What the fuck, Microsoft?
Now I'll have to be careful to do not let Windows upgrade on its own.
What the fuck, Microsoft?
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Unless you have some programs that wont run with 10, you do want it though.
Oh wait, did you fall for that anti-W10 FUD? I thought anyone browsing Sup Forums would be smart enough not to.
le nutin2fear nutin2hide
Dear Pajeet,
10 rupees have been deposited into your account.
What? is this real
That can't be real. Does MS seriously embed telemetry in anything compiled with VS?
mow my land ese
In VS 2015, it logs when your app was launched. You can disable it with some linking.
>OS wants to treacherously install on its own
>good thing
I just want to keep 7 for Christ sake. Everything I use works fine on it.
I DO NOT CONSENT. It's my fucking computer. I'll have the OS I do fucking want. I don't even want to check if the privacy issues are true -yet they're a concerning matter- because I won't upgrade to 10.
Fuck you in the ass, you fucking shill.
come on user
we're not children
say it with me now, "Pro-gram"
>It's my fucking computer.
technically, it's not.
Explain yourself, jewnigger
Well done, Microsoft. Well done.
>le software is intellectual property of its developer meme so you must let your ass to be fucked if Microsoft wants to
That's not how it works, mates.
Yeah, I guess software is IP, but that doesn't mean that any given IP should be fucking me over to get the IP's owner money.
Essentially, it's my hardware, I should have the freedom to put what I want on it.
You do. You have freedom between installing Windows and an OS that does not cuck you.
But I should also have the freedom of installing whichever Windows I want. Microsoft needs to acknowledge that.
Of course. I don't know if you have Consumer Protection Acts in America, but we actually do in Europe and this shit would probably be illegal. Nonetheless it won't end in court since a single average person wouldn't bother so much for such a tiny issue.
Check the EULA you signed during the installation process.
You don't own it, you were rented it by Microsoft for undefined period of time.
Why? It's MS's software.They decide on what terms they sell it to you.
>using your OS in spic tongue
Get a load of this wetback.
Law regulates EULAs. You do not own the software, fine, but that doesn't mean Microsoft can cuck you computer for good just because they want to.
If a clause it's abussive, it's considered null; if its interpretation it's obscure, do interpret it in a favorable manner to the weak part --at least in most EU countries. So they cannot just remove your OS and change it for another one because "EULA and shit".