Thread about Computer Engineering since I'm guessing that some here are becoming, or already are Computer Engineers.
One question, what should I know going into computer engineering as my major so I don't look like an idiot?
Computer Engineering
>starts a shitty question thread under the disguise of being a discussion
fuck off
It is a discussion, but I also had a question you cuck.
So discuss your shitty question in the stupid questions thread
Putting the last touches on my master's degree right now and could have my master's papers at hand by the end of the month.
So how was it now that I'm really at the end of the ride so to speak? Got to work with loads of fun and interesting stuff, plenty of choice when it comes to what I wanted to specialize in (wrote my master's on GPGPU compute using multiple GPUs). Seeing how I live in one of those countries Bernie Sanders wants to make murrica more like it barely cost me anything (roughly $100/year in student union fees) and I actually got most of my expenses paid by the state while doing it.
If you're into mucking about with hardware on a low level (including actually building it from scratch), like programming (even on a low level) and don't mind a lot of the same maths as CS people have to take, then go for it. Not only will you be able to do just all of the jobs CS people can do, there's plenty of low level stuff they're not that adept at doing on account of CS actually being an applied maths degree.
Just trying to give computer engineers a place to discuss whatever they want.
I can understand why an idiot like yourself wouldn't fit in.
That's cool, I hope that it is just as fun for me, as it was for you. Thanks.
You should take this to reddit, summer friend.
>One question, what should I know going into computer engineering as my major so I don't look like an idiot?
If your program is anything like mine the only things that you really need to know is HS level optional math. Basic programming will allow you to get a head a tad during the first semester, but it's not actually mandatory.
If it's like my program, you'll probably be surprised how much math there is during the first two years of studies.
It's called being a code monkey, not a computer engineer
You're probably thinking about Software Engineering there...
Computer Engineering is basically like Computer Science, except with some of the more theoretical math replaced with courses in hardware and programming.
>what should I know going into computer engineering as my major so I don't look like an idiot?
I'm in 3rd year CE right now.
You should know that you're an idiot for picking this program.
I went into this program without knowing how to program or a solid foundation in math. Just go in and prepare for the worst 4 or 5 years of your life.
But if I have both of those, will I be fine?
If I made it to third year without the essentials, you can probably make it with the essentials. Just be prepared to spend 20+ hours a week in labs, working with hardware and software from the late 90s.
>hardware and software from late 90's
that sounds fun as fuck to me desu
The late 90s software my school uses is extremely buggy. about 80% of the buttons on the fpga boards in my class are broken.
I am a Computer Engineer at a top 5 Uni in the US. If you are interested at all in how a computer operates both a high level and low level, then I would say go for it. In the past few semesters I have:
- Designed and built from the ground up an operating system based on the Linux 2.6 kernel in C (with a group of 3)
-Designed and implemented (in SystemVerilog) a true processor with pipelining, a tournament branch predictor (with a BTB), caching (L1, L2, VCs) (I could of also done Tomasulo, but screw that)
- Used a Fab Lab to produce my own silicon wafer (with MOSFETs, BJTs, ect) (got to use extremely dangerous chemicals and wear a bunny suit as a bonus)
- Implemented a Scheme language interpreter in Haskell
- Took a high level Machine Learning course, went over EM/CNNs/SVMs/kNN/ect (went into great detail the mathematical reasoning behind each, which I really like), and used them to implement various image/text/data classification algorithms in R/Python
I could go on, but I really have enjoyed so far the scope of a CE degree (at least at this institution). If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
may I ask what school
Sure, I go to U of I. It's not the best school in the entire world, but both the ECE department and the CS department are rated pretty highly, so I get to choose from a lot of interesting classes with good professors.
I've known quite a few people who've went there (and do) and it is a very good school with regards to anything mathematics or computational.
Good thing I'm going to a college that's known for its computer engineering classes.
Sounds like right up my alley, now did you learn all the computer terminology in the class, or out of the class? Also, should I try to teach myself some coding, starting HTML and up?
Sounds like your school has a shifty CE program
I came in with zero knowledge (I assembled a few computers from parts in the past and did a small amount of C++, but beyond that nothing).
Again I don't know about how other schools programs operate, but here a lot of the burden of learning is placed on the student, at least for "MPs" (Machine problems, aka projects). For example, in the OS class I read Understand The Linux Kernel, Volume 3A of Intels System Programming Guide, and a various (many paged) online resources. Hundreds of hours worth of material.
Although they offer web dev classes, that is not really what I am interested in, so I wouldn't be able to help you in that regard. I would recommend though picking up "Python For Kids" by Brigg (no joke) and just going through all the examples, also good is "The C Programming Language".