
Anyone else running linux? Can someone tell me what is wrong with the following command.

Other urls found in this thread:

echo d2dldCAtcSAiaHR0cDovL3d3dy5waXhlbHNpdGUuaW5mby90cmFjay90MjcyODAuZ2lmIiB8IGVjaG8gIlRoYXQgY291bGQgaGF2ZSBiZWVuIGJhZCI= | base64 -d | sh

install vivaldi

>echo d2dldCAtcSAiaHR0cDovL3d3dy5waXhlbHNpdGUuaW5mby90cmFjay90MjcyODAuZ2lmIiB8IGVjaG8gIlRoYXQgY291bGQgaGF2ZSBiZWVuIGJhZCI= | base64 -d | sh
needs to be -D

echo d2dldCAtcSBodHRwOi8vZ29vLmdsLzVWcjlXbSB8IGVjaG8gIlRoYXQgY291bGQgaGF2ZSBiZWVuIGJhZCI= | base64 -d | sh


NVM ^^^ this works I think

wget -q | echo "That could have been bad"

The URL is a tracking pixel, enjoy my VPN's ip address brother.

I should have known better

Yep you should have.

How did you make that

lol, I just wanted to see how many people would try it..

So? how many tried it?

6 so far on this one, and 14 on the other one..

01: thought of it
02: constructed wget command
03: encoded it in base64
04: used a text2PDF417-CodeConverter (
05: upload it to Sup Forums
06: Profit
07: ????
08: get rich!

install gentoo

install vivaldi

The second I saw this blatant vivaldi shilling, I uninstalled it

install autism

Install ARCH - It's superior to both

You don't need a gui
You don't need X
You don't need a keyboard

I control my computer via morse key!

Thanks. I just had this idea that let's say you take the hex of any file and convert it into those images split up over X amount of bytes then put the images together at something like 15 FPS and get unlimited file storage uploading on youtube