>Sup Forums hates le gaymurz
>Sup Forums creates a minimum of five threads to discuss GPUs using game benchmarks
>Sup Forums hates le gaymurz
>Sup Forums creates a minimum of five threads to discuss GPUs using game benchmarks
>Sup Forums is one person
>Sup Forums is one person
END Yourself right now please.
Around the time a new GPU generation comes out, everyone shitposts about it for a week then goes back to pretending nobody here actually plays videogames that require a modern GPU.
>OP is one person
>OP is one person
Well, YEAH, and a faggot.
>haha video games, grow up!
check your privilege
>be a Sup Forumstard
>come to Sup Forums to discuss muh games
>get told by a weeb to fuck off
>go on a hobby website
>"these people with different interests need to leave"
dude.............. epic............
who is this semen demon
>Sup Forums hates le gaymurz
>Sup Forums posts 10 threads about gaymur GPUs (GeForce/Rx series), which are basically the Razer of GPUs
>never discusses proper Sup Forums GPUs like Quadro/FirePro
KEK. Closeted gaymurcucks
Who cares though. Gaymes are shit tier hobby and gaymers are amongst the most retarded communities around. Even weebs are better than those inbreeds fuckers, though not by much.
t. ex gaymer.
>go on a site
>there's a specific board for your hobby
>go to a different one to discuss it
yeah why are weebs on a technology board anyway
haha XD epic of u to say that
kekt hard :)
can confirm
tracer from overwatch
are you living behind a rock?
But they discuss technology, they just accompany it with weeb shit. Plus they stick to their threads, they don't make 10 different ones about the same shit, and don't cry when people tell them to go away.
Widowmaker from Overwatch
>>Sup Forums hates le gaymurz
Modern gaming is shit. The only gaming I've ever seen Sup Forums like is when talking about /vr/ games.
nah it's not tracer mate
got it right
>The only gaming I've ever seen Sup Forums like is when talking about /vr/ games.
no that's still the Sup Forums diaspora treating Sup Forums like Sup Forums's watercooler
Who the fuck do you think is making those threads, faggot?
>he missed the joke
Sup Forums doesn't play anything made before 2000 unless it's super popular like final fantasy or Doom. /vr/ is far better than Sup Forums despite Sup Forums shitting it up this year.
>OP creates a thread
>OP is a faggot
please explain the joke brodude