Is the AMD Phenom X2 B59 3.4 ghz worth while for a budget gaming pc these days, alot of the stuff i see on it is outdated
Budget gaming processor
>Sup Forums is NOT your consumer review site
It's worthless as a dual core. You can unlock them to a full quad core, but there's no guarantee that the disabled cores will actually work or be stable.
A quad core Phenom II is still a decent enough gaymen chip for most purposes and a hex core Phenom II will run just about anything fine. I've been using a 1090T whilst between CPUs and have been very impressed with it. There are only a few gaymes where it can't deliver 60fps.
Buy a a10 7890k faggot. Cpu plus gpu. Plays shit decent in 1080p
just wait for zen
No such thing. You'll be upgrading the GPU far more often since games are not CPU bound. Get an i5 k series and a mid range gpu
When you have enough money upgrade the GPU
Doing the opposite is a mistake since more often than not you need to upgrade the motherboard to upgrade the CPU and that's basically an entire new computer
But for a one and done console replacement ID go with the 6300 paired with a 380
I was able to play MGSV downsampled with an 1100t comfortably enough, CPU bottlenecking vidya-wise really only hits noticible walls when you're emulating and/or going overboard on certain settings, and if you're budget-minded as it is, you're not gonna be doing that
Get an X4 though, 2 cores won't be enough, and not every mobo or CPU is created equal when it comes to successful unlocking
You guys say "budget build" but never specify what the budget is. Get an APU for the best value under $450.
Okay as this thread is here, and I'm not as much of an asshole as OP to make my own consumer service thread.
what is good CPU/Mobo for 200bux? I have all other parts, my 2600k's memory controller died.
>games are not CPU bound
This is a dumb generalisation. Lots of games are CPU-bound when you're not using the latest high end Intel CPU. A lot of AAA shitbusters like GTA V require a monster CPU when maxed out. Far Cry 4 sees massive gains even going from a 4790K to a 6700K, let alone anything below that. Strategy games like Total War are also massively reliant on CPU power.
There are some that are CPU-bound even WITH the latest and greatest. A 4790K at 4.6GHz won't net you a locked 60fps in WoW for example. I had one, along with a 980 Ti, and still dropped to ~50fps in Ashran.
Once you get down into AMD chips, many things will be limited by the CPU. Even a relatively average-looking game like Dark Souls III drops down to the mid-40s in certain areas with the 1090T at 4GHz that I'm currently using (a chip which is every bit as good as the 6300 you recommended clock for clock). Yet in other games like Dragon Age: Inquisition that use all six cores better, it doesn't restrict my GPU at all.
It varies from game to game and often even from location to location within a game.
What I mostly meant is that, with a good CPU, none are. That if you invest in a CPU the only bottleneck will be the GPU which is easier to upgrade and will be upgraded more frequently as it is.
Building a machine with multiple bottlenecks is not a good idea
No. Go build used 775 quad xeon build with HD7850/7970 for $300-400.
Read the sticky
Used market has fallen to shit thanks to Linus fuck tips.
Get an a8 7650k with 8gb 2133mhz ddr3
Get a fx-8350. Its somewhat cheap and powerful with 8 cores.
Or for really budget friendly with future upgrade get a intel g3258 and overclock that muhfug!
>mostly meant
>with a good CPU, none are
Jesus christ do you have a degree in vagueness?
>if you invest in a CPU the only bottleneck will be the GPU
Well of course, unless you include other components. I can't even come up with an analogy that shows how ridiculous what you said is more than what you actually said.
>Building a machine with multiple bottlenecks is not a good idea
And why not? It's called a bottleneck because it is a single component that limits the total performance. If it's multiple bottlenecks, they're not bottlenecks. A machine where everything is a bottleneck doesn't have a bottleneck, it's just a slower machine. Ideally the machine would be infinitely fast, but given that we have limitations it's best if those limitations are spread out evenly.
Fx 8300 or i3 6100.
Yeah, I went from 25 fps to 55 fps after upgrading my mobo and cpu, supposedly faster ddr4 has something to do with that as well.
Meant to say in certain areas of fallout 4.
Best budget gaming rig, if you're competent, would be an LGA1156 overclockable board running an i5-760 @ 3.9 GHz+. It requires knowledge of how to BCLK overclock which hasn't been possible since Sandy Bridge was released, but it'll perform great.