I'll just leave this here
I'll just leave this here
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and your point?
what about php?
>uses a few year old graph
you can do better user.
i never hear anyone talk about RoR. is it even used?
here you go user
Would be more useful tip segment these by job caliber (Google employee vs. Random startup slave position 32)
>Visual Basic
There are people who get paid to use Visual Basic?
I knew it. Perl sucks
Is there one for new projects vs. migrated projects?
>"Look, I can code my entire website in .css!" hipsters made it into the graph in 2013
There were tons of business productivity apps written in the 90s and early 2000s in VB.
The lack of automated testing acumin in the VB world at the time means that a rewrite in c# is often too perilous or expensive to attempt.
vb isnt that what access used?
I see the chart, but what is the best programming language to learn?
Depends on what you want to accomplish.
As long as you keep an open mind then anything is better than nothing.
They're literally all the same. Declare variables, if statements, loops, objects, classes. You could fucking translate a program written in one language into another with regular expressions.
why so many languages if in essence they are all the same?
Except java user, that's some alien shit there.
Because they often perpetuate or describe a particular style of programming.
Because they are available (or not) in different domains.
Because personal preference for syntax.
Because they are only "all the same" at the level of someone who asks "what language do I learn?"
There is specialization but that is irrelevant to a newbie.
>You could fucking translate a program written in one language into another with regular expressions.
Interesting then how machine translation of one coding language into another is frequently error-prone.
You mean JavaScript.
Java is merely a retarded version of better languages. JavaScript is the weird alien beast that should not be. An amalgamation that thrives and dominates through horrendous absorption of aspects of other languages.
It's the English of programming.
No Coldfusion, wth man?
Yeah I don't know that much about coding. Consider what I said a figure of speech.
Javascript is a virus. kill it before it spreads.
Regular expressions are not even powerful enough to parse HTML, let alone a real programming language.
Not talking about parsing, but translating.
>no any other statistical property such as standard deviation
into the trash it goes
PHP really doesn't give a fuck.
Where the fuck are functionnal languages?
Foken sad
Lmfao this graph is complete shit. Ruby, Objective C, and Python do not pay that well.
This graph is making the crazy assumption that the COL (cost of living) is the same in places like the Bay Area & SF as they are in Orange County. Most of those Ruby, Obj. C, and Python jobs will be found in SF with ridiculously high pay... to offset your ridiculously high COL. Java positions can be found anywhere, thus a significantly lower COL and a slightly lower pay.
>People writing Ruby sites think they're making bank compared to people writing enterprise applications in Java & C++
Being used exclusively by NEETs and bored PhDs
How can you translate without parsing? Again, you don't know how languages work.
You are wrong, you smug twat. en.wikipedia.org
Starting position: Wall with pre-made holes for the nail holders and a children's plastic preassembled shelf in flashy colors.
Planning: Googling "how to assemble a shelf"
Development: Someone digging their nose.
Testing: Some guy running into a door
End results: A message box saying "Hello world!"