The Official Sup Forums Piracy Poll/Thread

1) Answer this, please:

2) Tell Sup Forums how you pirate and teach other Sup Forumsmen how to be better at pirating.

Protip: DDL can be done privately, and don't have any broken links.

>being a buyfag

Buyfags, stay out and

I hate when people pirate my MIT/BSD licensed software to make moneyz


There are many programmer neets here who are triggered when they cant make any sufficient money :^/

Nobody cares. This is about downloading media.

OP's image is wrong. Piracy is theft, but copyright infringement isn't piracy. The copyright industry hijacked that term to give copyright infringement a more negative spin. Nobody seems to recognize the irony in this.

How did they even manage to use the same word as pillaging ships as sea?

Pirates are cool.

Pirate radio stations. The word is applicable there, because they're using part of the spectrum that somebody else has license from the FCC (or equivalent agency in other countries). They also violate copyright by playing unlicensed music without falling under fair use, so the industry managed to make everyone think "piracy" referred to that part.

Does America even have pirate radio, I heard the government there shut that shit down immediately.

>I make a product
>I want to make money from the product
>People end up pirating it and sharing it this way
>I make no cash and won't make any more products

How do you retards still not get this?

>I make no cash and won't make any more products

Who has piracy ever driven into bankruptcy.

Yes, but it's small and the internet makes it pointless.

>there are people on Sup Forums who don't know about the private MEGA sites where MEGA links are archived and shared every day, meaning you don't have to seed and you don't get any broken links.

Pic related.

Piracy is theft. Many contents you illegally download is leased one (or a group of) person under a proper license and that one person or that group only has the right to keep the product under possession.

Grow up and get a job, underage poor retard.

leased to*

Nobody cares.

If you were an adult you would care

Most pirates are adults. We just don't give a shit. Piracy is the smart way to consume media.

>download video from porn site
>no legal issues, it's 100% ok
>torrent exact same video
>get dmca notice

Piracy is a way of stealing* media.


teach me senpai

Why would I waste $1000 or more on stuff like photoshop and autodesk shit if I'm just going to dick around with it?
Why would I spend $20 on a dvd of I'm only going to watch that shitty movie once?

>getting DMCA for porn

How embarrassing

All it is is emails
I don't give a shit, and neither does comcast

The same reason you would waste $5 bucks for a soda can instead of stealing it like a pathetic leech-of-the-society nigger

>smarter user makes a product
>smarter user wants to make money too
>smarter user sets up donation system
>smarter user makes product accessible with no drm, but a message that if you pirated and enjoyed "please buy or donate what you think my effort was worth, We are honored and glad that you choose our product among all others"
>smarter user makes products for as long as he wants
>smarter user's donations continue even after new versions stop coming out because he offered a quality virtual product that actually works and was well supported


That was too harsh.

First of all, what kind of soda is $5/can?
Such items require physical interactions, while torrenting software from a company that mainly gets money from contracts won't affect them at all, they won't miss my business since I would have no intention of paying for it in the first place.
Now if I used photoshop to make money, if I was a artist, I'd buy it.

>not having enough money to buy Media.

Please kill yourselves or move out of your mom's basements, useless manchildren.

>$5 for a can of soda

>willingly giving money to giant companies
>doing it when it's so easy to do and there's effectively no recourse from doing it

I'm rewarding artists, you fucktard.

I guess once you've had corporate dick in your ass for so long, you forget it's even there.

>flushing money down the toilet makes you an adult

No wonder this generation is so poor and useless.

>I'm rewarding artists

Your money goes to corporations more than anything.

Fuck off.

>actor gets paid millions to be in a movie
>pirating it hurts them somehow
>musician that gets millions from each new album
>pirating it hurts them somehow

I first pirated every video game I've bought for a long time. Checked it out, kicked the tires.

Machinarium was such a nice buy. The people who run the company seem really nice to this day, helped me with a tech issue even.

Zeno Clash purposely put itself out their for piracy because they believed that more people playing their game is simply broadening their consumer base. And it worked. They sold plenty and still are, even though it was easier/faster to pirate at some points.

Do people here actually pay for media? Why?

If nobody bought shit why would anyone develop free stuff (that actually works)?

Buy on bandcamp

I hate when some Mexican fucks download Windows isos or smth like that from the net, rename it, upload it somewhere else and get a link with advertisements

>If nobody bought shit why would anyone develop free stuff (that actually works)?

Who cares? Plenty of retards pay for media. Just be the 10% that don't.

Did you vote Drumpf already?

Making copies and giving them to people is not piracy its sharing so fuck off.

Go suck a niggercock, Jew-lover.

Drumpf loves Jews :)

Only because the Jew has made it impossible to publicly criticize Jews.

I use both usenet and bittorrent though.

which one do you use more?


>>smarter user sets up donation system
No guarantee that it would work.

I use them both fairly equally. Usenet is great because I have CouchPotato and Sonarr set up to automatically download movies and TV shows as they're released.

However if I'm looking for something like anime, very high quality movies (think like the 30-40GB range in size with very high bit-rate) or anything more than 10 years old, I'll usually go with torrents.

They both get used equally by me because they each serve their own purposes.

>downloading porn
fucking die, you piece of shit.

>No guarantee that it would work
Just like all businesses. Except for 20 years people have been getting by on this as long as their product is what it is supposed to be and the customer service is good.

If anything, this is more a return to form for many of the industries involved, and a great way for the new ones to start.

Dumbass developers/artists need to realize they DO NOT NEED a +billion dollar industry of overhead to be successful, infact they are more successful not having to market their product to everyone and their mothers and pray that at least 1/4 of the "market" buys it. Creators that know how to use the internet to sell their product on their own (or with minimal aid like kickstartershit) make more money for themselves and create more things. AND THEY DO NOT HAVE TO COMPROMISE THEIR PRODUCT BASED ON INVESTOR/PUBLISHER WHIMS.

The internet is making things right.

>make your virtual product well
>setup online store of some type
>set reasonable price (since you have almost no overhead, you will beat boxstores on a similar product)
>include donation button
>pirating only makes you stronger (more potential customers/advertising)


What's wrong with downloading porn?

I usually torrent most of my stuff with tixati or ttorent on android. Like most I usually download torrents from KAT. I always seed to at least a 1.0 ratio.

However when I come across a movie/music album I really like I put it on a list and buy it later to show appreciation for the content creator. I'll be that one person an encourage everyone to buy something if they really like it later on. If we all pirated and never bought content then content producers would literally be finished and bankrupt.

> only 5 % on usenet.

I guess i should be glad that people dont know about supperior ways, and that it wont draw attention

I prefer private DDL

Is it wrong to be greedy and pirate? Paid internet content subscriptions have started being greedy - inserting ads, why is it so wrong for me to pirate something? They are in-fact pirating the money I pay to them and my time. I don't pay to watch ads.

An elementary rule of Sup Forums is that you don't call someone a retard if you're incapable of expressing yourself correctly in your chosen language.

I believe in both supporting and contributing to pirate culture.

It's a moral thing for me, most of Hollywood and the music industry is dominated by liberals.

Dirty privileged Ivory Tower dipshits profiting off of the backs of middle America while telling us how stupid we are for daring to disagree.

These vapid dipshits live in bubbles of privilege.

You don't owe them a damn thing. None of us do.

I encourage all of you reading this to both pirate AND seed and fight back against the liberal Hollywood hegemony. Then of course you can contribute to good conservative actors such as Robert Downy Jr or Clint Eastwood by buying their tickets.

>Implying I consume corporate media
Support independent artists.

I put retard, nigger, faggot, kike etc into my filter. I look at the posts it hides sometimes, and its never been anything worth reading.

shoo shoo pol invicticus

dumb tripfag cancer
end yourself finally

>Imagine Your Car Gets Stolen, but it's Still There in the Morning.
I'll have to pay the fines the bandit will make.

dumb frogposter

Publishers often refer to copying they don't approve of as “piracy.” In this way, they imply that it is ethically equivalent to attacking ships on the high seas, kidnapping and murdering the people on them. Based on such propaganda, they have procured laws in most of the world to forbid copying in most (or sometimes all) circumstances. (They are still pressuring to make these prohibitions more complete.)

If you don't believe that copying not approved by the publisher is just like kidnapping and murder, you might prefer not to use the word “piracy” to describe it. Neutral terms such as “unauthorized copying” (or “prohibited copying” for the situation where it is illegal) are available for use instead. Some of us might even prefer to use a positive term such as “sharing information with your neighbor.”

Piracy is generally a service issue.

I don't pirate because I am not served well. I live in New York state.

I pirate because it's free and easy. You can't beat free and 1 click.

The US Supreme Court has pretty much ruled that piracy isn't theft, and that referring to it as theft is in contempt to court and a fineable offense (as is referring to it as anything other than "copyright infringement"),
so the arguments about whether or not it is theft are deprecated at this point.

It's not theft.
It's against the law to say it is theft.

Is there an equivalent to private torrent trackers but for DDL?

>I don't pirate because I am not served well.
Literally citing better service as a reason to pirate.
>I pirate because it's free and easy.
>You can't beat free and 1 click.
>1 click


1)The poll is dumb and there is no best way.
2)I use mainly torrents, DDL for shit I didn't find with torrents and also books. Streaming for series, movies and anime I am not sure about keeping. Also obviously livestream of football games.

If people don't want to pay for your product, they will probably be fine if it doesn't exist in the first place. If your main goal is making money with it, find a more appealing way to monetise it.

Stealing it, would take the overpriced soda can away from somebody, sounds pretty despicable. Making a copy wouldn't affect the original soda can.

Not entirely. In todays fast paced times, media just doesn't offer a very good value for money, me being a Jew-fag, I would never buy a thing if piracy was impossible. At best I'd use Spotify with ads. Maaaybe manga, although going by how paid customers got inferior and very limited material slower, maybe not.

For books and movies I'd just visit the library.

Piratefags are the welfare queens of the internet.

Keep telling yourself that, buyfag. Im sure it makes you feel like you achieved something.

Piratefags are armyfags? That's fucking rude, mate. We aren't that bad.

The only thing that is sadder than the lowest common denominator paying for "entertainment" propaganda are the people who think they are getting a good deal because they can get their propaganda for free.

i use sci-hub extensively

>The file you are trying to download is no longer available
fuck off

You should have used private DDL.

>All of them
If I can get my shit I don't care how I get it as long as I fucking get it.

>hurr entertainment is propaganda


B-but Star Wars had a nigger and a ball-robot and a wimin! It's clearly a Jew metaphor for the NWA agenda that is about to wipe out the white race!

Wake up, sheeple.

>I don't pirate because I'm brainwashed/naive/retarded and enjoy
>wasting my money on HDDs, bandwidth, seedboxes, and wasting my time watching fictional media designed to manipulate my world view so I can become even more of a loser.

lol, nice ``straw'' poll.

Wasting your time on shitposting is clearly better, eh?