Sup Forums Humor Thread


This thread is cancer and you are cancer too. You are terrible person and you should feel bad.

Keep going, I'm getting closer


>falling for the watercooling meme

Gonna drop a ton of pics i never get to post

If I wanted humour I would ask your one rep max

>implying that laughter is not integral to a happy life

Doing rigid tubing, not even once senpai.


>Posting stuff from leddit

>going on leddit
otherwise you wouldn't have known mate

>binary blobs in action

Can somebody post that pic that shows major websites by visitors, that it was 100 websites 5-10 years ago and 4 websites now.

It has the only speedcubing community I can be bothered with, and it's good for when I'm bored and don't want to see something depressing, racist, when there aren't any interesting threads on Sup Forums.

What was the point of your post then?

>when there aren't any interesting threads on Sup Forums.

You could be creating something interesting so you could post something worth on Sup Forums instead of shitposting. You are part of the problem.

The difference from other boards and Sup Forums when it comes to the dancing meme pic:
>Sup Forums is uncontactable due to thinking that every form of communication is mehprivecy
>Sup Forums wouldn't have friends even if they didn't think that
>unlike every other board where they can deal with "normies" who aren't equally off the deep end into their hobby like they are there simply is no room for anyone besides the most equally extreme fuck and if he was found then he would be disowned for being too extreme
>Sup Forums doesn't know how to drive to get there
>if Sup Forums could drive then it would take another 30 minutes due to having to use paper maps and having to use pay landline phones to ask again
>Sup Forums would freak out at the sight of more than 4 people in one room
...But that's just the way I want it

Oh no, are you one of those liberal fruitcakes?



What book is this from?

>Sup Forums would freak out at the sight of more than 4 people in one room
If you have more than 3 people in a conspiracy, chances are one of them is a spy.


Bastardized paraphrasing of "The Moon's a Harsh Mistress".
I wasn't referencing the book at the time, so here's the correct quote:
>When the number is as high as four, chances are even that one is a spy.
Good book, it's about a revolt in a penal colony.

whats wrong with this one?

Microwave will interfere with the wi-fi.

Land of Lisp. It's quite good as an introduction to CL. Very lighthearted.

That goo shit is non-conductive.... right?

It looks like dyed water.
So no. Very conductive.

Awesome, thanks!

>le Sup Forums is le depressing
>shower me in le happy upboats


Kek'ed heartily

Penal as in penalty.

dumb tripfag cancer go back to plebbit

I kek'd


I hate to ask, but is there really somewhere they sell a trackpoint belt?


MS are doing a pretty good job themselves.

>3 days ago
>making the transition to a new case and mobo
>all the old parts are out, just need the CPU
>it's underneath my fuckhuge liquid cooler
>all screws come out fine except one
>mess with it for half an hour, no dice
>decide I'll cut the tubes off first
>cooling liquid bursts out the tube and all over the motherboard
>it's getting all over the couch
>front of my pants are drenched
>mfw the screw still never came undone


>everyone else is just like me

>implying linus didn't hire a rajeet to become the CEO to finish the job.
>kills the server and starts to offer linux support
>kills the desktop and offers bash support as an apology.
>the phone was dead before him

>implying android didn't kill windows phone

That was RMS.

microwave doesn't interfere if it's 5GHz but probably not

I like his portrayal of C#

You thought I was kidding


I didn't think you were kidding.
I just didn't care or even read all of your post. I got as far as watercooling and realised that you'd posted your Sup Forums shit on this board by mistake.


microwave is a faraday cage

>oh no the devices I put in the microwave won't be able to get a wifi signal from the router placed on top of it, whatever will i do

Microwaves are pretty shitty faraday cages. I put a wireless sensor in one to stop my baystation from getting a signal and it didn't work.
Nice trips genius.

I had a 480 that after certain unpopular driver update the fans stopped while i was rendering a school project


That's why AIO's are better.

>or rms.

That's also one shit ass cooler bro.

>le leddit

this is what happens when underages build computers but don't even know how a simple circuit works, let alone a fucking GPU

He might have used a for loop in the php or javascript code... But its still stupid af

Got good at what?

You think that's stupid? Check this out.

This is what happens when those same underages get hired as designers for a leading fashion/electronics company

0/10, but people will still bite.

If you bite too hard they usually close their thighs really hard around the side of your head though

>what is a keyboard?
Are these facebook kode kiddies actually serious?

sounds hot

My wet dreams about a curvy girl.

To be fair 99% of apple consumers never buy any of that shit. Including the iPad.

these were jokes you dips

Oh no is sadly not a joke...


extremely amusing

It's still utterly appalling industrial design to let form take precedence over function to that extent on anything which is supposed to serve a purpose.


>muh racism
You sound like a nigger.




your have a shit computer if that shows as a thumbnail user


he probably means that this picture has been posted so many times and it's so rage inducing everyone remembers it's layout and the megaman reaction pic in the down left corner

If your cheap-shit microwave has such shitty isolation that it interferes with wifi router, then you better start saving money for chemotherapy.

this isn't a YRYL thread you cockgobbler

yes, i mean "i recognize that thumbnail, no way i'm looking at that"

just seeing the thumbnail gets me triggered

After reading your post I think we should all start saving for chemotherapy t b h

Im upset now


I'd like to interject

>thinking a microwave can give you cancer under any circumstance


Mine interferes from all the way across the house. I dont plan on living long so i dont care.

fucking beta, would have just said fuck you to both of them and went to my own flat
and later just for payback buy sister new laptop then smash it


Some mad skills

nigga is better than me in gta v