>Nexus phones
These are just iPhones for insecure boys.
Simplified and dumbed down shit.
Nexus phones
And botnet lovers.
Isn't it the contrary through?
other than having no SD card, how are they simplified?
Dumbed down functions and botnet taking care of everything.
B-b-but unparalleled custom ROM support and flagship specs at a low price...
Why shouldn't I get the 5X with project Fi?
>no mSD slot
Yeah, pretty much.
See above and project fi is only good if you use 0GB of data each month else get an MVNO carrier.
Can I get an answer from someone who isn't an autist
This stopped being true after the nexus 5, the 6 was what like 600 dollars?
>Low price
Can I get an explanation for why from someone who goes outside everyday?
>low price
>$400 for the 5X cheap plastic memephone
Where have you been? $200 currently
Google Fi is an awful $ to GB ratio.
Unlimited data on straight talk is $45, 5GB on GFi would be something like $70.
No sd slot
Full botnet
That's as stupid as saying a Dell Windows laptop is more dumbed down than a HP Windows laptop, or vice-versa. ALL phones are dumbed down out-of-the-box.
What phone do you suggest for the price point?
Xiaomi phones like Redmi N3P or Mi5. Vernee will also be top tier chink shit when they get their phones on the market.
Anything that's not chink shit?
This is an adult website, son. Give dad back his laptop and mummy back her makeup and get back to class.
For real though nexus phones are dogshit. Why would google take away the one big thing that sets apart android from apple?
This, I don't want a overheating unsupported chinkshitter but my price range is only about 250
Boost has the S4 for $180. It's carrier locked to them though.
Hold on it's out of stock. Amazon does have it for $160 however. You should get that, a zerolemon battery, and a 128gb microsd card.
I can't stand touchjizz or carrier locks. Unlocked or nothing
>nexus phones are dogshit
Not finding that at all with 5x. Got a fucking good deal for it too.
Touchjizz can be removed with root or heavily suppressed with the Nova launcher. Nothing you can do about the carrier lock.
There's not much out there for a non-chink unlocked android phone beside the $220 moto g. But it has a shitty 720p screen and a weak quad-core A53 CPU and adreno 306 GPU.
I will keep that in mind thanks, upgrading Friday so we shall see
We're not all cucks like you though. Most of us enjoy expanding our internal storage by up to 200GB (soon 256GB) with a tiny memory card.
>he need to take his FLAC collection with him everywhere
Saw a guy on the train with an iPhone 4s today. It took 15 whole fucking seconds to load up facebook. Meanwhile I'm using my $200 Nexus 4 that still runs faster than 80% of phones I see.
I don't personally like the new nexuses, but you have to be retarded to imply that they're bad phones, and completely braindead to compare them to iPhones.
I don't need to cart hundreds of GB of degenerate chinese cartoons around. How much storage do you fucking mongoloids actually use on your chinkrom memephones?
>paid $250 for a 5x a month ago
How poorfag can you be?
>Vanilla Android
>Dumbed down
How's that bloatware you Samcuck?
this thread is 100% hurr durr, end yourself
>No lte in North America
>If your phone is defective you have to pray that your seller is merciful enough to give you your money back
128GB on my Nexus 6P is more than enough
>or heavily suppressed with the Nova launcher
I don't think you know what touchwhizz really is. No it can't be suppressed with Nova, it permeates everything from the settings app to the important baked in apps like contacts, phone, and messages. Music too if it even has that still.
We know that. To remove touchjizz you need to have the phone rooted, we know. What he's saying is most of the lag can be suppressed by a third party launcher which does not require root and can be done on any samshit device with touchjizz.
Modern versions of touchjizz isn't even that bad but keep spouting memes.
is the Note 4 a good phone?
With Nova it is. Stock launcher is pretty bloated. Note 3/4 are the only good note phones though. Note 5 lacks a micro sd slot and removable battery, it's a joke.