
Great Post!

Other urls found in this thread:


Would be better if this piece of shit was knocked off, all they do is put shit out and broken promises

need INTEL to buy ATI

>AMD hasn't launched a new performance-segment GPU since 2012

That's bullshit though. Hawaii and Fiji have both released since then. I wonder how much Nvidia paid for that article? The all-expenses-paid trip to Texas was probably enough I guess.

AMD = fucked by inept leadership who seemingly have the 'just make it decent enough' attitude while their competition is always striving for more.

techpowerup.com = nvidiots who wouldn't wipe the cum off their faces after blowing Jen-Hsun.

This article makes no sense? Who are the partners? Where are the statements by the partners? Are they not taking part in the r9 400 series?

Then it says that there hasnt been a performance based gpu since 2012. The guy writing obviously meant architrcture, but even then wasnt fiji a new architecture tor HBM right? So hes still wrong.

I like supporting AMD and dont want to come off as a fanboy but something's genuinely off with this article.

and Tonga

Source: Their ass

Nice FUD-spreading though, nvidishills.

Fake or someone was mislead. The partners wouldn't tell some small european site that the new cards only 390 to 390x class performance when AMD has kept such a tight lip on the subject. Those partners would have their balls busted for leaking performance.

Such a poorly written article, it's obvious this is just anti-amd propaganda with no sources to back it up



it provides the source at the bottom of the article. learn to read.

sources: nordichardware.se

that nobody can fucking read, sure buddy

>it's not in English so it can't be legit

AMDrone comprehension everybody.


worst article I've read all week. ugh so badly written it hurts.

AMD is a step behind as always. nothing new here.

> so it can't be legit

>AMD is a step behind as always. nothing new here.


>being this mad

rebrAMD pissing people off for not ever making a new GPU in the segment and just rebranding over and over again?

who wouldathunkit

It's a blog.

pretty much. what would you expect from such a shitshow of a company.

>tfw there were actual people who believed amd would be competitive again

welp, sucks to be them. they can enjoy their $350 polaris 10 390x rebrand whilst i have my $379 ~faster than titan x gtx 1070.

Nice blog post

W1zzard is my hero.

Except nordichardware has no source mate, and these fuckers just copied their shit article and poorly translated it. It's shit covered in more shit, classic nvidiot believing everything he sees on the internet

Nvidia must be real scared of polaris, I haven't seen this much concentrated shilling since w10 launched.

this article is a joke, how much does nvidia pay these guys

>classic nvidiot believing everything he sees on the internet

you mean like all these amdrones who believe a paid shill on youtube? or the ashes of singularity benchmarks which haven't even been verified?

ok mate, ok. stay deluded.




Poolaris had to get a respin, it will be months late

>AMD hasn't launched a new performance segment GPU since 2012

This whole article is a hit piece for Nvidia fqnboys to drool over.

AMD Friends
>looking forward to new gpus! hopefully we'll see great improvements all around! nvidia and amd are both releasing neat products, so excited!

Nvidia shills

>Nvidia must be real scared of polaris

you mean like the 2 or so threads full of amdrone damage control?

>the 1070 isn't really that cheap, it's secretly $1000
>p-polaris wasn't meant to go against pascal a-anyway
>w-wait till vega, y-you'll see
>n-no async
>i know all of this because my d-dad works for nvidia

AMD shills

Nvidia bros
>nice one, we get great performance for cheaper than we expected. more competition in the market for us consumers!

fixed it for you


pretty much this. i even own an nvidia gpu but this article is full on shill

What compels someone to be a fanboy?



Man I fucking love TPU. They aren't pussy ass faggots held back by the fear of AMD revoking review samples.

That Russian site gamegpu tells it like it is too. AMD have since all revoked their samples. Now with no newest AMD Rebrandeon products Nvidia cards leads all their benchmarks, which amd fans aren't happy about. AMD just can't do anything right, even media censorship.

who knows. ask the amd owners (fanboys) since they seem to be the majority on every tech forum.

>he thinks WHQL matters

Remember: Nvidia's card killing drivers have been WHQL.

>Man I fucking love TPU. They aren't pussy ass faggots held back by the fear of AMD revoking review samples.
They'll be crying like all others did.

never forget



don't let the the cancer that is amd get away with this


And after a year or no drivers amd finally released their crimson driver that stopped the fan on all cards and killed it.

>nobody buying your rebranded shit
>stop drivers for a year to make everyone thirsty
>finally release it and make a big stink about it
>the driver kills cards, lol

Are we supposed to overlook Nvidia actually killnig cards when compared to a long gap between WHQL driver releases? Lets also not forget that AMD released a load of beta drivers within that period.

Also: moar driver hijinks.





(fyi for that last one Sup Forums actually tried to blame Intel for it)

Post proof of it killing cards.
Protip: You can't.






>buying amd housefire
not even once

AMD's drivers can't even do this even if they wanted to. GCN starts throttling itself hard when it reaches it's limit.

It's probably a few old cards dying from the heat and shitload of fake claims.


spotted the shitskin indian

>nice one, we get great performance for cheaper than we expected. more competition in the market for us consumers!


16nm vs 28nm. +5fps. Amazing

>>p-polaris wasn't meant to go against pascal a-anyway
Polaris is r9 470/480 so this is actually true. I don't see anything to be mad about. There's a $100 "founders" premium on these cards till July. So I'll complain about it then when I know what Polaris actually is.

Anyone that thinks any modern drivers can kill GPUs is literal down syndrome retard.

>i-it's all fake, i swear!

like clockwork

This, the card will throttle and shut down long before heat kills it. Stopping a fan wont kill a gpu, feeding a lot of voltage will.

Its been baked into gpus for a long time - Nvidia's overheating killing cards is a good 6 years old. Nvidia killing cards via other means (namely by bricking the bios) is much more recent.

Nvidia didn't have hardware protection so they could. Not sure if they did it now.

the 20% was an actual thing >inb4 it still is.
But the problem was in the users who enabled AMD overdrive and never checked their temps.

>smells like pajeet...

nigga, there were rumors floating around wccftech saying polaris 10 is faster than a 980 ti. it was after i read those rumors when i finally stopped believing wccftech.

anyone who believes wccftech should literally kill themselves. i don't think they've ever been right, ever.


KEK, opinion discarded.

Why is everyone mad that Polaris isn't high end? Isn't the 480X in the sweet spot? Most people will be looking to spend that amount of money.

nvidia marketing
so good they made the 970 mainstream at high-end prices

no, the gtx x70 and r9 x90 have always been the best price/performance cards around the $300 mark. everyone is mad because nvidia are releasing a sweet spot card and amd aren't till next year according to their own roadmap

>x90 have always been the best price/performance cards around the $300 mark
Fuck no


These were the price/performance cards for AMD in the last few years.

The polaris 10 is hitting the $350 mark and the leaks plant it at a little over the 980ti performance, just like the 1070. Despite the companies marketing this segment as mainstream, doesn't make it not high end performance.

>The polaris 10 is hitting the $350 mark and the leaks plant it at a little over the 980ti performance

Says who?

5770 was a shit hole, 5850 before the price hike was the best at that time.

no. see actual benchmarks of polaris 10 cards put it way less powerful than a 980 ti or even a fury x hence why it's now being rumored that the vega10 series will come out to compete with the 1070 and 1080. polaris 10 was NEVER meant to compete with the 1070 or 1080, its the natural successor to the r9 x80 series cards.

>Nordic Hardware reached out to us with their report, saying that AMD's partners "won't have any new cards to display at Computex and the only Polaris cards promoted to them from AMD are R9 390/390X performance class but for a mid-range price. Great value but no sign of any GTX 1080 contender". I thought I'd reach out to an AMD partner, and received a quick "don't think so" from a board partner, and then I asked for clarification to which they said "as of now, no information".

Nvidia showed off Pascal
AMD Pajeet still busy praying to his cow
June draws near any time now
Pajeets saids no no we won't allow
Oh oh I know I got a plan, one sure to please the fans
Ploop plop there we go, what do you think, Lisa-chan?
Computex draws near but amd got nothing on their hands
Their future looking grim with an uncertain lifespan

Are you implying a 1070 will cost around $300? Because you're wrong.

If polaris 10 costs 250$ and performs better then a 390 with half the heat I'll be happy enough.

770 and 290 vendor cards were pushing $450 at launch user.

i should rephrase

between $300-$400 price point. hence why vega 10 is and 1070 are both predicted to be $350-$400.

That's retarded they showed Polaris months ago already, and I'm to believe they are showing new versions of obsolete 390s at Computex when their new cards are reportedly releasing imminently.

Still wrong.

GTX1070 will cost $449, i.e. founders edition i.e. only edition for the next couple of months. You didn't fall for nvidia marketing did you user?

>only edition for the next couple of months

Also the 1070 has gddr5, vega will have hbm2 with a relatively big memory bus. Even if it's at the same pricepoint vega will perform much better. I think vega is the enthusiast/high end card/flagship though.

>Gigabyte founder's edition
Wow, yeah.

I thought nvidia promised a non-founders edition for $100 cheaper.

We'll believe it when we see it. 3rd party manufacturers usually take 3 months. Not 3 weeks.

>amdrones still can't get their heads round the 1070 being such a good price/performance card
>they still delude themselves into thinking is permanently $70 more expensive

you know nvidia did good when they get so much hate from amd fanboys

That don't look like a founder's edition outline

All founders are ref designs. That's probably a Gigabyte 1080.

Can we PLEASE cut the drone/idiot shit? It's polluting the boards with unintelligible babble, e.g. "they still delude themselves into thinking is permanently $70 more expensive"

Poor b8 too thanks.

Yep, Nvidia and Intel, at any point, if they wanted, could strangle fuck AMD to bankruptcy if they wished for it.

>founders edition
Isn't that just a card with stock clocks and stock cooler from nvidia?

>stock cooler with custom plastic casing and sticker
Wow, neat.

The Xtreme cards are their top tier custom cards, not reference models, which they've already announced

dumb frogposter

>no new architecture since 2012

wow, thats fucking wrong though.

Nvidia never made a card that over heats NEVER!

refreshes don't count as "brand new", dumbass
The last genuine architectural change in AMD GPU was back when GCN first launched. Everything else was nothing but minor updates and rebrands.

If anything, with the October release it seems that AMD are very confident in their matchup against Nvidia right now, high end 490X cards will be out Q1 or Q2 2017.



Nope, this signifies that AMD is a bit desperate because they know Polaris simply lacks the grunt to challenge even the lowest-spec GP104 (assumed to be the 1060 Ti with 7.5 GB of GDDR5, the 1070 will have the full 8GB as seen on one of the earlier non-GDDR5X Pascal). They need to push something out that will be as competitive as the GP104 flagship, and Vega 10 is their only chance at that. It is unlikely that it will absolutely beat the GTX 1080 in every aspect (given AMD's horrible history of over-hyping and under-delivering with astounding consistency), but it will be competitive enough. I don't think that will change the market share in their favor, since people who want the best and the latest will already have bought the 1080 and very few people will want a second-rate, second-place "me-too" card from AMD, no matter how close it gets to the 1080.

>Vega 11
>6144 stream processors

I doubt that. Where is the source for this figure? Some random forum post speculating about what AMD should be doing?
I doubt Vega 10 will even have 4096 stream processors at launch. 14nm lithography has been a bitch to refine and the yields simply won't be there.

>Bigger die
>Smaller node
Vega 10 will wipe the floor with 1080

If you extrapolate from Polaris 10, then Vega10 will be in the region of 350mm^2. That's perfectly feasible. First gen 28nm chips were just as big.

>Vega 10 will wipe the floor with 1080
>it's another "amd will rek nvidia" episode

no one is wiping the floor with anyone, especially not amd. remember when the fury x was meant to wipe the floor with the titan x with its hbm2? sorry mate, its not going to happen.

Doubtful, since HB2 NANDs and interposers have been constrained by supply
>Bigger die
Size doesn't always matter, since AMD is putting a truck load of garbage onto their dies to "modernize" the now-ancient GCN architecture. GCN 1.3 is as much of a refresh as Pascal is, admittedly.
>Smaller node
Not so. Samsung-Glofo 14nm FinFET is roughly the same physical size as the aborted 20nm design from TSMC, its just that the gates are made smaller so they can market it as "14 nm"

Seeing how Nvidia already start asslicking DX12 and Async i don't see how Titan X or any haswell series will be relevant anymore.

Fury will be the new 290x for another couple years while Haswell will gone in less than a year.


u wot? this ain't a cpu thread