What's something better/ more worth the investment...

indiegogo.com/projects/brushknob-be-intuitive-with-your-digital-painting#/ What's something better/ more worth the investment? I've read around that the old Griffin Powermate doesn't work super well anymore, and the bluetooth one is only for Mac.

Other urls found in this thread:


>What's something better/ more worth the investment?
On the top of my head:
-Rare metals
-Real state
-Short selling
-Even kike banks

>$28 dollars for a potentiometer

A Teensy, potentiometer, and push button would cost like $15.

Nothing a midi remapper can't do.
For free.

Cool thanks, I think I'd rather make something more featured. Friend's probably got something lying around.

I work with music, but I would imagine a Behringer BCR2000 with the MIDI CC mapped to keyboard shortcuts would work a treat in Photoshop.

neat but it's 30 bucks for something that doesn't do much. I suggest you get something like the Contour ShuttleXpress or Shuttle Pro. The former is priced at around 40 dollars or less when it's on sale. The problem is that they haven't shipped out stock in the past few weeks. You can find it on ebay for less than 40 used. What this device does is far more than what this little knob can do. It's got essentially two tactile knobs and 5 buttons. Not only that but it's ergonomic and the software is so powerful you can pretty much use it on ANY program and with so much customization that this brush knob you linked pales in comparison.

Thanks for the suggestions, tons of shortcut options would be great but definitely portability is a huge plus for me when it comes to one of these. Also ...dials, I guess. They make digital art just a bit more satisfying to plug away at.

you are going to support that only because he is japanese, you fucking weeaboo piece of shit

If you really want one of these, wait until they are mass produced and the factory that makes them sells them at over half off once the contract ends.

I ain't supported shit, boo! I am pretty much a fucking weeaboo though

Yeah the thought that kickstarter might have a follow-up too even came to mind. Even though it was 26, shipping outside the US is a bitch.

If portability was a factor you'd use [ ]

Having a cable stick out of your pc with a knob isn't exactly that portable unless you get a tiny cable. Soon enough you're going to run into a wall because you'll want more functionality as you progress. A single knob isn't going to do it specially if you can't remap it to anything because hurr durr "no software is better".
Asides from the ShuttleXpress there are more expensive options like Palette which just shipped out to major retail stores. It's expensive but it's portable and expandable but i'd highly suggest getting the shuttle express as it offers the functionality of their starter kit and more for much less while still being more portable
and more important: Ergonomic. Anyways it's difficult to find good options as there isn't much demand for something like this even though many artists have face the same problem. A keyboard just doesn't do it these days and it's not just about tactile feedback, it's over all faster to use devices like this to produce art.
If you're still just looking for a knob get the Griffin Technology Powermate USB controller, literally just a knob with a button in a compact form but more than that, it's got software to customize it.

Awesome, the palette is cool but way too expensive. Will check out the ShuttleXpress or figure out the issue with Griffin.

>it sends keyboard strokes
so the control won't be smooth as you'd expect from a dial. what's the fucking point?

>midi remapper
can you elaborate? I know nothing about "midi"

>Behringer BCR2000
>$300 USD

get something cheap like the Samson Graphite MD13 for 40 dollars then get a program that translates midi to keystrokes such as midiStroke or Bome midi translator classic.

but those have dials with a hard stop, right? goes from 0 to 1 (0 to 100) and stops. but the application won't know the location of the dial, right? so if the dial is at 100, and I start photoshop, and the brush size default is 30, and I want to increase the size, I can't.

Know any good (cheap) midi controllers with dials that have no hard stops?


i can get a midi controller with more knobs and shit for less

Get whatever arduino clone you want and a push button encoder or 10.

I made a volume knob and it works great.
