Does capitalism delay technological development, Sup Forums?
Does capitalism delay technological development, Sup Forums?
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Of course. It creates monopolies and stagnation in markets where there is a high barrier to entry. Pharmaceuticals, for example, could be much more accessible if we abolished intellectual property.
Of course it does
Did somebody say free?
>where there is a high barrier to entry
barrier created by the government
And lobbied by corporations.
Does socialism promote technological development? Be sure to show examples like the Internet, personal computers, cellphones, lasers, microchips, LCD, led, ATM's, air conditioning, assembly lines, bar codes, etc.
No. No one works without incentives
This is what capitalism excels at.
Posts made on microcomputers and networks which were the product of capitalism.
Get an education. Thanks
Only in capitalism are you rewarded from excelling in what you do or how you think.It's the only system where one does not have to be a politician to be a special snow flake
>the Internet, personal computers, cellphones, lasers, microchips, LCD, led, ATM's, air conditioning, assembly lines, bar codes, etc.
All stuff created by the government, or the military, or public-funded university research.
If you guys love capitalism so much, then why aren't you and your wife and children working 14 hours a day in a sweatshop factory floor for pennies?
Every developed socialist nation is also capitalist. Sup Forums is just completely retarded about politics.
Because that isn't capitalism.
It still delays advancement, but it promotes size. And therefore money, and therefore research.
A modified patent system is what is needed, not communism.
In capitalism you are rewarded for better marketing, not for excellence. There are numerous examples in technology. Do you really believe Apple and Microsoft are the best at what they do? kek
You sound just like a commie claiming the USSR wasn't real communism.
Microprocessors and microcomputers are products of private businesses such as Texas Instruments and Intel. The internet is available to consumers because of private businesses. You never would have been using something like DARPANet. Who are you trying to fool?
Who is better at what M$ and Apple do then?
Are you stupid I was saying his statement isn't capitalism, as as far right as your mother's nipple
There can be no exponential growth without capitalism. There can be no monopolies in pure capitalism. Communism is a failed, fatal meme
>Microprocessors and microcomputers
Nope, NASA and the Apollo missions to the moon.
I'm not surprised a person who unironically believes in capitalism is ignorant about history, but come on!
Most of these advancements wouldn't be happening if it wasn't for the demand from CONSUMERS
Nice meme. Market entry barriers are due to capital accumulation and economies of scale
But it is capitalism, user.
no. its boosted so much by competition that the market gets over-saturated with over 9000 formats of hardware and software.
>Does capitalism delay technological development, Sup Forums?
Capitalism is the source of technological development. Anyone that's taken an entry-level economics course would understand this.
Because technological development was non-existent before the 18th century, right?
>but come on!
You had a good string of (You)'s going, but now it's too obvious
>planned obsolesence
Jut look at Intel.
When AMD fallen behind we stopped getting better computers.
>capitalism comes "into existence" around the 1800s overtaking mercantilism
>the world takes leaps and bounds of technological advances in 200 years
4000 years ago we were using wooden ships powered by wind. 250 years ago we were still using wooden ships powered by wind.
100 years later we had steamboats and metal materials. 50 years later we had diesel engine metal behemoths.
All the product of entrepreneurs, considering political entrepreneurs attempted to make such things work and failed catastrophically. Same thing with powered flight and railroads.
Any form of government has its flaws.
How capitalism is supposed to work:
Ideally you should allow people to buy, sell, and trade as they please and be free to create and invent. The people pay taxes to fund the government and in turn the government builds public roads and schools. Money is spent on the military as well. You vote for leaders to make important decisions.
How it actually works:
Hurr durr we can just print more money! Fuck logic! Fuck economics! No moar debts! You are owned by companies. Elections are a joke because of it.
How socialism is supposed to work:
Taxes are actually used to fund public services. Free healthcare and other public services make sure that nobody has too little. The government also checks to make sure nobody has too much. We can all share the love!
How socialism actually works:
Faggots mooch off the system. The people are lazy and weak. Alliances are formed and because of cultural differences, one or two countries are forced to bare the brunt of the economic responsibility *caugh caugh EU and Germany caugh* You can all share the misery!
How communism is supposed to work:
The government owns everything. They know best, so everything works out fine. Everyone is equal and united you are strong!
How communism actually works:
The system is open to abuse. You don't elect your leaders so they're all incompetent asshats. Your dear leader has small penis so he builds nuclear weapons to compensate. Your people starve. You live in hell. The whole thing implodes in less than 100 years.
>The people pay taxes to fund the government and in turn the government builds public roads and schools.
You went from describing capitalism and jumped into politics. Stopped reading there, the rest of your post is probably just as dumb
>Most of these advancements wouldn't be happening if it wasn't for the demand from CONSUMERS
You think capitalism is the only soiciety that is consuming stuff?
Capitalism as in definition is when rich assholes destroy all competition and upwards mobility of everyone else by all means possible.
Intellectual property is one most used way of doing that.
And murricans pay for that dearly every time they need medicine.
Drugs manufactoring cost is abysmal, but capitalisn makes it super expensive.
>Capitalism as in definition is when rich assholes destroy all competition and upwards mobility of everyone else by all means possible.
>muh ebil 1 pershent
>Drugs manufactoring cost is abysmal, but capitalisn makes it super expensive.
It costs an estimated 1 billion dollars to bring a new drug to the market because of FDA regulations
Fuck off
>Ideally you should allow people to buy, sell, and trade as they please and be free to create and invent.
Free market will create monopolies thaty will destroy all other business, competition, progress and will inflate prices as much as consumers can possibly pay for it.
You need to be absolutely retarded to think that Free Market won't end with complete monopolies on everything and total stagnation
Americans have that with IPS, free market will be american IPS on stroids.
fuck off commie
>I-I can't refute him, so I'll just call him bait!
>economic systems drive technological progress
Not to say that they can't contribute, but saying that all of humanity owes technology to capitalism is pretty retarded.
Economic systems can definitely inhibit technological progress though.
Well, you know what they say about opinions...
That's gonna be the French Revolution and the demise of Christianity for you.
You're literally clueless, stop.
Americans have the literal opposite of a free market with their ISPS.
>no one works without incentives
>work is not its own incentive through the fulfillment of a task or satiation of curiosity
Keep reading.
capitalism exploits. bottom line. it's not sustainable.
>Capitalism as in definition is when rich assholes destroy all competition and upwards mobility of everyone else
Then why has capitalism created the most upward mobility of any social system in recorded history?
>Capitalism as in definition is when rich assholes destroy all competition and upwards mobility of everyone else by all means possible.
Intellectual property is one most used way of doing that.
>Capitalism as in definition is when rich assholes destroy all competition
>Capitalism as in definition
>2016, still making up definitions when counter arguments are sparse
>Free market will create monopolies thaty will destroy all other business, competition, progress and will inflate prices as much as consumers can possibly pay for it.
You realize that all of Marx's Laws of Capitalist Motion were disproven, right?
>Apollo missions
This. Christianity is what was holding us back.
Love how this gets no replies. The truth hurts.
Humanity doesn't owe technology to capitalism. I never said that.
I said capitalism brought about faster technological process than ever before.
>That's gonna be the French Revolution and the demise of Christianity for you.
These innovations didn't come from France, and Christianity was strong far into the 1950s.
Science and tech doesn't just suddenly become better because there aren't religious people.
I honestly can't tell if this guy is a retarded college freshman or just trolling. It's so hard to tell nowadays.
Communism is bad. Whoever argues otherwise is a gullible idiot. You should go live in North Korea and put your life where your mouth is.
Hey Reddit just bought my $30 Threadless tee how's it look? :-)
Communism can't even copy 30 year old American military technology properly.
Abolishing IP is one of the worst ideas I've ever heard of
Lol you're a retard
Literally ignorance.
>free education
>free medicine
>free social stuff
Do you realize that a child of a black hobo can go to any school just because he's a citizen, and then he can go and major STEM or economics and whatever he feels like just because he's a citizen and only thing he needs to do is to be good enough to enter any univercity for free.
How can you claim upwards mobility when education isn't free?
In soviet and current Russia you can be anyone anywhere and apply to ANY univercity and get into it based on competitive exams and you will be provided with education and dorms, and even little cash.
The only thing that defines who gets it is competition.
>post hoc ergo propter hoc
That's the fallacy you're committing.
Capitalism didn't accelerate technological progress, because technological progress was never linear, it was exponential.
>false dichotomy
That's the fallacy you're committing.
You can do exactly this in the USA
With somewhat decent grades and exam scores you can pretty much go for free to a state school
>committing the fallacy fallacy
How cute.
>Capitalism didn't accelerate technological progress, because technological progress was never linear, it was exponential.
It was not exponential at all. That's not only unprovable but clearly wrong just by reading through a history book.
Most of you on Sup Forums are talking out of your ass. I lived in communism and anyone who wants that deserves it. Go on, go live in communism. It's like you've had it with goog living standards and want to slum it under one-party rule.
Funny how no one replies to this.
>thinking niggers will get an education
Socialism only works for why people, that's why I'm National Socialist, you cuck
>>free education
>>free medicine
>>free social stuff
There's that word again
Cuban Doctors are so hilariously under-trained they couldn't even IV patients.
*good living standards
Fuck my crap keyboard.
White people*
You did. But it was your own post, so that doesn't count.
All in all this is much more intelligent then I expected to see here. But one critical part of capitalize people forget is that part about equal information, this is why things like insider trading can make it break so badly.
Also be more carful to distinguish government structures from economic structures, although they are so inter related that most can't tell them apart.
But you cant get majors for free.
Majors in most paid jobs are most paid so the rich get the rich education, and the poor get poor education.
With socialism you can get ANYTHIN if you're good enough.
>With socialism you can get ANYTHIN if you're good enough.
You mean if your daddy is in the Politburo
That is a profitable investment by the state into it's citizens.
>Communist countries either crashed and burned or slowly became more capitalist
>Capitalist countries keep chugging along fine
I don't think you need any more proof than this
>inb4 Nordic countries are socialist
They are welfare states, not socialist. This is a very bad meme in modern politics.
True. Thanks for a constructive comment.
I'd like you to prove that it's profitable
A shit-piss-poor person can get literally any majors, and dorms, and social support if only he's good enough.
You can be born in a god forsaken shithole willage, read the books and get education in MGU if you get better score than the rest of applicants.
>But you cant get majors for free.
State schools have the widest variety of majors of any school
You can major in petro. eng. or any STEM field if you want at the same cost as a student studying accounting or park management at a state school.
Practically free if you're poor, or for free.
There's this funny thing called a money multiplier. The BLS calculates it, look into it.
Admissions to state unis in the USA are pretty much your ACT/SAT score, essays, class grades, and class selection.
It doesn't matter where you go to school for a state school.
>I can't prove it
Wew lad
Let's look at the definition of Socialism (from wikipedia):
> Socialism is a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership and democratic control of the means of production, as well as the political ideologies, theories, and movements that aim at their establishment. Social ownership may refer to public ownership, cooperative ownership, citizen ownership of equity, or any combination of these.
It's kinda difficult to find real examples of technological innovation in such a system since such a system has never existed. The closest real life equivalent we have is Mondragon Corporation in Spain, a democratically organised and worker-managed cooperative with many individual companies. Well, they have their own university. That's quite something.
>people don't die from unaffordable medicine
>people educate themselves to work better
>people work more and better.
Do you realize that America is absolute world leader in death from being too poor for medicine?
It doesn't happen anywhere else in the world.
You have pretty bad eyes.
>Nordic countries
>welfare states
This is a meme, swedes can't even afford to live in Sweden It's that expensive, you get $100 in child support payments a month; that's less than 6 hours of professional babysitting.
Follow your führer
>Do you realize that America is absolute world leader in death from being too poor for medicine?
Do you realize how stupid you sound right now?
>It was not exponential at all.
Let me guess, you're one of those fags who think there was no technological development during the Middle Ages, right?
You fell for the Dark Ages meme.
1- That wasn't real communism.
2- No one here is suggesting communism as a viable alternative.
Trump acknowledjed that
>since such a system has never existed.
>1- That wasn't real communism.
Sometimes, but often not. Patents, on the other hand...
>Let me guess, you're one of those fags who think there was no technological development during the Middle Ages, right?
Show me where I said that
You realize Mondragon is literally fuelled by slave labour right?
Platonics don't exist in the real world though, even Plato communicated that in his treatise. It's the principle reason why Marxism turned into communism and communism failed into an aythoritarian nightmare. Capitalism is going the same way but slower merely because it allows for internal corrections and the US is also built to correct its governing systems, even though it has been continually demonstrated that both are highly manipulable. Jefferson was right.
She took a guess
she never said you said it
Trump is a blithering idiot of a politician
So you get to use that argument claiming pic related wasn't true capitalism, but we can't? Nice applied memetics, champ.
>Sup Forums is one person