LOL! Stop! No cleaning up. Post a picture of your music player

LOL! Stop! No cleaning up. Post a picture of your music player.

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sa - ge


I wouldn't have posted if my music player wasn't so trolly.

its shit i know



>you don't like music enough to even think of using a music player

>prodigy, the
>quemists, the
why is it like this?

no list just yt

but listen to this since 14h

Because that's how I sort my folders. bandname, the. Just how I prefer it.


sounds like terror squad



ITT plebs

By right clicking the bar I pause play the song, by scrolling over the bar I go to the prev next song, by clicking on the bar I open the album display. of course mpd is also completely controllable with global shortcuts and command line commands.

ITT, people who have not accepted the fact that the future of computing is thin-client terminals with 90% of functionality occurring inside the browser

i dont want to be a part of that future

>calling anyone else pleb

l o l

ncmpcpp on my laptop, aimp on my windows partition of my desktop.



too lazy to rice

With Direct2D Waveform Seekbar



How'd you like A Moon Shaped Pool?

I think it's okay, but most songs are really calm and down-tempo. My favorite songs are probably Burn The Witch, Decks Dark. Best album after OK Computer and Kid A for me.

i dont have any music






Facets is just a graphic library explorer, now playing only displays the album art+ lyrics+ biography wsh panel. This on is the playlist builder.


last column is the playcount, it broke months ago and have been too lazy to try and fix it, sucks now anyway

You know, foo_playcount component gives the same functionality, only local and doesn't suggest artists.

what I liked about this script was that you could love tracks clicking that "click here" thing next to the volume
here I included an album with some loved songs, can't do that anymore so I might as well change back to foo_playcount

I think there is another component for winamp-like rating system. You should be able to bind a global shortcut so that you can press ctrl + win+ alt + 1 to rate a piece 1 star, idem +2 for 2 stars and so on. Or just set a global shortcut to quick tag your favorites.

Not sure about the gay hearts, I guess you could use an if rating = 5 command with alt text plus html color change code. I'm sure that actual programmers could come up with a way so that it highlights the whole row it's in.


Don't have it right now but I use Winamp 5 with modern skin. It basically looks like this.

pls no bully

>modern skin

o shit waddup

Why are shadows of the sun and teachings in silence so good, yet blood inside is so bad?

i got to tell you

beats me
but i also skip that album a lot



iTunes is better than musicbee.


AIMP Master Race


only one other than op not shit tier so far

I don't really change shit much

Here's the three I use the most often, but for foobar and Spotify I probably use the rainmeter widgets more often than the actual programs.

I kinda hate plex, but it works pretty well and looks nice so I use it, even though it can get buggy on some flac files.

I should look into a rainmeter widget for plex

>inb4 >VLC

Captcha ate my image


Fucking christ dude, if you must use the genre tag, at least tag your shit consistently.


Yeah, that's what he said, retard. Congratulations on learning to read; I'm sure your mom must be proud.

Do you fags really always have a music player open? Do you feel compelled to listen to music at all times?


Do you retards really always have a browser open? Do you feel compelled to shitpost at all times?

who /foobar40k/ here?




I remember using a foobar skin that looked like a Spotify, I forgot the name
