/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

IRC Edition!
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Previously on: Welcome to /fglt/. We are always open to users of all levels, including absolute beginners.

There are four ways to try GNU/Linux, you can:

0) Install a GNU/Linux OS on a VM (Virtual Machine/VirtualBox) for "safety purposes"
1) Use the Live ISO directly without installing anything, that way, you can get a "full GNU/Linux experience".
2) Dual-boot GNU/Linux with Windows/Mac (recommended if you want to learn more about GNU/Linux)
3) Go balls deep and overwrite everything with GNU/Linux

Before asking, please search for answers to your questions in resources.

Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Understand that much of your software from Windows will be unavailable, although maybe WINE can make up for it.

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Server: chat.freenode.net:6667 (no SSL, 6697 for SSL) - Channel: #flt
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Visit the Friendly GNU/Linux Thread/Website:

Your friendly neighborhood search engine (searx.me, ixquick, whatever)
wiki.archlinux.org/ (Most of the configurations and troubleshoots will work on various distros, including Debian)

Other urls found in this thread:


"I have done your mother." - RMS

You could at least have posted one of his real quotes about legalizing incest/pedophilia/beastiality/etc

literally Shakespeare

But user it's a real quote.

Pic related, but also a reminder that this is still Sup Forums.

Obviously fake.

"I am skeptical of the claim that voluntarily pedophilia harms children. The arguments that it causes harm seem to be based on cases which aren't voluntary, which are then stretched by parents who are horrified by the idea that their little baby is maturing. " - RMS

"A parrot once had sex with me. I did not recognize the act as sex until it was explained to me afterward, but being stroked on the hand by his soft belly feathers was so pleasurable that I yearn for another chance. I have a photo of that act; should I go to prison for it?" - RMS

"There is little evidence to justify the widespread assumption that willing participation in pedophilia hurts children. Granted, children may not dare say no to an older relative, or may not realize they could say no; in that case, even if they do not overtly object, the relationship may still feel imposed to them. That's not willing participation, it's imposed participation, a different issue. " - RMS

"For necrophilia, it might be necessary to ask the next of kin for permission if the decedent's will did not authorize it. Necrophilia would be my second choice for what should be done with my corpse, the first being scientific or medical use. Once my dead body is no longer of any use to me, it may as well be of some use to someone. Besides, I often enjoy rhinophytonecrophilia (nasal sex with dead plants). " - RMS

RMS has a really annoying voice. I was disappointed first time I heard it.

Okay, I had OpenSUSE/Linux just shut off on me automatically three times, even though my laptop is plugged in and charging. Why does this happen and what should I do? This has not been an issue for most of the time I've had the distro.

psychfag here, he is not wrong. he states the problem that imposed participation=!willing participation. the problem is that there is little evidence on anything in that field because it's one of the most taboo fields.

The problem I have with these quotes are not the quotes itself, it's the retarded kids who don't understand what he's saying and call him a pedophile.

I managed to bind a key to insert previously used files into the current command line in python. In particular it cycles through arguments containing a '/' from your shell history.

It depends on a python script I wrote to pull path-like arguments out of you history. The reason I used python is because it has shlex to handle parsing the shell quoting. I had a crack it doing it in shell but trying to parse eg cat ~/My\ Pictures/"some file".tiff was ... trying.
see here: gist.github.com/toofar/24d9ca7398201777da0f2e3b67c7d925
# function to cycle between last path like command line arguments used.
# Depends on sfs to pull path like argmunts out of history.
last_file_cycle() {
# Clear our saved variables if HISTCMD changes or the command line has
# changed
if [ -n "$LFC_HISTCMD" ] && [ "$HISTCMD" != "$LFC_HISTCMD" ];then
elif [ "$LFC_NEW_RLLINE" != "$READLINE_LINE" ];then
if [ -z "$LFC_HISTCMD" ];then
LF=`history 100 |sfs -r -s$LFC_CYCLE`
bind -x '"\C-f":last_file_cycle'

I have installed Arch.

I would like create a nice desktop like I see in the desktop threads.

Are there any guides or walkthroughs that can put me on the path to creating something?

I am using i3 currently, but I am happy to change.

Thanks in advance.

Good luck getting research funding for 'The effect of sexual contact with children on long term development'.

Rice tutorial:
Step 1: Choose a wallpaper and choose it wisely.
Step 2: Use programs that let you customzie almost everything and try to use the wallpapers colors.
Step 3: Don't be a retard and stay away from desktop thread.

For recommended, highly customizable programs and window managers go here: rizonrice.github.io/resources

Any rsnapshot users here? All my shit is fucking up. It still rotates backup folders but stopped copying/deleting files from the backup when the source is changed. I've redone my 6tb backup like 4 times over the last few days and it always manages to delete itself.

hm, maybe my laptop was just close to overheating

Great. Now please a zsh-like menu that shows up but also disappears again. Then zsh is finally btfo.

I quoted wrong.

Open or proprietary drivers for AMD graphics?
Is there a way to scale screen size down on open drivers for AMD?

Exactly. Nobody even dares to touch this. Speaking about it is already a problem.

Just follow your heart. And write scripts.

I'd say wallpaper doesn't really matter. I can cycle though pictures randomly.

What fonts do I need to install to read chink + nip characters?

Chink + nip fonts

open box ricing guide where?

scale screensize down like with xrandr or do you mean scaling with gtk or qt? display scaling is very easy with things like gnome.
foss drivers should do fine.

What is the difference between zsh and bash?

scale screensize down like i have 1080p monitor but when i 1920x1080 it cuts down the edges like it's too big to fit

Come from OS X thinking about starting with elementary OS. All I do on a computer is use the internet and make music (thinking about running Bitwig).

Is elementary a good place to start?

>install openbox theme

No, it's not. Install normal Ubuntu or one of its flavors and get the Elementary Os GTK themes. The reasons why Elementary Os should be avoided have been posted countless times: it's an immature desktop environment on top of an Ubuntu LTS release.

But then again, you shouldn't listen to random post on here and make up your own mind by trying it.

wasnt openbox supposed to be as rice-able as all those android launchers ?

could you try to explain this further? or draw a graphic?

Ok, replaced that shitty python script with a bash function now. Parsing shell syntax in shell, yay.

What does riceable even mean?

>as all those android launchers

Is there a way to automatically open mpv with "always on top" and "always on visible workspace" by default in GNOME3?

How do I change the colors on vim? I changed in my terminal but vim is showing all the text in white.

Why does noone install gentoo?
I'm disappointed...

There's a flag for always on top. How about you check your mpv config.

Took me 4 seconds to search the internet on how to enable syntax highlighting in vim.

also for always on visible workspace?
nvm, found an extension that does what i want but better:

you know like android ricing you even have generals on Sup Forums dedicated to showing off their homescreens and all that stuff. I want to be able to configure it for neat looks

you can do that with any DE. if you want similarity to that start with GNOME

The shell features are different.
The first thing you will notice is the auto completion is a lot different.
There is small inconsistencies in the scripting but I don't have a list

i would want to use WM instead of DM, im on openbox but as a newbie i cant find any customization options

a DM (display manager) has nothing to do with your WM other than that you can set which WM or DE you want to start.
as a newbie you should really rather use a DE first but if you are this stubborn you could try to find the openbox settings. it's just one menu dude, it's not too hard.

Guess what, a desktop environment has a window manager. So even if you use GNOME you're still using GNOME's window manager (which is called Mutter if I remember correctly).

>i cant find any customization options
There are themes and the obconf utility. Alternatively edit the rc.xml file manually.

It seems to me that you don't even know what you want to change, but instead you have this ridiculous concept of "ricing".

>It seems to me that you don't even know what you want to change, but instead you have this ridiculous concept of "ricing"

i dont even know what can i change, maybe i should change my DE to like gnome or xfce

you can install all of those and use gdm or lightdm to choose between them. this way you can test stuff out and see what you actually like.

If moved the files from the hard drive I use for games and steam to cloud storage and formatted the drive from ntfs to ext4 and move them back to play on my Linux partition and made a wine prefix, would that work and could I still play them on windows?

windows doesn't natively support ext4

Can anybody with the AMD gpu run Steam?

On 16.04*


i can use steam on FOSS amd drivers on debian sid at least. i removed it though because it supports DRM.

Install obconf, obmenu and obkey. Those allow you to change anything Openbox related.

You can run steam with any GPU if you cant get it to start you are probably having this issue


Manjaro comes with a script that will do this


zenity --question --title="Purge libraries" --text="Do you have an OpenGL/render error preventing Steam from starting?" --icon-name=steam 2>/dev/null
if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
find ~/.steam/root/ \( -name "libgcc_s.so*" -o -name "libstdc++.so*" -o -name "libxcb.so*" \) -print -delete
zenity --info --title="Purge libraries" --text="Potentially incompatible Steam libraries have been purged." --icon-name=steam 2>/dev/null
zenity --info --title="Purge libraries" --text="This likely isn't the solution. Check site/forums." --icon-name=steam 2>/dev/null

Save that as something like steam-clean and make it executable with chmod +x steam-clean I don't think you have to run it as root because im pretty sure all of the stuff it removes should be in your home folder

I have no /media folder, do i have to create it myself now or what?

Why do you need that directory? I finally get to use this phrase: "I think this is a XY problem".

to mount my external devices there?
at least thats what they taught me in school, did something change?

When downloading videos, youtube-dl doesn't work for some sites (command line. Version: 2014.08.05). I'm using debian testing. However, I can download everything from the browser using an add-on.

Should I say fuck it and update youtube-dl? Will it fuck up something with my distro?

You can mount it wherever you want and create directories that you want.
Depending on how you mount your devices, it might behave differently. For example if you use automatic mounting with udisks, it will mount things in /run/media/YOU

Hello fellow ricers! Tell me please what file managers look similar to nautilus but are more lightweight?

$ lsb_release -r
Release: testing
$ youtube-dl --version
$ apt-cache policy youtube-dl
Installed: 2016.02.22-1
Candidate: 2016.02.22-1
Version table:
*** 2016.02.22-1 900
900 http.debian.net/debian testing/main i386 Packages
900 http.debian.net/debian testing/main amd64 Packages
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

It should already be updated?



Sounds comfy

Nautilus starts almost instantly thanks to the "daemon" feature, uses like 20MB of RAM and 0-1% CPU during idle. You couldn't tell that it was running if you weren't looking at htop constantly.
So, please stop misusing the term "lightweight". Unless with lightweight you mean less features, but it's hard to find a file-manager with less features than Nautilus.

I can't open Steam. It doesn't show any login information. How to fix this? I am running Xubuntu 14.04.3

Don't open Steam, it's botnet!

I installed Ubuntu 16.04 in my netbook and appears I do not have graphics driver! There are many causes to this, but I need to know if I did something wrong, ok? So please, help me:
>AMD E-240
>wrong screen resolution, adding one by means of Xrandr fucks everything if selected
>checked 'additional drivers', not even one listed there
>I chose 'no proprietary software' when installing
>Ubuntu 16.04 abandoned the first proprietary graphic drivers of AMD, chose new open-source ones still being developed and released
>don't know if AMD will release drivers for my model, that has at least 6 years
So, what do you think?

use mc, its very 'lightweight'

I mean, has less deps. A screenful of dependencies is a bit too much for a file manager, isn't it?

It doesn't look anywhere like Nautilus though.

where can I get a 32 bit binary of wget?

I installed arch and set up pacman (keys etc..), but it needs wget to get the files...
I can't build it from source there (no compiler, make)
I tried 'apt-get download wget:i386' on my other machine, but that gets me a deb package, not a binary
I couldn't find a binary on the internet
I don't know how to change the configuration file to make it build a 32 bit binary on my 64 bit computer (arch is on a 32 bit computer, debian on a 64)

what do?

you can unpack the .deb file on you other machine with dpkg -x (or --extract)


>no compiler, make
Install the base-devel group.

>it needs wget to get the file
What are yo utalking about?

Why on earth are you using such an old version? It gets updated like every couple of days or weeks.

thank you

>arch is on a 32 bit computer, debian on a 64

>what do?
How about getting to the base of the problem? Why do you think you need wget and what files are you trying to get? There's a reason nobody else has this problem.

when I run 'pacman -S' I get '/usr/bin/wget no such file or directory'

post the full command you are trying to use, or is that it?

how did you install arch without installing wget?
in any case, you can download the arch package from a mirror, either install it manually (pacman -U pkg) or place it in /var/cache/pacman/pkg and pacman will detect it as "already downloaded"


'pacman -Syu' or 'pacman -S pkgname'
both get the same error

thunar, if you want cli - ranger

Are you still in chroot or something? You've done something drastically wrong.

visit nixers.net

if this is a new install, you should start again, you fucked something up and it's probably easier to start over

gnome/kde/xfce or something else for Sup Forums badboy

Did you want to ask a question?


ok, this worked and now I can use pacman normally

i recommend reinstalling base (pacman -S base)

So does it work with the foss drivers + firmware-amd-graphics and amd64-microcode? Do you have problems with xrandr? I have difficulties understanding your problem.

there's no obkey in my repo and AUR one is asking for GTK when it's already installed

Works for me(tm) by using this one:
There's a PKGBUILD in the AUR:

>one is asking for GTK when it's already installed
So what? Install it. It's asking for gtk2 most likely and I don't know how you don't have that one installed already.

Hold on. I'm running Stable (Jessie). Whoa. I didn't switch when they did the freeze of Jessie back when it was Testing.

Call me names and shit, I deserve some nudging.

I'm reading a lot about Fedora being the Linux version of Windows 10 in terms of calling home to the mothership, is this because it comes with selinux and no firewall by default or am I being ignorant?

you're not ignorant for reading bs. Fedora has a firewall by default and neither it nor SELinux phone home by default.
The only questionable thing Fedora does is to sneakily install a browser extension in Chrome, Chromium or Firefox, which changes your user agent string to have "Fedora" in it, so they can more accurately measure usage numbers through, for example, wikipedia's statistics, because previously there was no way to tell apart Fedora users from users of other distros