How many people will die Sup Forums?
How many people will die Sup Forums?
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Why must it always be a woman
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are you fucking serious?
Hopefully more than a few.
Daily reminder:
normies just can't handle power technologies
>more people have died taking pictures of themselves than from sharks
wew lad
yeah we've known each other for a while
not enough, that is for sure
All of them eventually.
Because they're the only "people" retarded enough to do this.
I think more people will die from dehydration/starvation as VR becomes more realistic. Staying in a virtual world with your waifiu for days on end without drinking a glass of water seems like a likely event. People immersed in VR can easily lose track of time and doze of into a comatose like state to outside irl observers.
So you can expect hundreds of neets dying from VR all over the world soon. Kinda sad but at least they won't die miserable.
Why is 2016 mostly Indians dying from selfies?
they are all dead
Why the FUCK wouldn't they do it wireless? Is it the battery pack weight? Fucking DLNa is supported even on my chinktv and chinkphone for sub 200$.
Fuck this is idiocy.
dumb tripfag cancer
end yourself finally
where is this even from?
u mad faget
Mostly latency and bandwidth concerns, but the huge battery necessary would definitely make it worse
Though we must keep in mind, most productive members of society and functioning human beings aren't weebs.
60fps 2k is easily done in 10-20m range with a standard cutomer grade router.
But I guess. Let's wait for people to sue all dem oculuses and clones.
Doesn't mean VR won't ruin their lives or kill them. It's not just neets who will be in danger because of VR. Normies can become addicted to VR as well.
The content/games for VR is still crap.
Good VR needs extreme GPU.
The battery is non-issue
VR HMDs can draw less power than a smartphone
Because they try crazy shit
>60fps 2k is easily done in 10-20m range with a standard cutomer grade router
With what latency?
does it matter? why do you care? will the world lose anything of value?
on a related note, how do people get so involved into something that doesn't look the bit real? (low view angles, no deep of field (bokeh applied to where your not looking at)), i've tried that shit, the pixel size alone made me cringe
dude the vive does 2x 1440x1080 @ 90Hz with < 10ms total motion to photon latency, explain to me how you're going to do that wirelessly in a reliable way?
That's false advertising. You just sit in a chair using the Rift. Same way the Wii was advertised as something to be active and sporty, but you just end up lounging in a chair flicking your wrist lazily.
Remind me never to take a selfie atop a moving train in India while holding a gun to my head
Hory sheet at the guy who fell into a volcano though!
> more than six hundred people jumped in 1936
It will come with time. There's already low latency solutions out there. Problem right now is bandwidth.
Check this. I thought I wouldn't find the video but I did.
>60Ghz meme
>Hory sheet at the guy who fell into a volcano though!
but did he take the picture
Guys how about get little trolling on some Gamer video?Like the video below?Lets Dislike the video so we can see if it works we are gonna troll other gamers like this with dislikes..Go to the video and dislike!
>Go to the video BELOW!
Fucking kill yourself
>will the world lose anything of value?
Yes, it will. Now shut the fuck up and watch the grown up texting.
Do you really think physiological reactions to hunger and thirst are less powerful than an experience which is totally external, user? Maybe if we were talking full surrogate cybernetic VR but I think maybe 1-2 people will die in a way similar to those WoW addicts ie they didnt have much time left anyway.
Nigga you know what hypnosis is? That's what VR will be able to do to you if it starts to look too "real". VR is becoming dangerous.
Think of it like dreaming. When you dream do you feel hunger or thirst? VR will one day be able to drown you in a state of delusion so bad that you forget you were inside VR at all.
This is just VR with headset and a motion tracker. Shit's gonna hit the fan when people literally stick a cable in the back of their skulls and warp inside a fucking computer.
The day VR becomes that real, please make a thread and post your address. I'll be more than happy to get you some sets so you die and stop posting bullshit here.
They only just recently saved up enough money to buy a smartphone.
I'll probably just buy it myself and die in some waifu game in a couple of years.
The problem lies in how realistic VR is going to get. Right now you can easily tell it's just computer generated graphics and whatnot. But what about 2/4/8 years later?
There will be a point where a VR headset and computers will deliver images so close to what the real world looks like that your brain will start perceiving VR as real life. When that confusion happens you could be stuck in VR for god knows how long. During this time you can become delusional and sub-consciously ignore the need for food/water.
Sure not everyone is going to die from VR use but over time we could see more people get killed by it.
I understand what you mean, I just can't see how someone could confuse real life with a video game / simulation.
It can happen and will. Right now we're safe and sound because computer graphics suck ass. No way you're gonna confuse non-raytraced graphics with the real world.
The problem is if computers start producing graphics like pic related in constant 120fps/4k. We're you able to tell that pic related was computer generated? Because I sure as hell couldn't at first.
Ray tracing in constant 120fps/4k won't be easy though. The most realistic renders are done in processors as GPUs have lower precision for ray tracing. As of right now I think we still can't ray trace in constant 120fps/240p, shit's intense as fuck.
>We're you able to tell that pic related was computer generated? Because I sure as hell couldn't at first.
This just further proves you have downs, that pic looks fake as fuck
>Because I sure as hell couldn't at first.
Maybe you need some glasses :^)
>glasses :^)
>too autistic to be capable of enjoying gaming
Ouch, wow.