post em
Post rare stallmans
Why does this faggot have mental breakdown every time he gives public speech? Are all freetards mentally ill or what?
What does he even do on his computer all day?
Writing MLP roleplays without goverment spying on him
Thought that it's Perelman for a second but Stallman is not that autistic.
Who would win in a fight, RMS or RSR?
Stop posting his photos without license notice.
> you will never fuck a young twink Stallman in his prime
Why even fucking go on anymore?
>What does he even do on his computer all day?
He's answering all your inane questions. It takes him like eight hours a day, but it's important, damn it!!
>this was stallman in his 20s
I thought he was a fat goblin like guy
If I was that looking, I could slay pussy like crazy
Stallman is still drowning in free libre pussy
I'll contribute too
>tfw RMS lives a better life than anyone on Sup Forums and has been in nearly every place in the world
I can't believe people take seriously this guy.
a shaved stallman now that would be a rare
>A friend once asked me to watch a video with her that she was going to display on her computer using Netflix. I declined, saying that Netflix was such an affront to freedom that I could not be party to its use under any circumstances whatsoever.
Women are propiertary
I want to cringe but I'm too enthralled.
He hates to waste anytime so he constantly tries to do something according to his site
>going to beautiful places all around the world
>not lifting your head from your computer
He's retarded.
who dis?
>calling an autist retarded
Why is the indian guy that scared?
He saw a proprietary toilet.
Designated shitting streets are free as in freedom.
"Thank you! I wore that power tie on a cruise ship, where I was being paid to give speeches and teaching classes for techies. (I would not have gone to such a place otherwise.) One evening they said people were supposed to wear formal dress. As a matter of principle, I don't own a real tie, so the "power" tie was the closest thing I had! The organizers agreed to pay me because a trip on a cruise ship would not in itself be a reward, not for me. I expected to be there alone. However, amazingly, I then found a sweetheart. So she went there with me--and she hated the experience. Sad to say, she is now in my ex-girlfriends list, which means I can now apply for a place in your ex-boyfriends list."
What was the prank here? Performing a bulgarian folk dance in the MIT AI lab?
He's an undercover Microsoft employee and he's afraid Stallman will recognize him
Who's the Santa-looking guy?
thanks user
>What does he even do on his computer all day?
You ever try using the web with wget? Checking the news takes half an afternoon.
His name is Juan-Carlos Gentile.
can someone post the one where he's using a rubbish bin as a standing desk
The conversion of Pajeet
My sides
>tfw I used non-free software that morning
>I hope that no one finds about my dirty little secret
Tried yo upload the webm but it's too big
>not using lynx
Lynx lets people steal your freedom.
>I am careful in how I use the Internet.
>I generally do not connect to web sites from my own machine, aside from a few sites I have some special relationship with. I usually fetch web pages from other sites by sending mail to a program (see git:// that fetches them, much like wget, and then mails them back to me. Then I look at them using a web browser, unless it is easy to see the text in the HTML page directly. I usually try lynx first, then a graphical browser if the page needs it (using konqueror, which won't fetch from other sites in such a situation).
Jesus, is that a caveman!?
He's a Russian. So yes, pretty much a caveman
Is it obligatory to have a beard when you are a proponent of free software?
Dirtiest beard contest podium?
girl who took his virginity
Could you post that literally anywhere else? It's tripping off Firefox's malware alert.
no and the slums of india with a laptop isn't exactly 'seeing the world'
so that's where the rms in the GIMP pic comes from
what the fuck was he even doing there anyway? Didn't he just fuck off out of his classes and hang around the computers writing linux?
why the fuck does he literally have to have that tiny laptop in his hands at all times? does he shit and shower with it too?
>This is the dance of my people.
Reminds me of this
This is what a free libre woman looks like,
I'd eat something picked off of these feet any day ;^)
He looks high af
Why did he flip out here? Is this what legitimate autism looks like?