Finally upgrade Nexus 5 from lollipop to marshmallow

>finally upgrade Nexus 5 from lollipop to marshmallow
>SoT drops from 4.5 hours to 2.5 hours


Throw the nexus 5 away...

>on Sup Forums
>cant diagnose and fix the issue himself

example no.923 why Sup Forums is the most tech illiterate board on Sup Forums

I fixed it by going back to 5.1

But why?

>using google play services
>expecting battery


One would assume the newer OS would be more efficient

It's not as if the Nexus 5 had good battery life to begin with. Tweaking your phone ever so much just to achieve battery gains that already come default with most other phones is a waste of time.

Posted from my Nexus 5 :')

Let me see what apps you use then, whether location services are on, how much of that time is used on wifi etc etc :')

Everyone knows the Nexus 5 has subpar battery life m8, your attempts at "proving" otherwise by deliberately limiting your phone just to achieve standard battery life is sad.

Main apps I usually use are snapchat, facebook messenger, chrome, clover, kik, and music player.

Also have a few less frequent apps like eBay and aliexpress and other shit.

My phone functions like a regular smartphone, what else could it be?

Also I rarely use Wi-Fi, my 4g is faster than most of the time.

Anyone got a redmi 3? What's your SoT like?

>snapchat, facebook messenger, chrome, clover, kik, and music player

Fucking normie, fuck off

Yes and yes


You forgot reeee

consume, spend money, Make America Great Again.

Maybe if I was American?

you are, one way or another.

Maybe you are a capitalist anyway ? Have you tried using greenify ? Works wonders for me.

>using the smiley with a apostrophe nose

More botnet, less battery.

Holy fuck that's a blurry picture...

OP can't do screenshots for shit.

>Nexus 5

Phone was pretty much always shit right from the start. Can't believe someone is actually still using one 22 years after its initial release.

That's how long ago 2013 was in technology years.

>22 years

>2013 was 9 days ago