
>Open Task Manager
>Take a screenshot of your Processes Tab with Memory being displayed in descending order
>Post it here
>Judge others

Here, I'll start
>pic related

but why

What will this prove, OP?



Curiosity. I just want to see what other people have running on their computer.


Then why not just ask for a screenshot of their taskbar instead?


Not everything running on a computer appears on the taskbar.
Why won't you quit being a fagot and post a screenie of your Processes Tab?


For example this guy has obviously pirated his Windows (we'll have a van coming soon)

kek. I snorted audibly.

Everything else is useless. "Oh what's that you're running? spoolsv.exe? Gee wizz, oh happy day!"
See? Nobody cares.

>this guy has obviously pirated his Windows
What makes you say that?


i need to get mutt working so badly

Then leave. Get the fuck out.

Wow dude how are you using 48.8 GiB when you only have 3.7?

No, fuck your shitty thread.

I am working for the van.

But I'm amazed that people here are stupid enough to pay for windows.

I'm amazed that people are willing to pirate it when it's free.

judge away


Why do you have 12 instances of Opera.exe running?

Yes be a good goy - buy an older version of windows with your credit card details, then send Microsoft all your private data and upgrade.

>task manager
>not process explorer
y u no sysinternals?

What is process explorer?

That's how Chromium manages RAM

Look up sysinternals. It's an official windows bundle and process explorer is like task manager on fucking steroids

It works the same as Chrome (literally) where it separates different parts of the browser into different processes.

Please be a meme

ok, here's mine

You can pirate an old version then get a legit key by upgrading without the need to join Microsoft's botnet AND some skid's botnet - you only have to join the MS botnet.

Also you can just join the Insider Program and get a free legit Windows that way.

nope, only 5 tabs open as well.

I like this thread.

why is life so worthless?

i am fucking idiot, forgot image


How is this even possible?

Chrome + extensions + a couple tabs.


What a fucking mess.

Why go trough all that retarded process and in the end don't get a legitimate key?

When I could just hit 1 button.

Why do you keep insisting on sharing your data, I don't care how my windows is delivered as long as I can get it easy and effortlessly.


Are you retarded or just clueless?

What's wrong with it?
System ain't overloaded or anything

Shit like this is why I don't bother trying to help people when their comp runs like shit.

I can't believe I've never seen a thread like this on Sup Forums before.

Oh please, tell me more about how the NSA is listening to me fap to my chinese cartoons.

I seriously dont give a fuck about the M$ telemetry BS that is cortana, literally who gives a fuck? My CPU has plenty of CPU time and RAM that it doesn't matter if a simple process like that runs in the background and further, it does nothing truly malicious unless you think data analysis in an of itself is malicious.

$20 says it runs better than yours shitstain.
5820k @ 4ghz, 32GB DDR4 @3200mhz, Samsung 950 Pro M.2 SSD.


32 GB + 950 Pro brofist

wow man it was merely a meme :/

>hurr durr i spent zillions on hardware i don't have to care about what's running on my system

Fuck off, retard.


Kek, what shouldnt I be running? Chrome is only an issue if you are gonna circle jerk over "muh botnet".

You act like i'm running a ton of unnecessary bloat.

