Linux Search

>Linux will never have everything search engine.... blabla

So heres another update to angrysearch - attempt at making Everything Search Engine for Linux


>whats new
easy manual installation with bash script
basic keyboard shortcuts to get focus of search input or quit
simple context menu on right click
quotation marks work for explicit search

FTS5 implementation where available, currently only Arch
this gives ability to remove unwanted results with minus sign, like video -webm

FTS5 also ignores diacritic/accent
so search for operator would show in results 'ôperàtor'

also important fix for the slow but precise nonFTS search(checkbox top right)
the order of searched terms mattered before, now it does permutations of input so you can be sure that if it exists on the system it will be shown

Other urls found in this thread:

angrysearch in action

I made also a gif of the installation with the new bash script
but it kinda felt meh.. too large, too attention dragging to be put on the github readme page

but here it is...

>mfw linux tries to reinvent search that microsoft mastered on idk xp? when cortana searches the phrase you want on the fucking PICTURES with ocr so you can get that photo of that blurry recipe or whatever on your phone in mere seconds because it also works with connected cloud services too.

>windows search

find . -iname "filename"

regex support?

the default search in windows has the same shortcomings as the many searches in linux
go find some non executable file in program files and search for it...

find . -iname "*.webm"
and what now what to do with results when its just giant list and you cant adjust and filter out the results more based on what you see

sqlite can do it according to quick google so it could be done
cant really see it used often or by many people..
though it might actually be pretty nifty regex tester, seeing results go live as you play with the regex expression
will look in to it

>sqlite can do it according to quick google so it could be done
cool really the only thing I can think of that I use often with everything search is wildcards * and the video/audio/everything filters

OP - if this is yours, thank you. People like you are the reason Linux is great. I really appreciate it. I'm flat broke at the moment but I'll buy you a beer as soon as I get my first paycheck in a few weeks. I'll star your Github repo too.

Have you packaged it for the AUR yet?


find . -iregex ".*foo$"

Also, you should put a bitcoin/paypal address that you'd take donations at


Fuck off, this diserves its own thread you shitty backseat mod.

good. But can I click that mp3 and open it in my preferred player from Angrysearch?

thnx for the praise, but it dont really feel very earned
this project is surprisingly easy, as in I had like codecademy python course done when I started to tinker with it..
but its shame that actual professional programmers with some C magic did not pick up on everything.. that shit would be tiny and awesome

this is just input field for searching in 200MB large database and table with results with some fluff around it

>Have you packaged it for the AUR yet?
yeap its up


>people don't have mlocate installed in 2016

>typing mlocate instead of simply locate

where's the ebuild at?

This is the first useful thing I've seen on gee

The fuck is the point of this?
Fuzzy search isnt new

to find what you want as fast as possible
or to get fast where you want to go

and after you get to it you can actually make use of it right away

find / &| grep "chrome"


what's wrong with locate(1)?
you don't even need X to run it

cumbersome and unwieldy, hard to make use of the results

its on completely different level to just press alt+space, angrysearch opens and write part of the name of a tv series that you want to continue watching and be there with next 2 key presses

or to search for stuff and filter results depending on what you see instantly popping up...

Looking pretty good.

how do you change the icon?

whats wrong with

Linux has had this functionality for ages you retard.

>having to hit enter

inferior searching tool

Fucking winfags man, absolute fucking retards.
Pressing enter is too hard for them.

how does this differ from ‘locate’?

>I made also a gif of the installation with the new bash script
make a fucking package REEEEEEEEEEEEE

not some stupid bash install script

>being this much of a buttfrustrated anti-GUI tard
>clogging up your bash history with locates


>locate brain
>not found

Why is it that angrysearch need to manually update the database when everything knows about all your new files instantly?

the most productive thing Sup Forums has ever done in it's entire existance.

Thank you based OP

>entire project is one big py-qt script

write a better one or shut the fuck up


>find . -iname "filename"

Good! Now integrate that into a file manager.

>Have to press enter AND type in some long complex command to use the files

Just fuck off.

>some long complex command


fewer steps is better than more steps

I know it's difficult to accept that your precious command line interface is not better at everything.

>need to find a file
>have to type shit into the terminal and hack the mainframe like you're in the fucking matrix or something
linux is garbage

>not utilizing python's setuputils
>not using that to create a proper package for any distribution

Shit, he even went and developed something instead of just the logo.
What a time to be alive.

Can it crawl folders that begin with a #?
Everything cant

>cortana searches the phrase you want on the fucking PICTURES with ocr

Is this actually for real? Sweet

theres arch, opensuse and fedora packages install I saw only used for modules not actually whole applications
and more linux users should be familiar with few lines of bash

yeah, not ideal I guess, if you know of some similar size project that does separation well do tell... I feel like i would be just forcing it for the sake of separation with few classes

I guess database update might be better as separate file with some changes that would make it work for both update from within the main application and on a cronjob...

yeap, it can crawl in to folders named ^@{#}$:::
linux is not picky about the naming

>when everything knows about all your new files instantly?
It doesn't.

Make it so that angrysearch creates a lockfile or I can configure the systray feature.

Currently I use krunner to run it, but it keeps spawning new instances and spamming my systray. Either make it not minimize to the systray, or check if an instance is already running and bring that one up instead.

will check, I can confirm that KDE is virtual box is doing it to me too

of course not--too much for microcucks to develop

> install I saw only used for modules not actually whole applications installs your package to be usable from python and your scripts to be contained in your path, thus making it perfectly easy to create standalone application installers with it. also the contains code which gets executed when the package is called on its own, thus making it an executable application as well.

This is horrendously slow compared to Void's everything.

>winfags and linuxcucks desperately trying to recreate what os x had for ages
good job, guys

> people improving and creating software
> the only way something ever got good
> competition is bad
> hurr I'm a retard

Good job man.

I read this few times, but I am skeptical
is os x search really that good even for system files? with instant awareness of everything?

Because if its just for home its meh

i never said any of those things

it's not everything for sure, but it indexes more than home folder. you can also use it in terminal with fzf or whatever. same with locate.

You were clearly making fun of the people writing software.

> winfags and linuxcuks desperately

Nice way to backpedal, but at least you realized how stupid you sounded.

god this is the most useless tool I have every come across in linux.
If it indexed the contents of the files, then yes it would be cool.
Otherwise it completely fucking useless.
plus it's a horrible gui utility
as the others have said, it is nothing locate + grep can't do

I couldn't even understand why someone would even want to write a tool like this. Then I took a look at the guy's github. Six crappy repositories of even more useless shit. This guy is no better than that stupid model who has a few github repos. What's worse is that he's trying to whore out his program on the /flt/.

That guy probably is learning from the /dpt/s or something. Kudos to him for the effort and trying to learn. But please check whether or not there exists a decent solution to the problem you are trying to solve.

>as the others have said, it is nothing locate + grep can't do
except being faster and more comfortable and you actually can make use of the results immediately

also whats the output of this on your system, assuming bash

grep -o "locate" ~/.bash_history | wc -l

my count is 13, but I'm on a new system
I only use locate to hunt down include files

>except being faster and more comfortable and you actually can make use of the results immediately
for the linux power user, he's rather not fire up a gui when he can do everything from the command line
for the users new to linux, i'm pretty sure any decent file manager on nix has this search functionality
the guy is reinventing the wheel


>for the linux power user, he's rather not fire up a gui when he can do everything from the command line
if gui is faster then power user chooses faster solution, better suited for the task
not sticking with universal tools when specialized one offers more

>for the users new to linux, i'm pretty sure any decent file manager on nix has this search functionality
the guy is reinventing the wheel
which is still inferior in some aspects, especially if new user would want to find and get to some config files

When will you newfags learn that the OS is called GNU and Linux is just one of it's kernels?

Damn summer.

>Why is that angrysearch follows the limitations of computer hardware when everything can break the laws of physics?

Good on ya mate, thanks for the tool and keep up the great work

here's your (you)

>terminal crap



Looks nice. I have already Kupfer and Albert installed but I'm going to try out yours, too.

please add this:
- pressing enter key changes focus from search textbox to results window
- minimize to notification area on close/minimize (escape key press)
- black icon with four red dots is disgusting :)

$ find / | grep "bbc.mkv"

if you on kde then go for the latest commit
it fixes quitting the application, where on KDE it kept living in tray unless closed through tray icon menu

everything is so fucking great holy shit i love that program.

for a small example of its utility, i wasn't sure where save files for DaS3 were located, but instead of googling it i just had to press insert (hotkey to launch it) type .sl2.

>trying to reinvent locate

>pressing enter key changes focus from search textbox to results window
>minimize to notification area on close/minimize (escape key press)
harder, next launch of application would need to be aware of instance running
maximize it, and quit itself
also it would then need probably some hotkey to show/hide since it would be living in tray
it starts fast so just keybind it to start on some combo... I use alt+space
>black icon with four red dots is disgusting :)
but simple and recognizable easily

locate is just a bash alias for "find / | grep "

Sup Forums is just an internet alias for /dev/wrong

Damn. Windows is truly superior.

>- black icon with four red dots is disgusting :)

make a better one

I'm on xfce and it's ok for me if it sits in the panel. But thanks anyway.

and i had hopes

>finals have barely started at universities, nevermind highschools
>Damn summer


thanks man

>make a better one
i wish i could

What is the equivalent of this for dmenu?

dmenu extended?

I can't believe I share a board with you people

>this project is surprisingly easy, as in I had like codecademy python course done when I started to tinker with it..
Da fuq.
Kudos for that OP.

this is what i need

thanks for the virus, OP

This is the kind of software we need for making GNU/Linux great again.

ANGRYsearch should be shipped by default for all baby's first distros because is an excellent piece of software, ideal for first timers. Plus is GPL!

The only thing I would argue is using python instead of C, but great job nonetheless OP.

Why are so many useless feature requests to OP? That's the last thing you do unless you want mission creep.

Don't do that faggots.

Fucking troll. Cancer always comes when someone makes a good thing for a change.