Is it true that STEM majors tend to be more conservative in their political beliefs?

Is it true that STEM majors tend to be more conservative in their political beliefs?

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In my experience while having pre-class discussions in a tech course, everyone hates Hillary so I guess so, yes.

STEM majors are generally speaking intelligent, so no.

Someone's fedora is on a little too tight.

I would expect not. Too many of the conservative view points are based around religion and morality and not facts, which I would expect STEM students to gravitate toward.

Engineering and economics is the most conservative followed by the hard sciences, the soft sciences are more centre to centre left, social sciences are the furthest left, then the rest of the undergrad majors (not including law/medicine etc.) are mostly centre left

[citation to follow, I have the graph from the study saved, but it will take a while to dig up]

>Too many of the conservative view points are based around religion and morality and not facts
That's a BELIEF thats held by leftists and it's not true for the most part. In fact the left has for more irrational anti-science beliefs associated with it such as anti-vaccers, anti-GMO, hippies and appeals to nature etc.

>Too many of the conservative view points are based around religion and morality and not facts

The other option has my property tax double.

Too wide of field to really say. Some of us are designing things to murder people on mass and spy on our own country. Others are trying to cure cancer. While you could argue that people will do anything for money, given availability of jobs most people will find something that is tolerant of their political beliefs.

While in college, no, they're like every other normiefag that succumbs to popular opinion and peer pressure (Bernie is the hot American candidate to support this cycle).

But when they graduate and start making buttloads more money than their liberal arts degree major counterparts, they begin to realize what it's like to actually work for what you own and what it's like for the have-nots who made stupid life decisions cry "NOT FAIR!"

I would say that they tend more towards the center of the American political spectrum, which combined with the increasing leftward drift of liberals who are more likely to be their peers (due to also being college educated) this makes STEM majors look conservative when they are not.


Nope, it's why I'm a leftist and not a rightist and why you're an autist.

If we're talking economics, I think that's likely just personal perspective, likely dependant upon the circumstance of their birth and upbringing, i.e. Rich people will favor policies that favor the rich, etc.

If we're talking social policies, I'd say stem majors lean left 9/10 times.


Better than nothing I guess.

While I myself am not, most people in my classes are. But I think that has more to do with the socio-economic background most of them come from than the fact that they're STEM majors. In the same way that people who would smoke pot are more likely to do other drugs rather than pot being a gateway drug.

Even people on the left often hate Hilary, so that isn't saying much.


Why else do you think Sup Forums, one of the most reactionary sites on the internet, has a throbbing hard-on for The Adolf?

I sometimes forget that Americans value social policies more than economic.

I don't like left vs right labels for social policies because anyone moderately intelligent has more complex ideals than those stupid boxes that idiots on political forums argue over. I don't think anyone here is one of those people that bases their ideals on what the "left" or "right" political party of the day says.

I'm a PhD candidate for chemical engineering. I'm an economically right atheist who supports gay rights, health care etc., but I'm also strongly nationalist and anti-illegal-immigration.

I know it's old, but I haven't found a new study yet with a good sampling size so yeah literally "better than nothing". The study is very well done.

>dat capitalized i as symbol for one

Agreed, things are a bit more complex than left or right. I consider myself a gun-toting liberal. I support entitlement programs and gay rights and gender equality, but I also believe you should be able to concealed carry without a permit, as long as you're passing those background checks when you purchase.

What is "gay rights/equality"?
They want exceptions to the rule, not equality. I am subject to the same laws they are. By definition, that is equal.

They are not subject to the same laws as you are, Satan, because they were forbidden from marrying. Marrying carries legal benefits, therefore anyone should be allowed to marry anyone else who is willing under the law. Either that or get rid of the legal benefits to marriage, but that would never happen.

"They are not subject to the same laws as you are".

>As a male I cannot marry another male
>As a male they cannot marry another male
>not subject to the same laws


Political discussion belongs on

Even I agreed with gay marriage, I wouldn't be using the word "equality", because that is just incorrect.

I wouldn't have a problem with civil unions between homos in the states voted to that conclusion. Marriage is explicitly Christian, and is thus on par with "you better bake my gay cake you Christian bigot".

>Too many of the conservative view points are based around religion and morality and not facts
>which I would expect STEM

this is what puts the "liberal" in "liberal arts"

Cute, but obviously married couples are not one person. A male-female couple is allowed to be married under the law and get all the rights and responsibilities that go with this, but a male-male or female-female couple are not allowed these rights and responsibilities.

Marriage is not explicitly Christian because many religions have the concept of marriage. It would be better to say that marriage is explicitly religious, in which case the government should not confer any benefits to married couples. But, as I said, this will never happen so the government has made its definition of marriage and now it must deal with the consequences of it.

I typed my responses on a computer.


>If we're talking social policies, I'd say stem majors lean left 9/10 times.
which also aligns with Libertarianism, an extreme form of conservatism

your move twink


Why would somebody in the tech industry be against H1-B... I wonder... let me check my bi-weekly salaried paycheck.

>Salary: $3,554.46 every two weeks
>contribute to 401K, health insurance, dental, Flex account
>and here come the taxes
>$508.82 in federal taxes
>$209.15 towards social security
>$48.91 towards medicare
>$108.05 in state tax
>leaving me with $2679.53 - before retirement account contribution, health savings account contribution, dental or medical insurance deductions
>this number will become worse throughout the year as I hit the next tax bracket

I work my ass off for my money. Meanwhile dems want to
>raise my taxes to pay for people that don't want to work
>promote H1-B visas that depress the price of labor in the united states and make Americans non-competitive for jobs

It's no wonder a lot of STEM majors lean conservative.

Conservative isn't being against immigration. Most of the Republican party is pro-immigration. Paul Ryan just passed a massive immigration package. You're confusing "conservative" and "nationalist".

I have never met a single well-educated conservative who graduated from a private school without his father's money. They are all coddled, spoiled, and almost intentionally stupid individuals who can't even understand the classical sciences and philosophies of their more liberal peers. They are uncultured, boorish, and filled with unreasonable contempt towards their non-white colleagues, often driven by biases stemming from a lack of exposure to other cultures, races, and societies that isn't the white boy's polo club.

Truly intelligent and humanistic people in the STEM field vote liberal and shun their conservative, privileged bosses. We yearn for the day when merit alone gets you promoted in the engineering world, not whose balls you oozed out of into some blonde bimbo bitch, who birthed you 9 months after a chronic alcohol binge.

>supporting Trump unironically
You are the cancer killing Sup Forums, and all of Sup Forums. Even Sup Forums is better than your ilk.

"Marriage is not explicitly Christian" - in the west it is. And I feel confident in saying any other religion that uses the concept of marriage is not pro-gay.
Government supported marriage because the male/female version was obviously very beneficial to society. Gay marriage has historical precedent as to whether it is beneficial, or not. Pure speculation.

Nice strawman you projecting faggot

>>this number will become worse throughout the year as I hit the next tax bracket

That is not how tax brackets work. Only the money made that falls in that bracket (i.e. 75k-100k) gets taxed at the higher rate. Everything lower or higher gets taxed at the lower or higher rate, so you could be making a million dollars a year but your first 10K is still taxed at only 10%.

>not understanding the tax code as it applies to you


*has no historical precedent*

In my engineering class most were libertarian or at least libertarianish conservatives, with some occasional liberals. There really wasn't a single social conservative, it was all economic conservatism.

Holy shit, did you take debate lessons from the Trumpet himself? This is excellent self-satire.

Have you seriosuly never heard of ancient Rome or Greece? They were hilariously gay.

Pro-immigration under legal pretenses and allowing a mass flood of nonsensical legal and illegal immigration like the dems want are two different things. And within the parties legal immigration stances are not consistent. Rubio wanted 3x H1-B visas, Cruz wanted 5x the number. Hillary is flip-flopping, both Trump and Sanders want to deter abuse by raising the minimum salary for an H1-B worker well above $60,000.

I understand how tax brackets work, what I mean is that throughout the year, more and more will get taken out of my biweekly paychecks. Every time I hit a new bracket they take more out.

This is compounded by the fact that I am a software consultant and that really fucks with my tax situation (not currently but it will).
>every quarter they will check to see if I have worked in a given US state for more than 30 days; if so, they will withhold state income tax from my paycheck
>this means my paycheck is smaller and I am paying for taxes in multiple states
>to make up for this, they run a "what-if" scenario; what if I only paid tax in one state, vs. the multiple; difference is given to me on my next paycheck
>except this additional income is taxable income subject to state and federal taxes, so they have to inflate it
>end result is I don't end up with any extra money in the bank, just more money "given" to me on paper
I will definitely break the 28% bracket this year for single filers because of this bullshit. And now I am going to have to file tax returns in 3 or more states at the end of the year.

>replying to bait

This thread is the exact reason why we need to get rid of the old boy's club in STEM. You can almost taste their salt and paranoia from here.
Michael Moore said it best, you are all like dinosaurs right at the brink of extinction: confused, angry, and looking for victims to lash out on.
Your dying. Good. The rest of the world will carry on better without you.

>raise my taxes to pay for people that don't want to work

>implying it was bait
>implying it wasn't a liberal who hasn't fucked off yet

> Roman law did not recognize marriage between males

read your own link faggot

>this thread

Don't all you libshits believe the world is overpopulated?

>i make the argument that I don't like paying for people who don't want to work
>you change that into vulnerable/disabled people (who can't work)
Two different points.

People who are permanently disabled need a safety net, but current welfare programs go well beyond that.

Alt-right isn't exclusively Sup Forums. Anyone who has non mainstream opinions but still align with the Republican party is alt-right. Anyone can be alt-right.

thanks for paying for my steam library, wagecuck.


Alt-right aren't fedora tippers, that's more of Bernie's crowd.

>Libertarianism in the United States has been described as conservative on economic issues and liberal on personal freedom[28]

How retarded can you get

The permanently disabled often contribute more to society than the average Sup Forumstard, racist, in-bred redneck stereotype to whom the act of engaging in incestuous relationships is a family-honored tradition and a cultural normality.
I would rather trade five blind-deaf-mute quadruple amputees for a single redneck welfare hound, because at least the helpless deaf-mutes are still capable of rational thought.

You're a nigger tyrone. Trump is taking away your welfare.

B8 of the fucking century

By go "well beyond that" I really meant that there are people who either have disabilities (welfare kings/queens). People who are permanently disabled don't draw off benefits because they want to because they have to.

And I don't like stormfags and racism and such either, but that's not really related to my earlier remarks. Nothing I said earlier implied that I did.

>Alt-right aren't fedora tippers