensive?
General pentesting and remote exploitation thread
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Windows builds:
Woops, looks like I know what Intel's future plans are
How do you deal with dust collection?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Ubuntu nigs
Tinfoil: MS sabotaged Windows 7?
What launcher should i use?
So I'm a noob when it comes to this tech stuff but I was wondering whether I should upgrade to Windows 10...
GTX 1080: Get in here
Raspberry Pi Zero is still out of stock and impossible to find
The cringe that is rainmeter
Post your current music
Google is going full jew now
Tfw I fell for mechanical keyboard meme
How do you say "botnet" in Japanese? Asking for a friend
Do you think that we, as humans...
Should i install antergos?
What is best VPN?
What do you think of nexus devices?
Google is blatantly and shamelessly spying on its users now?
So with nvidia offering a 10% increase in performance over the 980 ti with the 1070 for $370 doesn't this make the...
Talking with sister-lawyer
Who the heck uses OS X Server?
He fell for the Windows 10 is bad meme
Is there an app that logs how much time I spend every day
Will AMD survive Pascal?
Is there a ootb loonix distro that doesn't have a UI that looks like its from 2008?
I have to take this class in Data Structures and Algorithms, any helpful websites that could prepare me for this...
Is this OS any good?
VR Discussion
/csg/ Chink Shit General
What's the most ghetto build you can make?
Tfw core 2 duo isn't enough anymore
Sup Forums has literally turn to shit
Windows 2000 Nostalgia Thread
When was the last time you used something truly magical?
Useless Android Task Managers (Clean Master, etc.)
I'm new on Ubuntu
Why don't you leave the basement? You could go out, visit a night club and have a good time?
Sqt - Stupid Questions Thread
Is it wrong to convert my flacs to mp3 for storage purposes?
She has herpes and you don't have a condom
Here we are again, penis rate thread
/SatanOS/ General - Logofags are Subhumans Edition
What does Sup Forums use for a password manager?
Functional Programming & Math: General
/mkg/ mechanical keyboards general
Who /poorfagxpuser/ here?
I will keep posting these until we get an official statement from a mod about why this is happening
Desktop thread
What is the best programming paradigm for managing large codebases?
Can someone please recommend me an overall good linux distro that is also good for ricing...
Took me a few years, but I have finally came to a realization that using an e-mail created by an advertising corp...
For years this red thing has been my goto for quick image viewing and slideshows. However...
FUCK ME IN THE ASSHOLE!!! Really, this triggers me so much
VS2015 adds telemetry calls to every binary now
WHEN will we break free of the landline internet connection?
I want to cum in Maki
What does Sup Forums think of 2 in 1s?
Python Help
Resolution thread
How the fuck does rm -rf / work when it removes itself
Let's face it. AMD is finished
Hello World thread
Arch linux = autisim?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
What are you doing Sup Forums?
A lightning strike carries approx 5-billion joules...
Only cucks buy reference cards. Wait for the MSI & EVGA Ti versions to come out you fucking hicks!
Unix (including BSD)
Confession time. What products do you constantly shill on Sup Forums for free? Do you actually use them?
Refuting the "Windows 10 spies on you" paranoia
Homescreen thread
What is a device you wish existed but doesn't?
Why is this still a thing?
Hey guys. I have a problem that I cannot figure out
Post some nice looking PC hardware, I'll start
Window Manager Thread
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
No GTX 1070 thread?
What's the best chan app? Discuss
Sup Forums's opinion on Solaris? Is Oracle a botnet?
Whats the point of this key?
Gaymen PC $600
What will it take for companies to stop hiring Pajeets?
Tfw you never fell for the apple meme
How many HDD have died on anons...
/wt/ watch thread
Why would anyone ever buy a tablet?
I got a hand me down optiplex 990 with two HDD in it...
So the airplane mode screenshot is no longer working, so where is the offline data stored...
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Sup Forums's approved anti-virus for windows 10?
Should i use windows or gnu/linux?
Is AMD finished? How will they compete?
Desktop thread?
/cringe/ /humor/ /ylyl/
Does anyone use a wide-gamut monitor? Any pros, cons and things to be aware of?
Remember when Sony was good?
Twitter front page, featuring a fuckload of pictures
C++ is a horrible language. It's made more horrible by the fact that a lot
Deep Learning/big data General
Who uses it except Pajeets?
1070 is a 7.5gb card NVIDIOTS BTFO AGAIN
Sup Forums hates le gaymurz
Who and why uses Perl in current year?
/bst/ Battlestation
Where are all the 40+ year old people in tech?
How many people will die Sup Forums?
What does /g have to say?
Why didn't you tell me??
Why shouldn't i get a mac mini Sup Forums?
Gonna get an android phone to replace my iPhone 6s soon...
Why are people on this board so autistic about not having any icons on their Desktop?
1070 better than Titan X?
What's your favourite GTK theme, Sup Forums?
I'll just leave this here
This kills the AMD
The headphone jack is why our devices aren't thinner
What do you guys think of bitcoins ?
ITT: simple things Linux simply can't do
So I just got infected by some Ransomware called CerberRansomware...
Windows 7 here. Want to update to 8.1 but have a few concerns; like the ugly UI and the Metro shits; how do I fix these...
Hi Sup Forums I'd like to give password manager a try, I heard about KeePass, is it good? Would you recommand it?
You got one yet?
IQ thread
Text Editor
Sony Xperia z5
That's a 1080p desktop, next to a 1080p video, on a 5k screen
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
I thought it was called the ""free"" encyclopedia
Current Sup Forums approved laptop?
Builders PC thread!
How do you use this in a sane way?
So the 1080 will be a good 70-80% faster than the 980, so probably about 30-40% faster than the 980ti
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
The Official Sup Forums Piracy Poll/Thread
Hi Sup Forums, is Spotify worth it?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Defeat the systemd cancer - install lubuntu 14.04 today
So I got a job
Considering upgrading from 750ti to 1070...
Unbricking Android
Anybody else think that mobile phones shouldn't have evolved any further past say, 2006-2008?
Should I learn php or node.js?
ITT: We pretend its 1999
This has been on the cards for a long time
What are some essential Firefox extensions worth getting?
Is he a virgin?
What is the best desktop environment for readability?
What does Sup Forums think of Opera's new inbuilt VPN?
Can you even make anything practical with C and C++? What's the coolest program you've made with those languages?
1) Who the hell writes all these books?
Game on the left, GPU temp on the right. Is it fucking normal? I guess not. What the hell should I do?
How do we resolve systemd?
Why is everyone saying the GTX1080's $600 pricetag is reasonable/less-than-expected...
What do you think about ChaletOS?
Sup Forums hates crony capitalism
Core 2 thread
Owners of 980 ti's and titan x's, how do you feel knowing your gpu is slower than the next $350 "1070" card?
He thinks linux is an operating system
LOL! Stop! no cleaning up. Post a picture of your music player
Best Browser?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Desktop runs ubuntu
Is this shit any good? All my friends seem to be migrating towards it. What does it have to offer over stuff like skype...
I really want to like GNU/Linux but every time I think Windows and Mac would never be so sloppy with presentation...
Android Thread
Which DE will give me window "snapping" like windows?
What is best for gaming?
/hsg/ - Homescreen General
Excellent Book Thread
Why aren't you installing Gentoo?
So I'm upgrading to Windows 10
My PSU is crapped out, I'm looking for something thats at least 1000W, what should I get...
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Gaze deep into my black hole
Sup Forumsuts thread
Windows 10 Free Upgrade Ending Soon
Weekend Project Thread
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Sup Forums I fucked up, I just bought a hard drive and I dropped it by mistake, it fell down from like 50cm...
A new king
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Switching from an android to an iPhone soon. Glad to say I am. So much smoother
Speccy thread
22% faster than a Titan X
Sup Forums-chan, daisuki~
About to install Funtoo on my old desktop machine. Quad-core Xeon @ 2.6GHz, 8GB RAM. Any advice...
Nvidia won
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Nvidia thread new
Sat down to program 2 hours ago
Does anybody else hate this ugly cunt? As hideous as his facial aesthetics are...
Xvideos finally got html5 video
Wakeup with headaches on an almost daily basis
Hello Sup Forums
Why are pajeets so entitled?
His wpm is less than 100
Alright, Sup Forums. How do I go about pirating this?
>BST - RichFag Edition<
Tfw you have too much experience to enjoy any part of Sup Forums
Growing Up
He pronounces GUI as gooey
Let's create a Sup Forums quest to celebrate the newcommer board /qst/
What is the single best gaming laptop in terms of size, performance, and reliability?
What's in the box?
Anyone here use Bitwig...
BlackArch Linux version 2016.04.28 released
Is this the absolute best android music player?
What does Sup Forums think about used tech?
Interviewing the top AI authority in the world
Holy fuck Sup Forums I cannot stop laughing
Would you live in a pod Sup Forums ?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...