It's happening

Get ready for your new Android music player overlord

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jesus that looks horrible

It's cool and all that it's finally being ported to SOMETHING other than Windows but I doubt Linuxfags will be happy with this.

It works fine with Wine anyways.

Does it support all dem search options? Plugin support? If not, what's the fucking point. I'm not using shit just because of a logo(I'm looking at you, ifags).

Apparently it's also available for iShit

Well, so far it's kinda shitty. It's showing one of my albums as about 20 or so because they all have different artists. If I wanted a Album/Artist display view, why wouldn't I have literally clicked that button?

It's shit

I'm not sure which looks worse.

>people payed for this

I'll stay with he black player, thanks

Seriously, look at this gorgeous GUI.

no wonder he allowed people to customize the pc foobar, that design is awful in so many different ways

fucking disgusting

>icons range from extremely minimalistic to being way too detailed
>icon sizes are all over the place
>order arrangement makes no sense
>a shitload of completely empty space that could be used to make it look more appealing



>Material Design

What would one rather use
Play ▶ music?

>my shitty chink phone never got update past 4.0

The fuck? Is it just me or is there no playlist option?

>actual gapless playback unlike BlackPlayer
Well I'm sold

It's pretty good, it's fast enough and quality seems good.
Unfortunately it's ugly and lacks features but that can be fixed.
Phonograph on GS5 crashes way too much so I need to switch

I can't seem to find a setting to choose what to do when an album ends. In fact the whole settings page seems rather.. scarce.

Wasn't this shit kickstarter? is this where the money went?


I've been using DoubleTwist.
It's far from perfect but it does what I need.

>25 mb
dear god

Has someone already seen strange connections or permissions?



Nah i don't

>current year
>not just using "Vanilla Music Player"

It already does ReplayGain and Gapless Playback.

Plus it's GPL and it actually has good MAterial design.

Unlike this monstrosity.

I've always had horrible shuffle with it.
~1200 songs and it ends up repeating after like 20 songs.
He really should change to the way Black Player does it, just shuffle all the songs into a queue and play it like that

There's a "continuous shuffle" option if you want truly random play queue.

I'll have to check it out. It was really good except for that little thing that really annoyed me, but it keeps getting better and better it seems


>no playlists
>no widget
back to poweramp for now

>using widgets

>not listening to the whole album

>less features is good
nice samefag

>still on ioshit
widgets for music are probably the best thing android can do
>not making compilations out of multiple live albums
>not having genre playlists

I really like it, too, but happens a lot, one time I thought it was on repeat one because the same song was repeated 3 times in a row.


>genre playlists

I don't think I've ever used a widget other than calendar and a to-do list, it's all bloat

It's actually pretty sweet.

I think after some more features and some bug testing, it might become a great player.

trust me, its nice to just pick up your phone and hit play.
I dont even use calendar widgets; just gmail and google keep only on my tablet

Gonna be a looong time before this is up to scratch with Poweramp, or even Phonograph.

yeah, it needs the tagging and album art searching features of the desktop

sicmu and timber are nicer imo

Plus a way to skip to the next album, alongside presets and power optimization

And copious amounts of attention from a UI designer that doesn't suck dick for fun.

Look, I get it, bubble icons are so 00s. But right now looks Isn't the main issue here, it's the features.

And if you really need something nice to look at, I'm sure the community will make something worthwhile.

well it literally has 14 ratings, so I expect more features in the future or based plugins

..where's equalizer?

AIMP is still better

DSP Manager.

can't see it senpai

Herr, desu

yeah i know, but where IN dsp manager

Wtf why is it so xboxhueg?

I just use DeaDBeeF.

>he hasn't experienced UI perfection on his chink fone

Fucking cancerclover

that gave me cancer

nvm just installed v4a

Lockscreen buttons are too damn small

The menu is terrible.

>Relese holo-themed app.

It's working great for me.

I just installed it (I'm used to glorious foobar on pc), along with blackplayer and vanilla music. I tried black first, then vanilla, and then foobar.

Black and vanilla are shit: can't display my cover.pngs, library indexes don't update well and can't set custom folders, can't play opus, don't let me browse files directly (I have a folder structure that suits my needs along with proper tagging, and yet this shit can't properly render either), etc.

Then I tried foobar and everything just worked out of the box with default settings: all my tags were read correctly, album covers were displayed, files were grouped right, indexes update properly and I can configure the source dirs, etc.

If I was foobar's dev I'd be saying GOML to all those other music player devs.

>Just installed it. The sound is amazing, it is closer to the sound of my CD player.

I tried this before, I don't like how there are colored boxes with letters in them.

Phonograph is better.
Still needs a bit of work, but overall works great and looks really nice.

Just installed it, sounds great. Sounds about as good as my CD player and almost as good as 24 bit FLACs even at lower FLAC bitrates. The alien logo must relate to the alien technology that made foobar2000 so good!

It seems fine. I was using CleanMusic up until this point, and while it was a bit clumsy, I've gotten used to it.
I'mma try this out.

>over 100000$ :^)

I like AIMP more.

Didn't even read the thread. Installed via the play store on my laptop. I hope it's jizz worthy.

Looks like shit.
Why should I stop using Poweramp for this?

Totally jizz worthy. Everyone install this shit.

It's not shitty, you're shit at managing your track titles.

Foobar is amazing on PC because it's:
On Android, I use GoneMAD, because it has all these three incredibly important qualities. So why would I switch to foobar on Android, if it doesn't?

I'm right there with you man, fuck the ricers that thinks this looks bad. It looks fucking amazing.

It would look OK if not for the icons
>different styles
>different sizes
>some icons don't make sense, like the ones for Genre, Style and Advanced Search
This is a GUI Design catastrophe.

Looks like shit senpai
I'll stick to Walkman, it's pretty decent.

I haven't got the play store desu, has anybody got an apk?

does android version support additional DSP/plugins ?

It has a lot built-in

i know that senpai but i want to install some additional ones and i can't see an option anywhere in settings

Apk???? Please


Lulz it's the link to the GS market...and it happens I don't have it

>no playlist option

It's shit.


>these fucking icons

Need skin because default ui is

but we have mpd

I got ur back f.a.m. renamed the file...

>using a proprietary music player


Deadbeef would be perfect for me if it had freedb tagging like foobar. I need freedb for all my poorly tagged chink music.

the problem isn't even how it looks, it's that everything is all over the fucking place, the order of those icons makes no fucking sense

>going through to trouble of putting together a meme playlist
>using non-meme titles

I dont miss foobar since I use Clementine now.

clementine for android when

>mfw I went back to Rhythmbox already