Hi Sup Forums I'd like to give password manager a try, I heard about KeePass, is it good? Would you recommand it?

Hi Sup Forums I'd like to give password manager a try, I heard about KeePass, is it good? Would you recommand it?

fuck, what if someone takes away my keepass db and cracks the 4 letter password?

how to protect from this?

Yes, I would

but beware...

Your key file for keepass has to be carried with the program, there is no buit-in secure cloud function..

You'll have to integrate it into dropbox, your own cloud or whatever... OR... Just carry it on a flash drive on your keys.

It's very good, highly recommend. Been using it for several years without a problem.

I haven't had to enter a login in probably 3 years now.

Nah, use Dashlane.

I'm fiddling with it too,using just for some specific stuff until I'm confident it wont ruin my life by corrupting or losing the keyfile.

Do you have a plugin for automatic insertion? I'm using PassIFox extension for firefox.


Also Keepass2Android for seamless android integration and cloud sync.

KeepassX senpai.

> password manager

b o t n e t

>I'd like to give password manager a try

Why? Are you mentally retarded? What shit browser are you using that doesn't remember your passwords?

nice b8 m8

Enpass is the most comfy passord manager
Cloud Sync (Cloud of your choice)
256bit AES
Fingerprint Support
TOTP Support
Can be used on every fucking platform
Browser Plugins for automated login

Works like a charm. But the mobile App costs about 10bucks if you have more than 25 entries

Nice shitpost, you mentally retarded meme spouting redditor.

>Key manager gets hacked
>All of your passwords are vulnerable
You may as well just use one password for everything

yeah because having your passwords saved in your browser where they can be accessed by anyone on your computer is so much better than a password manager that stores your passwords on an encrypted database, are you really that retarded?

I use Keepassx and have database files on seperate backups and update them from time to time.

It's super convenient for throwaway accounts and junk.

>not storing your passwords in an encrypted text file
kek I thought this was a place for people who actually knows something about technology but I guess I was wrong

Basically a worse Keepass.

That's why you make sure not to have a master password that is easily cracked. Mine is OnTheSeventhDayTheLordSaidUntoAllNiggersToFuckingKillThemselevesLikeTheSubhumansTheyAre

>OP and subsequent supporting posts are all full of typos and bad phrasing
I think someone's shilling their botnet.

I think someone's mentally retarded.

If you're willing to host your own cloud solution to sync to your devices KeePass is alright, though Enpass is a lot nicer. LastPass is pretty much the only good solution if you're not willing to host your own sync solution, but it's owned by LogMeIn now so I don't recommend it.

what do you think KeePass you retard

>mentally retarded meme spouting redditor

It's easier to just create one password and use it for every website you sign up to that wouldn't matter if someone knew the password to. Anything important should be your own created password because you might need to use it but can't use keepass. Just use it to create one throwaway password.

>what do you think KeePass you retard
Learn how to construct a comprehensible sentence before you call someone a retard.

Use a 5 letter password XD