How do you deal with dust collection?

How do you deal with dust collection?

Use a vacuum cleaner and a wet rag to clean my shit twice a week.

hepa industrial grade air filtration system+ positive air pressure

get good fag

I dream about having a flat one that that will have all windows and doors sealed and have special filtrated, air conditioned intake from the outside. It will be heaven with my allergy.

>eventually your immune system dies and you can never live outside because of the bubble you created

By farting in my pc every day

>Sup Forums
>Live outside

Since they introduced ability to order shopping home from local Tesco in my country I literally never go outside besides trip to and from work.

Tesco deliveries are like a disease, if a van turns up in one area, soon it's there almost every day delivering to everyone.
I say 'like' a disease because the service is great.

Yup, I only buy bread from bakery on way home. Everything else comes in this big blue son of a bitch. It's glorious.

>buying bread

I have a vacuum cleaner and a wife to operate it

Also dust filters

I don't collect dust.

>Not eating des bonnes baguettes

Order boxes of stuff to your door (like pizza) every now and then and you'll be good.

i use my toothbrush

> Des Bonnes Baguettes
fucking whitebread trash

They can be made with whole bread bruh.

I let it be. A lot of it is my own dead skin cells, so I see it as marking my territory.

allergies dont work that way, faggit

I use a rag and a vacuum cleaner every other day..

I fucking clean it off like any other normal human.

Wtf, are you too beta to use common sense?

but cardboard boxes make dust