what's the purpose of a +2000USD PC?
What's the purpose of a +2000USD PC?
Other urls found in this thread:
not games, kid
Not being poor
Compiling gentoo
Being a good little goy.
Rendering, Web services in general, science, selling its time for cloud bullshit, dedicated game server...
Poor fag detected
poorfag pls
Sweet rig, bro.
Depends on what parts of it are jacking up the price to $2000.
Getting to brag about the pz mustard reiss on console forums
Machine Learning, Picture Recognition, and masturbation of being a richfag.
>and masturbation of being a richfag
Not saying this is the case to everyone, but most fags i've seen with expensive computers are poorfags who fell for the master race meme and they spend months saving for a gaymer meme computer.
Here nothing.
Some people have hobby projects
>music/video editing
>crypto breaking
>bitcoin (bleh)
>autocad (LIDAR and not normal usage)
Play console games on a shitty cheap 4k monitor and logitech speakers, while sitting in a 100 dollar chair
Putting its specs on your sig on some shitty nerd forum.
Proper GPUs that cost over $2000 like Quadro and FirePro series GPUs, cost that much for good reasons.
On the other hand, the kiddie toy gaymer GPUs that are posted on Sup Forums - Video Gaymes are pretty much that, gayming GPUs.
Makes sense that gaymer children on Sup Forums don't know shit about why professional computers cost that much.
Why Sup Forums hates gaymers so much? it isn't like this place is filled with weaboos or anything (which, imo, are much more cancerous)
Im neither tho
>cancerous in the way you are
It's nice how you are tying to downplay your own cancer levels by refering to weaboos as if you come any close, and even though the two types of cancer have no relation whatsoever.
Weaboos don't act like they know technology, gaymers do.
Your fucking implementation of video software and x264 is all thanks to weaboos. At least i can give them that credit. And they are the kinds of autists who will at least properly research technology.
Look at yourself and your gaymer faggots though.
You make threads about gaymer toy GPUs on Sup Forums,
where you talk about hardware you don't know shit about,
make comparisons between GPUs based on nothing but memory and clock rate because you don't know shit about the various computational units and components that dictate performance or even dictate differences in whether certain GPUs do shader or texture better variably;
talk about software even though you don't know shit about how hardware and software interact and the ultimate culmination is
when stupid faggots like yourself post fucking framerate graphs that become obsolete the moment a game is patched or a driver is updated.
Weaboos whine about waifus, but at least they know they ain't real.
You whine about frame-rate differences that don't go beyond 10 , as if that 10 fps difference will ever fix your shitty gayming skills, or even be visible to your dumb gaymer eyes that become too focused on the gameplay or the rage from your incompetence during gaming to notice any graphical impact of such a minor framerate difference.
You are more cancerous than weaboos. And you are the primary source of tech illiteracy and retardation on Sup Forums.
The chances of retarded posts on Sup Forums belonging to a gaymer are vastly higher than them belonging to a weeaboo or even some of those MLP horsefuckers.
you seem upset
>expecting Sup Forums to think beyond its own autistic wants
I have a 17 inch MacBook pro and didn't even cost that much. Well well, look what hardware is overpriced now...
Neckbeard logic. They think they are so productive because they rice their shitty linux with animu girls.
>Weaboos don't act like they know technology, gaymers do.
>Your fucking implementation of video software and x264 is all thanks to weaboos
Oh the irony
Why you mad tho
Of course i'm upset. That's why i'm begging for the staff to rename Sup Forums into "Programming" so all the Sup Forums faggots can stay on Sup Forums, while all proper hardware discussion has all gone to /diy/.
At least /prog/ would be devoid of gaymer cancer and tech illiteracy.
>Oh the irony
Where's the irony?
Any and all scene adopted standards always come after the weeaboo animefaggot communities have run through them.
Are you living under a rock this much?
I built a 1500 dollar gaymen desktop. A few months later I compiled gentoo on it and now I don't play games anymore.
I'm playing hearthstone at 10000 fps with mine.
In my case, running lots of numerics - especially when prototyping, so I don't waste HPC time.
So you are actually that stupid.
>Projecting his anger at reality
keep your bait away from me
Well said.
>Weaboos whine about waifus, but at least they know they ain't real.
>but at least they know they ain't real.
Yeah, that's why there are "claim your waifu" and "2d girls are better than 3d ones" threads everyday, lol
>The only use a computer has is games
>Anybody who disagrees with me is a child
>Have you seen the new episode of Uragiri wa Boku no Namae o Shitteiru (A cartoon)
Knowing something isn't real doesn't eliminate the entertainment from dabbling in it user.
Maybe you should go back to sleep.
ay my brain shut off
Here's another
Your brain was never on in the first place.
The answer to OP's question was given.
Now, that you are butthurt by the answer is completely your own problem.
not an argument
The topic was what use a computer over $2000 has.
It certainly isn't gaming, unless you can name a game that requires such a computer to run.
So to use your word, you have no argument.
And yes, your brain is shut down and lacking in processing power.
So... you all just pretend to be fucking retarded but you are not, you just enjoy talking about imaginary girls on cartoons.
Tell me more pls
From an objective point of view, weaboos and their waifus are literally at the bottom of the barrel.
What i mean is that they're the most pathetic human beings on this website (along with 99% of r9k)
Manchildren gaymers are also at the bottom, but at least, one step better than waifu fags.
Enjoying talking about imaginary girls is certainly better than crying about imaginary fps in gaymes that will never fix your lack in gayming skills in order to justify a wasted $200, that's for sure.
From an objective point of view, weeaboos don't get jerked into wasting an additional $200 on GPUs that shit out barely 5fps difference in performance in order for the gaymer to squeeze out some imaginary gayming skill improvement from an additional 5 fps.
If weeaboos are the bottom of the barrel, gaymers are the source from which the shit is being filled into the barrels.
For me the chair, desk, monitor and monitor arm are all each part of a setup so then it gets easy to spend 2k, just what's in my case is only just over a grand, half that being the gpu
Not really, both are cancerous as fuck but the former is much more pathetic.
Also, i dont know why you insist that im a gaymer, lol
>He doesn't use his computer for multiple purposes
*let me insert this awesome reaction pic to show how much i won*
I just play games at 4k
Dunno just like hardware, kinda like putting all the best parts in your car (gotta buy the triple plate clutch because bigga numba brah make me win the spinny circles at the miata meet!!!!!!!)
The more pathetic is defined by which field is so shit and pathetic that it has been infected by feminism.
Weeaboos don't have that problem. Gaymercucks do.
It's much in the sense of how programing is a uniquely shit field in STEM in that it is the only one seriously implementing codes of conduct and getting cucked by feminism.
*let me focus on the pic because i have no argument
how much should I spend for a PC mainly to do after effects, premiere, 8k photoshop files, blender, 3D shit like real flow and houdini, zbrush and mainly VFX and CGI shit?
I've ben saving almost a year to buy the new 15" rmbp when it drops.
I'm not even a poorfag, just a middle class uni student.
3000€ it's a fuckton of money for a consumer good
Tell me more pls, your brain damage is amusing
Waifu-fags jerk off to imaginary girls due to their incapacity to get real girls. They cry themselves to sleep while watching braind-dead chinese cartoons. Most of them are NEETs.
Gaymers spend unjustifiable amounts of money on superfluous shit so they can "improve their gaming skills" which is itself one of the most pathetic things you could hear. They also lack social skills and are general parasites to the society. But at least most of them have McJobs so they can sustain their hobby.
So in the end, Gaymers are just a barely above Waifu-fags.
But don't get me wrong, both should kill themselves in my opinion.
facebook and radit
Browsing Sup Forums, playing ascii roguelike, etc
>But don't get me wrong, both should kill themselves in my opinion.
>the only difference between what makes gaymers better is that they have McJobs to sustain their hobby
>weeaboos don't need to sustain their hobby, it's all free and magically falls from the sky like meat pies
Don't get me wrong, but you are mentally retarded.
Also gaymers seem to have more virgins among them than weeaboofags, since weeaboos also have a considerable female audience, which somehow also manages to give the middle finger to feminism unlike the gaymercuck collective where gaymers throw hundreds of bucks on a Twitch streaming feemale whose boobs have more screen are than the video game window.
You aren't doing a convincing job here user.
The way you are trying to make gaymers look better with all your possible power is cute though.
>glued in battery
>non upgradeable memory
>expensive storage upgrades
retina a shit. get a used thick 13 or 15in mbp
>weeaboos also have a considerable female audience
>female weeaboos
Uhhhh, no thanks.
And if you really think that gaymers have more more virgins than weeaboofags, make a poll in Sup Forums and Sup Forums. But i'm sure you already know what the result would be.
Waifu-fags ARE virgins by definition, since they have abandoned real girls due to their autism.
Obviously there are exceptions, but 90% of waifu-fags are like that.
how do you call a gamer+weebo(anime fan) that has a geek weeb gf or wife and has a job?
Holy fucking shit, i thought it was all a meme but weaboos do think they are, somehow, alpha.
At least gaymers know they are fucking pathetic, but you try so,so hard to make you and "your kind" look better that it hurts.
Kill yourself pls, and kill a few weaboos and gaymers while you are on it.
>all these weeaboo faggots
glad I only browse Sup Forums twice a month
You dont, they don't exist
If a >2k pc only has one purpose something cheaper would probably had been enough
>can't make an argument
>y-youre stupid lol
Saved for future cringe threads, thanks.
sorry, but I have several of those among my IRL friends.
some of them now have 30+ years old.
t. ex-weeb ex-gamer
Hiroshima moot should make a /tech/ board or something where weaboos and gaymers are not allowed
Time spent
Ego compensation
Metric obsession
Niche within the enhusiast segment that has unlimited credit.
Before even being able to enjoy software, hardware needs to be fulfilled.
Nature of tech components and their synergy prioritized before purpose - rig needs to be fulfilled before activity is enjoyed.
Obsession, projection
>what's the purpose of a +2000 USD pc?
>gamers are the worst
>no weaboos are the worst
>Uhhhh, no thanks.
I say the say about gaymer girls. But nobody is arguing about what you want to pick. You are irrelevant user. We are talking about proportions and basic math, and you seem to lack any knowledge in the field in terms of gaming or Weeaboonese Culture.
>And if you really think that gaymers have more more virgins than weeaboofags, make a poll in Sup Forums and Sup Forums. But i'm sure you already know what the result would be.
Yeah, equal if not slanted towards Sup Forums on the number of virgins since male gaymers can't get girls, but female weeaboos can get boyfriends, and even male weeaboos can get girls since a weeaboo isn't defined by loving 2D girls but by liking Japanese culture (and they can pick weeaboo gfs of which there are plenty).
You might as well argue that gaymers can't get girlfriends by definition because they are all about waifuan in the form of gaymer characters like Bayonetta and shit.
Every argument you make is a double edged sword.
And thus we come to me repeating: It's cute how you are trying with all your might to make gaymers look better while feigning disgust of gaymers. Your retarded game is so frequent on Sup Forums, and yet you don't realize how transparent it is to people here.
Tell us more pls
They probably watch a show or two and play casual games once in a while.
They aren't real "Pro gamers" or "Waifu fags".
I can tell you more.
Anime conventions: Filled with fat or scrawny males, traps/prettyboy faggots, and females in cosplay, all socializing. A diverse group, yet they all hate political correctness. A kind of paradox.
Gaymer conventions: Filled with fat or scrawny males by the majority whose only form of socializing is punching a monitor and screaming, or not socializing at all since they are too edgy for it. Political correctness is half adopted and half of them are cucks.
Next question.
Your argument is stupid, I'm not even gonna bother to write more than these 18 words to reply.
they're not waifufags.
one of them is a hardcore RPG player that has played every rpg since the NES days, (he's like 35 at this point).
he tells me he doesn't like to go to conventions because people are low powerlevel plebs.
he already works in some medical institution as some engineer there and he has a wife.
Keep it going pls, let me know how deep your stupidity is
>It's cute how you are trying with all your might to make gaymers look better while feigning disgust of gaymers
And you're trying to make Weeaboos more normie than gamers. While 99% of us know that's not the case.
But i'm not judging you, since we're on Sup Forums after all. Go watch your over-sexualized chinese cartoons. If it makes you happy, good for you man.
Stupidity is defined by a person coming to a gay forum's technology sub-form and whining about how everyone is gay;
much in the way you came to a weeaboo site's technology board for weeaboos interested in it, and are whining about weeaboos.
I'd say even the average Sup Forumstard is more intelligent than yourself.
Nah, i'm pretty much clearly equating gaymers and weeaboos.
Though i can forgive you for your illiteracy and lack of reading comprehension.
Not everyone on 4chans knows how to read after all. Keep at it man, one day you will improve!
The majority of weeaboos don't go to conventions.
I could say the same thing and argue that gamers have a lot of dudebros who play Fifa and CoD, and THEY'RE a considerable majority.
I'd say gamers win since they likely actually game. Weebs just hang out in the desktop thread posting shitty "minimalist" screenshots and call themselves ricers simply because they use a tiling WM for every day use. Basically people who pretend they're leet computer programmers just because they use Linux.
You're putting weeaboos above gaymers and it's more than obvious.
You're fooling anyone m8.
Well good thing we aren't talking about what ifs, but what is, and conventions do paint a picture in the form of empiric evidence.
>I'd say gamers win since they likely actually game
You never been to Sup Forums haven't you?
what's the purpose of 30$+ pc?
raspberry pi can do everything linux machines can
>Stupidity is defined by a person coming to a gay forum's technology sub-form...
Your arguments are so silly
Keep it up my man
Leave the tard alone pls, he is trying his best
$1500 would probably get you a top-tier gaming rig, not sure what the benefit of $200 would be unless you wanted to do two 980Ti;s in SLI.
If only you could only give an example. But you can't.
So far, all my arguing was equating.
But that's ok, you feel offended as a gaymer. You can scuttle back to your gaymergate vs gaymercuck wars now.
At least when weeaboo faggots fight over 2D girls, their shit doesn't seep into the real world and news stations.
>they're not waifufags
Well, exactly my point, they aren't waifufags because you can't be a waifufag and have a gf much less a wife.
But it's quite possible to be a hardcore gaymer and still have a gf/wife and even children.
You consumer fuck, a $5 RasPI zero is everything you need
>At least when we, weeaboo faggots, fight over 2D girls, our shit doesn't seep into the real world and news stations
FTFY, my weaboo virgin friend
You can FTFY all you want.
Doesn't change the fact of the matter.
Also this is the first time i think that i stumbled upon a reason to give weeaboos an upper hand over gaymers. Their shit stays contained to their sites.
ITT: waifufags denying they're pathetic.
Well done my pathetic friend, defending your peers and their waifus :^)