What's in the box?

Oh shit Sup Forums a very expensive meme just arrived what could it be?

GTX somethingorother fuck you edition.

Nope not a gpu

Dragon dildos.

probably a thinkpad

Here's an accesory that costs $50 freakin dollars top kek. I only have it because it was included free.

I'm not that good of a memer yet

its a gaymen monitor

i'm legitimately surprised
or at least i was until i saw the razer logo in

Is it the razer external gpu dock?

No that's not out yet


Haha whoops my realtor got in the picture that's dumb.

did you fucked her?

Fug i have it away it was a box in the box in the box.

he bought a razer laptop

of course he didnt fuck her

Lol nah I'm married

To be fair i bought the meme over a year later and its my first meme

This thing is so fucking light and thin jesus i want prepared for this.

that's what your mom said
but not to me desu

Uh sorry to hear about your issue user

>people hate this being on the front

Looks cool desu senpai

Shit forgot pic I'm terrible on mobile

Fucking anything razer is bound to be mediocre and overpriced, its probably one of the most cancerous brands in all of the Information Technology world.

Cheaper than a Xps13 so how's that possible?

Because it's not a xps 13

Sexy af

What browser should i install? I feel like firefox is a sluggish shithole all the sudden.


But it's cheaper then the XPS 13... With a better configuration, what's your point?

Yeah its better and $100 cheaper with better specs.

You don't even get an i7 in an xps13 until you spend like twice as much as the base rbs.

4k monitor is beautiful also in this thing. Also surpised at how nice a touch screen made setting up windows.

Chrome obviously, upgrade to Linux too if you're a real man.

>What browser should i install

>just got my hipster laptop, might as well use a hipster browser

I'm not installing linux i have programming to do fool.

Hipster? I don't think you know what that means dude.


Excuse me. I meant MLG, which you obviously are upon further inspection.


Dude it has a intel 520 in it in going to mlg so hard amirite?

No I'm going to work with it.

No distortion on the speakers 100% on a YouTube video in impressed.

If anyone has a question I'll try to answer al though I've only had this thing on for like 20 minutes. TouchPad has been working great.

>No distortion on the speakers

>implying you know quality audio

I'm currently building a audio studio in my basement. Want pictures of that also? Full on soundproof room and a control room.

>not a ThinkPad

Lol 1080p is blurry af how does anyone watch it in 2016

>Want pictures of that also
yeah post it
i dig hifi

Which thinkpad ultrabook compares to the RBS again?

falling for the laptop meme

You can see the hat channel and starting of second layer of drywall here.

Here's the snake on the first layer of drywall. 2 layers of 5/8" total over top the hatchannel and isomax clips

Here's the wall plates

Honestly the chroma is way better than I even imagined this shit is cool as fuck I might even buy one for my desktop now.

Also first time using a touch screen with a laptop shit is so seemless at this size. Might be annoying with 15"+ laptops but small ultrabooks are right for it imo

>weeb shit

>He can't even distinguish the different types of moonspeak

I mean that's a good thing though that means I'm not completely gone yet

Gwyneth Paltrow's head

You're a little late crazy man

Man I wish I could afford one of these.

Just get a used thinkpad meme20

Don't let your dreams be dreams

Guys I don't even notice the freakin bezels btw

The screen is too bright and the bezels are black and on the same level (they aren't overtop like cheap laptops.

Actually really makes the screen pop out at you.

Where's the studio pics pls
All those Snake breakout XLR ports must be for something
is that a Seismic Audio board?
Pretty pricy man, show more

What I showed is
That's a good summary of where I'm at right now so far. The wall panels are from Redco same as the wire.

Using a sapphire pro40 interface with JBL308s once everything is set up for starters then upgrading as I go along.

So far on construction alone has been close to like 4k for like 250 sqft or some shit the isomax clips were $700 alone...

Godspeed user,