Speccy thread
Speccy thread
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Only post if your rig is better than the previous edition
early today
Better in what way? More process power, disk IOPS, GPU power, RAM speed, etc.
overall rating
should i dig out an old toshiba to one up you?
>inb4 1080p
How do I pull up that window?
Hi, you need to download Speccy
After you run the installer, it will ask if you would like to run Speccy. When you say yes and hit finish it will open.
Hope this helps!
dumb tripfag cancer
Microsoft is part of NSA's mass surveillance program "PRISM":
Microsoft informs the NSA about bugs before fixing them:
Microsoft openly offeres cloud data to support PRISM:
Microsoft has backdoored its disk encryption:
Windows snoops on the users' files, text input, voice input,
location, contacts, calendar records and web browsing history,
even after related settings are turned off:
Micrcrosoft automatically downloads Windows 10 on PCs running
Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 (between 3.5GB and 6GB), even if
users have not opted-in:
Windows 10 scans for illegal/pirated software:
Microsoft proudly presents surveillance statistics:
> Over 82 billion photos viewed.
> Gamers spent over 4 billion hours playing PC games.
> 44.5 billion minutes/month spent in Microsoft Edge.
> Over 2.5 billion questions asked of Cortana since launch.
> Windows 10 now active on over 200 million devices.
I love my M.2 x4 nvme MeMe drive!
>love my M.2 x4 nvme MeMe
Every day until new computer
>until new computer
ETA senpai?
I'll start making plans when I have a budget, which could be anywhere from 4 to 8 months
>not using Windows 10
w h y
It has fake Win7 and I never got the upgrade thingy, and since my main computer dying before I upgraded and it won't be ready before it stops being free, that one doesn't have 10 either and I'll end up pirating whatever I can
Dood how are you feeling about this computer? I was thinking about going with a 6600, r9 380 and 8gb RAM too.
I'll maybe end up dropping to a 6500 though.
Go 6500. 6600 is literally just a meme
Was it really worth paying 200ish dollars though?
>no dual socket friends ITT
plebs, all of you
I'm a poorfag
whats your userbenchmark?
haven't seen too many with a nvme m.2 ssd
it didn't improve my boot time from my previous ssd, transfer files at lightspeed but really, unless you can utilize the speeds it's a meme
>I still like it
looks like someone fall for the meme
idk why my CPU is so hot?
its an Alienware Alpha.
>it didn't improve my boot time from my previous ssd
thats because your motherboard has to go through extra steps in the POST process in order to initialize a PCI-E SSD as the boot drive, this adds time to the boot sequence before the NvMe drive even comes into play and is able to speed things up, it can't do anything until the motherboard lets it, and sadly it's the motherboard POST process that is the bottleneck here, not the SSD.
well its a small form factor PC, and I doubt dell used a liquid cooler so its probably using some tiny ass heatsink and a laptop fan or two.
As long as it doesnt get over ~75C under load.
I guess I'll have to check but I bet it prolly does go over that
super old, haven't upgraded because lazy. going to build a new one when Pascal drops.
Well if it does, i'd message dell as that seems pretty shit and probably means they installed the heatsink incorrectly, or it's come loose somehow.
The i5-4130t isn't really supposed to go over ~72C at max.
Good enough to shitpost
Microsoft is part of NSA's mass surveillance program "PRISM":
Microsoft informs the NSA about bugs before fixing them:
Microsoft openly offeres cloud data to support PRISM:
Microsoft has backdoored its disk encryption:
Windows snoops on the users' files, text input, voice input,
location, contacts, calendar records and web browsing history,
even after related settings are turned off:
Micrcrosoft automatically downloads Windows 10 on PCs running
Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 (between 3.5GB and 6GB), even if
users have not opted-in:
Windows 10 scans for illegal/pirated software:
Microsoft proudly presents surveillance statistics:
> Over 82 billion photos viewed.
> Gamers spent over 4 billion hours playing PC games.
> 44.5 billion minutes/month spent in Microsoft Edge.
> Over 2.5 billion questions asked of Cortana since launch.
> Windows 10 now active on over 200 million devices.
Anybody impressed with how cool skylake runs?
I have the i3-4130t and I booted up ESO for a bit and it got as high as 69c. So I guess it looks fine but I'm willing to bet it could easily go 3 more up to 72c. Idk but thanks for the info
>caring about idle temps
Seriously though, even with a super solid amazing water cooling loop, you can idle at whatever you want if you'd rather your fans not spin up.
All that really matters is temp under load.
17 C is colder than the air in your room, I call bs
I had just finished a 2 hour session of GTAV with iGPU (waitfag). CPU usage doesn't go beyond 20%.
Obvious bait, I have a 5820k that would spank your little quad core i7.
I highly doubt it. In terms of pure cpu power (i.e. no bottleneck by ram bandwidth), the higher IPC and overclocking potential on this thing would blow your older technology away.
Sure you have 2 more cores but for most things it's less powerful.
it's 5-10% better IPC and the 5820k can easily OC to 4.3Ghz+ on air cooling, and over 4.5Ghz with a decent water setup.
It is VERY underclocked at 3.3Ghz (Stock). once it's OC'd a bit, it would match your i7 within 5-10% single core performance, while having 2 more cores, 4 more threads, and double the L3 cache.
Oh, it also has quad channel memory so I get massive 52GB/s memory bandwidth which your platform can never even approach in performance due to the fact you're only using dual channel memory.
What about posting some actual benchmarks? No use in bandwidth if you can't use it for your advantage in 99% of applications.
4.8Ghz on the 6700k is more than doable on air. I wouldn't doubt that it can push anywhere between 4.9-5.2Ghz on solid water cooling. Who would have thought a mere 8nm difference could make heat management such a moot issue?
Good thermal management. Any temp below 50C is just unnecessary noise.
>I wouldn't doubt that it can push anywhere between 4.9-5.2Ghz on solid water cooling.
Anandtech official testing couldn't break 4.8Ghz with a water cooling unit.
It's obviously like every other CPU in existence, it all depends on the Silicon lottery, dont cherry pick a single OC that happened to hit stupid high results when we know for a fact MOST CPUs will never OC that well.
Skylake is fine, but to try and think your 6700k is noticeably better in anything but a synthetic benchmark against my 5820k is laughable, you will have 5-10% IPC improvement, and that's basically it. And 5-10% isn't going to be noticeable outside benchmarks.
What will be noticeable however is encoding or rendering, why my 2 extra cores, 4 extra threads, and extra Cache will help me not only match the performance like in gaming, but destroy it by a solid ~30%.
After couple of years heating, you'r TIM'd heatspreader will raise temperatures nicely.
Look at this idiot, he bought into hugely overpriced platform and cpu. I got 2500k for less than two hundred in 2011 and it overclocks at least as good as Haswell-E (which at least has soldered IHS), IPC difference is neglible.
Feel free to skim over 700 pages and tell me it's only a single OC I'm cherry picking. 4.7-4.8Ghz is standard 6700k OC territory.
>Anandtech official testing couldn't break 4.8Ghz with a water cooling unit.
Clearly it was a shit unit/or they're doing it wrong.
>What will be noticeable however is encoding or rendering, why my 2 extra cores, 4 extra threads, and extra Cache will help me not only match the performance like in gaming, but destroy it by a solid ~30%.
Again no proof. Post some benchmarks if you're so sure of yourself.
A generational 5-10% IPC improvement on top of a 10% overclock is enough to best your CPU in most cases, as will stock speeds.
Old as shit CPU, but still does the job.
Planning on putting a hex-core Xeon in this thing, for my socket they're about $60 on Ebay and run cooler under load with a lower TDP.
I have the same exact CPU myself.
I have it overclocked to 3.20 at the moment, but it throws the temps up 10 degrees at least.
rule number 2
which is louder, your fans trying desperately to cool those dinosaurs that you call processors, or the powermeter whirring accoring to your cpu utilization?
Node 2.0
Literally a higher binned FX-8350 for $80 more
I got it used for 140 on ebay, so I'm happy with it.
>those cards
>that screen
my niggers.
help me
dumb tripfag cancer
Let me guess, SATAfag?
>No HDDs because in a small form factor pc
How many meme's did I fall for?
the fans are actually pretty quiet, most of the time it's drawing 200-300w
you are fat
actually not embarrassed by these specs
And your a fag, shit happens.
the thing is, you're actually fat
he's not a fag
it's not just name calling, you know you're fat and that's all that matters
he knows he's not a fag and that you have no ammo
please abandon the thread
Being fat isn't even a big deal and trust me this other guy is definitely a fag. He spends his time insulting people online to no effect.
If I had to build a PC for someone. Those would be it's exact specs. Maybe a different GPU. But that's pretty ideal.
>Being fat isn't even a big deal
come on mate, that's just denial.
I'm not even part of this insult train, but i've gotta say being fat 100% is a big deal, it's one of the few things everyone more or less has an ability to influence. You might be weak willed and unable to sustain a diet/exercise plan, but that's your own damn fault.
Not to mention obesity is tied to SO many different types of organ failure and overall adds extra stress to your body. If you are healthy and fat at 35, you can be pretty sure you will be dead or dying before the age of 65.
Neither is being a fag. You spend your time insulting people online to no effect when the insults aren't even true. He got you, go sit in a corner.
What should I upgrade first?
That's a pretty cute rig. I like it.
pretty close
WTF does the "P" mean on the CPU?
I know:
K = overclockable
T = AiO under voltaged
U = ultra low voltage mobile
M = mobile
HQ = not-shitty mobile
What else am I missing?
I doesn't have iGPU and thus has lower TDP.
It was a SKU that had a defect on the iGPU part of the die, so they disabled the iGPU and sold it anyway as a P part meaning no graphics so you had to use a dGPU.
I need bigger SSD
>wanting to live past 65
Just built today
>It's a "You can't have AMD and Nvidia cards running on the same system" edition
>not wanting to live long enough for cellular regeneration.
Okay senpai, i'll enjoy my VR waifu for the next century while you die in your own filth in the next 3 decades.
To each his own, imo