Ideas, where to buy, how not to be a faggot, etc...
Laptop stickers
>how not to be a faggot
Dont use laptop stickers.
>how not to be a faggot
Dont use laptop stickers.
>how not to be a faggot
Dont use laptop stickers.
Dont be the girl in the picture
If you don't have any stickers on your laptop you literally have autism
>how not to be a faggot
Dont use laptop stickers.
I have a few on mine. Angular2, Nativescript, Typescript, Patagonia.
>how not to be a faggot
Dont use laptop stickers.
I'm not surprised that ugly girl has a twitch sticker. Ugly girls are considered hot on that site.
That's because 90% of the audience are underage. And by proxy, this is also why you never have the chat open at any point in time.
Also you don't watch streamers, because they are all shit.
I don't watch streams anymore. I quit playing video games a while back. That shit is for children.
Why do you think that? What makes games any different from movies in terms of audience?
Manchildren quit doing things they like to pretend to be adults or invent a lesser category of people to make themselves feel good about their tiny dicks, while actual adults do what they want anyway.
That's what I was thinking. I have actually never gotten a response when asking them why they think games are for children, and why movies and other entertainment are not. It's pretty bizzare, and the worst part is that they probably believe it to some degree because someone on an online forum told them that's how it is.
Movies are also for children though.
Then they are perfect for you.
I don't watch many movies either. I don't like the culture of gaming and hate the DRM apologists on the PC. It's not worth being involved with that community.
Projecting much.
I got all mine from events, meetups, and donations
Are you fucking retarded, OP? Just download/make whatever the fuck you want as a vector image and print it on vinyl at local copy center.
I rarely watch movies myself, nor do I really keep up with many shows. I don't play many games either for that matter, doesn't mean I think any of those are any valid entertainment.
The saying this shit is for children was just baiting the pc gamers. They get really upset when you say you don't play video games on the PC or insult gaming. But yeah, it's okay to play games. I just don't because of the culture around it.
>I quit playing video games
>now I'm a freetard
backwards transition desu
I never said anything about being a freetard. I care less about the GPL and the FSF.
Nothing. As a medium video games are entertaining and can be just as rich as good cinema.
But most Gaymers on Sup Forums spend thousands of dollars on arguably useless parts to get tiny increases in performance that they don't even benefit from because they are not the pro gamers they think that they are. Those people are man children.
If you just play games nothing wrong with that.
Where would I go about getting absolute botnet tier stickers. Like those intel and amd stickers, secure disk stickers with holograms vs
>Laptop stickers
I keep my laptop clean and pretty, I would never stick any disgusting crap on its surface and later complain that it wear off and looks even worse.
Autism desu senpai
>come on user, where are your stickers? You need to be proud of what you like instead of being scared to reveal yourself. Chad is never scared to show off who he is!
No excuse for not sporting stickers
>upside down Debian logo
No need to be so jealous, pajeet
Bumper stickers and laptop stickers are both like neat little shortcuts to knowing who not to talk to.
Stickers are for attention seeking douchebags, "look at me, I am an individual", get the fuck out of here. You wouldn't mod a Lamborghini? Oh wait
you might as well put a sticker that says "I suck dick"
Just don't. Stickers are for gaymers, script kiddies and faggot scum in general. Use car foil to give your laptop a new look if its fucked up.
put an apple sticker over the normal logo
great meme
Great fucking idea putting those stickers on your laptop so everyone knows you are a pedophile.
>But most Gaymers on Sup Forums spend thousands of dollars on arguably useless parts to get tiny increases in performance that they don't even benefit from because they are not the pro gamers they think that they are. Those people are man children.
>insert fake news about nvidia dropping 0,0001% market share
I wonder when will Sup Forums stop doing this
those are some perfect soles
Or a cypherpunk
>tfw have a cypherpunk sticker
>those exhausts
Top lel
Absolutely disgusting
Pedophile? It could be so much worse considered what's on Tor.
I'd drive the shit out of this one
>tfw want stickers on my laptop
>too boring person with literally 0 interest so
Any help gentoomen?
Animuu and Arch logo.
Every girl loves that.
Never used arch and only anime ive watched was pokemon when I was young. Even if a girl who loves that would came to me to talk because of stickers I wouldnt be able to talk about them.
Oh lucky you. Girls who like animes can be crazy.
And not in a sexy way.
Not him, but I, for a change, I like crazy girls. Im not perfectly sane either myself.
>Never used arch
Then you never had the true fun of using "bleeding edge" Linux distro - never-ending tweaking and fixing your OS, so you can do whatever other distros do basically out of box.
>if you have laptop stickers you are literally desperate to fit in and probably can't touch type.
Don't forget tattoos.
They're like idiot beacons, conveniently pointing out who has low self control and no respect for their own body.
Guess my interests.
This is my big ass laptop. My small daily driver is clean. I'm looking for stickers to ornament it thou.
You're brown.
mah nigga
>windows mobile
I guess a shitty heavily modded Chevy cobalt
Okay Randy time to go to bed
>movistar sticker
literally doing free advertising for a corporation
Nope, hahaha. I'm pale white.
Better there than on my motorcycle right?
BTW, the K&N filter sucked ass. Went back to OEM.
I don't own a car yet. Not looking forward to own one either.
No car. Just a bike and it's stock.
What? I'm not Randy. I'm David.
Better than the fuckhuge brand logo originally on the cover. That entire sticker is covering the branding of the manufacturer.
Btw, 2 days without a sleeve or some protection and my daily driver is fucking scratched. Also nobody mentioned the other 2 stickers.
I just use their air filters m8. I've put K&N filters in all my cars because after two or three changes it's cheaper anyway.
>exchange one logo for another which is ugly as sin too
yeah still retarded
Sorry, we were all too busy working at real jobs to stop and further validate your useless NEET gaymer existence.
You know, I'd actually use a debian sticker if I ran debian. But it'd be just on its own. Stickers aren't automatically bad, but you've gotta at least be tasteful with them.
>how not to be a faggot
Don't use laptop stickers.
>how not to be a faggot,
Dont use laptop stickers.
Wanna come use my shower?
>Guess my interests.
paying for overpriced air filters and adding $8 "boosters" to your gasoline?
This is now a Seattle thread