Which of these 3 companies do you autists hate the most?
Which of these 3 companies do you autists hate the most?
Microsoft like any sane person, they are absolutely useless and the tech world would be better if they had never existed.
Microsoft has all the bad qualities of the other two and none of the good qualities.
Google. Out of all the botnet services they're the worst. It's just that everyone is fooled by them and see them as "the good guys".
Both. I love them too. Its like a bad relationship. Luckily, linux + wm suits my needs.
Google because you can avoid them
>Both. I love them too. Its like a bad relationship. Luckily, linux + wm suits my needs.
>Three partys
You really are an autist
>Google: offers actually high-quality services for free in exchange for spying and ad profiling money
>Apple: sticks to its own niche, leeches money out of its fanbase like a hungry whore but doesn't affect anyone else outside of them directly - only by retarded companies copying their stupid visual design
>Microsoft: tries to copy Google yet manages to fuck over every Windows user in existence in the process
The real answer is Adobe and/or Oracle
You're both idiots.
Finally someone gets it
Google: They fucking suck at everything and they're still the most popular somehow
>Adobe and/or Oracle
redpill me please, why are they so awful?
>suck at everything
>search engine
>stable DNS
>infinite mail service
>most widespread cloud storage
>the most customizable modern phone OS
>best font
fuck them for shitting up youtube though
The spying sucks, but it's very hard doing away with all of these things.
Bloatware monopoly spreading a shitload of vulnerabilities and a terrible patching policy
Consumes everything it touches and turns it to shit
I like to pay for fair and honest service and products.
Windows 10 is pure shit.
None of these companies offer "fair and honest service and products" however.
From worst to best
Applel, M$, Jewgle
Agreed. Plus forcing all their stupid shit like google plus.
I hate Apple because only hipsters and homosexuals use it.
I like Google and Microsoft because Android and Windows.
Apple/Microsoft: I know what I buy and I get what I pay for. (Except some exceptions)
Google: Lets make everything for free, so people thing data should be free. But we make money out of your data.
I hate this free ideology.
Google search filters results to shill products at you, and has been getting increasingly unreliable at finding things even if you search the exact quote you're looking for
Gmail doesn't let you change your address ever. You can't even delete your gmail and get a new one because it's tied to everything else like play and youtube. Not like there's any addresses available anyway.
Drive doesn't filter duplicates, so if I try to update a folder I have backed up, I have to hand pick all of the new files.
Google Music uses their shitty fucking extension as DRM to make sure you're using chrome like a good goy or else you can't upload music to it.
And Android is a steaming pile of shit with the worst filesystem known to man
Before of all the google plus and social media integration, and the homogenization of their account systems I would've said Microsoft, so back in like 2010.
>I know what I buy and I get what I pay for
>mandatory update turns your system into a sluggish pile of shit
>despite asking big money for their products, both companies still spy on you
Microsoft. Google is a much larger threat to humanity, but remember Microsoft is the company that voluntarily gave in to the NSA. They never had a moment of hesitation, whereas Google, Apple, etc. were probably threatened at least once. Also, their deceptive business practices and horrible user experience with the 'forcing W10 down your throat' attitude just makes them unpalatable.
none of them have morals but Google delivers the most quality, then Apple and Microsoft just plain sucks
the answer is Microsoft
>Google search filters results to shill products at you
They don't if you turn it off.
>has been getting increasingly unreliable at finding things even if you search the exact quote you're looking for
That's just your anecdote, not evidence. Myself I've never noticed anything similar.
This is also possible to set up properly.
>Android is a steaming pile of shit with the worst filesystem known to man
There's literally nothing wrong with android's filesystem
The average Sup Forumstard everyone
I have turned it off, it's still shit
And with android, I can never fucking navigate between my SD card and internal storage
Wanna put a file from my computer into an apps folder that it only in the internal storage? Nope, can't do it. PC's can only access the SD card for some fucking reason.
Wanna apply a CM nightly update you just downloaded? Nope, those download to the SD card and TWRP can only access the internal storage
Root phone
Android explorer
You understand that the windows operating system was one of the most influential things to happen in CS right?
>one of the most influential things to happen in CS
All they did was copy Apple/Commodore
I am rooted you shill
>implying influential == good
You still have two steps ahead of you then
I googled Android Explorer and nothing's coming up
Are you not being specific or is Google shit?
Sorry it's called Droid Explorer. de.codeplex.com
There are other alternatives too if this one isn't up to snuff.
sounds more like the average redditor to me
Sup Forums doesn't like microsoft
Yeah you're right.
Thanks, but I still shouldn't need an extra program just to look at my fucking files
cisco for making the world a worse place
Notice how I said it suits MY needs? Not yours.
Go complain to microsoft then
>Microsoft should be the ones to write drivers for Google's shit
Windows Explorer can't even support ext2 in 2016.
I dare you explain this fucking shit.
have you tried connecting your phone as a media device?
Yeah, I only get the SD card, no internal
windows 1-3: bad copy of Mac OS
windows 95-ME: bad visual copy of NExTSTEP
windows Vista-7: bad visual copy of OS X
windows 10: When OS X got all flat, Windows got flat too.
Facebook is worse than all 3 combined. Apple is the lesser of 3 evils because all they sell is toys.
90s autists hate MS (M$)
00s autists hate Apple (it just werks)
10s autists hate Google (botnet)
Definitely Google.
Notice how all you comment on is visuals. Like a typical macfag
what if I hate all 3?
actually, only 75% is on visuals. 9x is still that mac os copy inside. On other hand, NT is alright and quite original. Even though they'd better go with unix-like to make everything easier and make an emulation layer for legacy software, like apple did.
Microsoft made the client server model popular, so normal people stopped hosting their own content
Apple made hard to repair electronics look sexy.
They also drove prices for the phone market up, so we now have phones that are harder to make obsolete
google made it profitable to spy on people.
They made it popular to sell software as a service where spying on users is the norm and free software is just a means to make people addicted to a product that then is turned proprietary.
Facebook took two products people already had and combined them so people only had to be spied on by one entity.
It was deprecated before it started, but some people seem to still use it.
M$ by a mile. Too bad I'm still riding their dick because I actually need DX12.
>9x is still that mac os copy inside
How? It's an embellished MSDOS.
Windows isn't a company dumbass
>Active Directory
>Weaker version of google services
>Best services (maps, videos etc)
>Gmail with Google fake Office
What does apple bring to the table that isnt already done by MS or Google?
Fashion accessories and good community
Apple provides retard proof versions of the other services.
>good community
what does ms bring that isn't already done by apple
i mean apple has all of that except azure and hyperv which aren't for PCs anyways
>apple has equivalents to active directory, xbox, a search engine, and exchange
You cant say that i dont have a good sense of humor, now can you?
M$ is the worst of course
Google is the best of course
Apple I don't care about.
Microsoft Corporation®
windows is not a company
This. They get worse every day
But MS went flat much earlier with W8, my retarded friend.
>Windows is a company
>Active Directory
Marketing-drone-speak for LDAP + DNS + CIFS + Configuration Management
Marketing-drone-speak for IMAP + Groupware
There are several equally capable hypervisors
Toys are irrelevant
iMessage, iChat
>Managed to convince people that spying on them is totally okay when they do it
>Forced manufacturers to make ALL phones huge as fuck, effectively starting the whole phablet cancer
>Jewgle shills on Sup Forums are the worst
Why does Sup Forums hate Windows 10 but love android? It's just as bad if not worse
Shit > Google > Microsoft > Apple
Spies on you and sells your data, but also does a lot of cool shit too, like self driving cars or machine learning stuff
Spies on you and sells your data, but does slightly less cool shit, mostly pertaining to AI
Spies on you and sells your data, and does literally nothing else besides making consumer products
1. Scamming idiots.
2. Those idiots used to dump their money into good products.
3. Companies who produce good products suffer.
4. Companies have to fall in line and cater to the lowest common denominator braindead mactoddlers.
5. We suffer because our choices in good products evaporate.
TL;DR Apple is a cancerous plague on the technology world.
You can easily use Android without Google
>Apple spies on you and sells your data
Citation needed
>Spies on you and sells your data,
Actually doesn't.
Tim Cook stated this in Apple's reports to the government. If he lies it's jail time.
jewgle, of course.
I can't hate microsoft, my eroge games are developed for wangblows.
everything is programming XD
Microsoft. I still remember the 90s and early 2000s, plus nowadays all they do is trying to be like the other two, but failing horribly. I just have zero respect for a strategy that lacks originality that much. Google and Apple at least have their identities, whether you like them or not. Microsoft is just like that weird uncle that tries to mimic what he thinks young people talk like even though you are 25 already.
>Apple at least have their identities
applel because jewgle gives you ""free"" services at least and microshaft winblows isn't as bad as osx
>like that weird uncle that tries to mimic what he thinks young people talk like even though you are 25 already.
>a search engine
OP didn't say so.
I think it's a part of OS X server
>active directory
fair enough, but it's not for PCs too.
>If you work at Microsoft you work on telemetry kernel that hasn't been updated since the 90s, a hybrid phone/desktop OS that looks and works like shit or some office software
>If you work at Apple you work on a UNIX kernel, a nice looking and consistent OS or the worlds most popular phone OS
Seems like Apple is the better choice desu
>this new
>I have not tried Windows 10 because they might steal my freedo--
How is win10 any more shit than previous Windows versions? Disable telemetry and it's the best so far.
Google spies on everyone and make everything. They do shit stuff like Google+ and good things like Google Fiber, self-driving cars etc.
Microsoft spies on you and gives it to the government. Windows 10 is a crime.
Apple spies the least out of the three. Their products are ok.
I would have said Google before Windows 10.
>jobs dies
>gates quits
fucking companies go into full botnet mode
>google turns into alphabet
>even more botnet than before
>NSA owns intel
>moot joins google
>gives 4chin to NSA
There isn't even any contest. Microsoft easily. The scary thing is, I've met Microsoft fanboys. Some people out there are truly sick in the head.
Obviously Apple, at least Microsoft doesn't try to be subtle about the botnet on its software anymore.
I have to say, it's refreshing to see a sanctimonious idiot woman NOT blame the problem on misogyny, for once.